13.1 Introduction

1. If a student remains dissatisfied with the decision of a formal outcome, they can request a Final Review in accordance with the Final Review Procedure. Students can request a Final Review against decisions made under the following Aberystwyth University procedures:

(i) Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Academic Appeals Procedure 

(ii) Academic Regulation on Academic Progress (exclusions on academic grounds) 

(iii) Unacceptable Academic Practice

(iv) Disciplinary Procedure

(v) Student Complaints Procedure 

(vi) Fitness to Practise

(vii) Support to Study

2. Students will be directed to this Final Review Procedure upon receipt of the formal outcome in writing and will have 10 working days from the date of this formal outcome in which to submit a Final Review. Late Final Review applications will not normally be considered unless independent, corroborative evidence is submitted clearly explaining why the student was prevented from submitting the Final Review by the deadline.

3. It is normally expected that Final Review applications will be submitted by the student, but the student may wish to appoint a representative to submit the application on their behalf. The student would normally be expected to provide written consent, by letter or via their University e-mail account, to authorise someone to act on their behalf (there would have to be a good, valid reason for this not to be possible).

4. Students will not suffer any disadvantage or recrimination as the result of making a Final Review in good faith. Only if a Final Review is judged to have been made frivolously (i.e. with no serious purpose or value), vexatiously (i.e. they are distressing or annoying) or with malice (i.e. the desire to inflict harm or suffering), could disciplinary issues arise in relation to the student. (See Aberystwyth University Disciplinary Procedures).

5. Advice about this Procedure may be obtained from the Academic Registry (caostaff@aber.ac.uk) or from a Student Adviser in the Students’ Union (union.advice@aber.ac.uk).