Disciplinary Panel

39. The University shall establish a Standing Panel of twelve members to investigate suspected breaches of discipline. Each Faculty shall nominate four members of academic staff to serve on the Standing Panel. Student members shall be nominated by the Students’ Union.

40. The University Panel shall consist of 3 members selected from the Standing Panel, one of whom shall be designated as the Chair, and including 1 student member. No member of any University Panel shall be drawn from the student’s department(s).

41. Responding students will be informed of the date, place and time of Disciplinary Panel meetings, and invited to attend.

42. Documentary evidence shall be provided to students at least 5 days before the date of the meeting and also circulated to Panel members. Any further evidence made available on the date of the meeting may be presented to the Panel, but only with the express permission of the Chair.

43. Students may be represented by an advisor from the Students’ Union. Representation by other persons will be at the discretion of the Chair, and any requests for such representation should be made in writing to the Chair in advance of the panel meeting. Legal representation at the meeting will not normally be permitted.

44. Where a student, without good reason, fails to attend a panel meeting, the meeting may proceed in their absence.