Meetings of the Disciplinary Panel

46. The Chair will present an outline of the case against the student, referring to the evidence which has been submitted for consideration. Panel members may ask questions of the student.

47. The responding student will have the right to hear all the evidence relating to the case before responding to the allegation, and to make a response in person to the Panel. Additional documentary evidence including evidence of special circumstances may not be presented to the panel on the day of the meeting without the express permission of the Chair.

48. When the presentation of the evidence and the student’s response are completed, all persons, other than members of the Panel, and the secretary if present, will withdraw.

49. If the panel is satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that the allegation of has been substantiated, panel minutes will be submitted to the Academic Registry. The Academic Registry will check that procedures have been correctly followed, and will inform the student of the outcome, the penalty which will be applied, and also of the right to request a review.

50. If the panel is satisfied that there is no breach of discipline, a written report will be submitted to the Academic Registry. The Academic Registry will check that procedures have been correctly followed before informing the student of the outcome, and that no further action will be taken.

51. Whether or not the finding of the panel is that the case has been substantiated, the student may be informed orally of the outcome; but there will be no discussion of the decision with the student.