3.10 Examinations Abroad and Alternative Arrangements
1. This section provides guidance on the circumstances under which students may be permitted to sit examinations away from Aberystwyth, at an overseas institution.
2. In the case of students who are resitting as external candidates, or have resit examinations in August, requests to sit examinations abroad should be submitted to the Academic Registry (Student Administration).
3. In cases where alternative arrangements may be required due to the timing of Erasmus or Exchange programmes, students should consult the guidance in paragraphs 4-6 below.
Incoming and outgoing exchange students
4. All incoming exchange students are expected to remain at Aberystwyth to be examined in January. Students going out on Exchange in Semester Two are expected to sit Semester One examinations at Aberystwyth before travelling to the partner institution. It is acknowledged however that in exceptional circumstances, the requirements of an exchange placement may place conflicting requirements on students, for example where they are required to attend induction sessions. Students must inform their Department/Faculty of such circumstances by the end of the second week in November.
5. Where it is not possible for an incoming or outgoing exchange student to attend Semester One examinations at Aberystwyth, Associate Deans (or their nominees) may approve alternative methods of assessment. These must be considered in the following order of priority, depending on their practicality and ensuring that all module Learning Outcomes have been met:
(i) The student to sit the examination at the partner institution at the same time as the Aberystwyth examination (whether incoming or outgoing exchange). Arrangements for this examination will be made by the Department/Faculty.
(ii) If time difference prevents the student from being able to sit the examination at the partner institution, arrangements should be made for the student to sit an examination at Aberystwyth at an earlier date, with arrangements to be made by the Department/Faculty.
(iii) An alternative assessment to be set. This could be a coursework assignment, a take away examination, or another form of assessment which meets the module Learning Outcomes. Arrangements for this will be made by the Department/Faculty.
(iv) If none of these options are possible, students will be required to resit the module in August, which would be for the full mark (‘H’ indicator). The Department/Faculty should ensure that a clear recommendation is recorded in the examination board minutes. The final decision will be taken by Senate Examination Board.
6. Resits for modules undertaken as part of an Erasmus or Exchange programme will be arranged directly by the student’s home department and not by the Academic Registry (Student Administration).
Examination abroad for external candidates and students resitting in August
7. A student who is resitting as an external candidate, or has resit examinations in August, may be permitted to sit these examinations away from the University at an approved overseas institution. Approval may be given to such requests provided that satisfactory arrangements can be made for the examination by the Academic Registry (Student Administration). Students who take holidays abroad or vacation work elsewhere will not be eligible.
8. Examinations being taken outside Aberystwyth must be taken at the same time as, or overlap with, the examination being held at Aberystwyth. If the time difference prevents this, students should make arrangements to return to Aberystwyth. For information, Aberystwyth University morning examinations commence at 9.30 am (UK time) and afternoon examinations at 2.00 pm (UK time).
9. The examination must be arranged at a suitable examination venue, namely British Council offices. In exceptional circumstances, where the British Council cannot host an examination, students may nominate an alternative location such as a university. If a suitable examination venue cannot be located, students are advised to make arrangements to return to Aberystwyth. Students are advised to consult information on British Council university examination venues at http://www.britishcouncil.org/exam (with a drop down list entitled ‘Where can I sit an exam’ to select the country of choice).
10. Students wishing to sit examinations outside Aberystwyth University should complete and submit the on-line ‘Request Form to Resit an Examination Overseas’by the deadlines noted below. Requests to sit examinations outside Aberystwyth University will not be considered if submitted after this deadline. Students should also formally register for resits via their Student Record (https://studentrecord.aber.ac.uk/en/). Please see http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/student/ug-issues/ for further information.
11.The Academic Registry will forward requests to the relevant Institution and Department for preliminary approval, but final approval will rest with the Academic Registry. While the University will do its utmost to accommodate requests, students will be required to return to Aberystwyth if it is not possible to make satisfactory arrangements.
12. The Academic Registry (Student Administration) can only make suitable arrangements for written examinations. Any other forms of assessment, such as practical or on-line examinations, will need to be taken at Aberystwyth University. Students should check with their Department/Faculty which assessments they are required to complete for each module before completing the Request Form.
13. A separate request is required for each examination period, and Academic Registry (Student Administration) will not make arrangements on the basis of previous applications.
14. Students should list any current individual examination requirements so that these can be discussed with the external venue, for example additional time or use of a computer. The University can make no guarantees that examination venues abroad will be able to offer these.
15. There is a financial charge for this service which students will be responsible for paying (see below for further information).
16. The Academic Registry (Student Administration) will be responsible for advising students whether their request has been successful. Students should check emails regularly for information from the University or British Council and respond immediately if information is requested. Delays could result in arrangements being cancelled and students being required to return to Aberystwyth for the examinations.
17. While the University will endeavour to offer our support and advice where possible, it has no control or responsibility for any external examination venues, and cannot be held responsible if expected arrangements are changed or cancelled at the chosen venue.
18. Aberystwyth University cannot be responsible for unforeseen circumstances resulting in the rescheduling of examinations at Aberystwyth, which could prevent rescheduling resits abroad.
19. In these circumstances, students would need to return to Aberystwyth to resit the examinations. In exceptional cases, where changes in arrangements occur at very short notice, making it impossible for students to return to Aberystwyth in good time, the University may be in a position to consider alternative arrangements.
Completion of Request Form
Making a Request
20. Students are advised to adhere to the following deadlines:
Examination Period dates: (https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/about-us/dates-of-term/) |
Deadline for Request Form |
For Semester One Examinations: |
End of the first week in November |
For Semester Two Examinations: |
End of the first week in March |
For August Resit Examinations: |
End of the second week in July |
Students resitting as external candidates and students resitting in August must complete the on-line Request Form fully to prevent any delay created by the need to seek further information.
All incoming/outgoing exchange students must submit requests by contacting their Academic Department / Faculty directly (see points 4-6 for guidance).
Please note that these deadlines apply to all. Any requests or applications received after these deadlines will not be considered.
Information about Fees
21. Students permitted to sit their resit examination outside Aberystwyth University will be required to pay an administrative fee which is in addition to the module resit fee.
Fee for 1-2 resit examinations - £140
Fee for 3-4 resit examinations - £200
Fee for more than 4 resit examinations - £250
Students will be contacted by the University Finance Office nearer the time of the resit examinations and will be informed of how to make this payment. Students will also be liable for any costs incurred by the overseas examination centre. These fees will cover such things as: registration fees; a ‘no show’ fee for failing to attend the examination; storage of examination papers; invigilation costs; off-site exam hall hire; photocopying and postage of paperwork.
22. Aberystwyth University will charge a cancellation fee if students cancel the arrangements less than 2 weeks before the start of the examination period or fail to attend the examinations as outlined below. Students must inform the University if they decide to cancel the resit, so that the overseas examination centre can be informed. In addition to e-mailing ugfstaff@aber.ac.uk to cancel the resit against your student record, students must also e-mail ugfstaff@aber.ac.uk to advise that arrangements at the overseas examination centre can also be cancelled.
23. Cancelling arrangements less than 10 working days before the start of the examination period
Cancelling arrangements less than 10 working days before the start of the exam period |
Cancellation Fee of £60 |
Cancelling arrangements during the exam period or failing to attend the exam |
Cancellation fee of £120 |