3.3 Submission of Coursework
1. Deadlines for written work are taken very seriously by the University. Students need to manage their time responsibly so that they can submit work on time.
2. Coursework must be submitted to the Department according to individual departmental requirements and published deadlines. Work submitted after the deadline will be awarded a zero.
3. Students must apply for an extension if for unavoidable reasons they are unable to submit coursework on time, by completing the Coursework Deadline Extension Request Form. The request form is available from Departments and provides detailed advice on the circumstances in which extensions may be granted, the length of extensions, and what to do if an extension is not possible or permitted.
4. Unless otherwise advised, all text-based, word-processed coursework should be submitted online. This applies to the submission of coursework at undergraduate and postgraduate taught level (including dissertations).
5. The University E-Submission Policy can be found at: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/academic/e-submission/