Mrs Jennifer Morgan

Academic Registry Officer - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: LF1, (D Floor), Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622728
Additional Information
Jen provides full administrative support to the Department of Law & Criminology, dealing with undergraduate and postgraduate issues, including assessments, timetabling, special circumstances, attendance monitoring. Jen is the departmental Tier 4 Compliance Contact. Jen also helps with the preparation for the Visiting/Open Days and is the Admin. Rep of the Departmental SSCC.
Blackboard Dept Admin
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LA30720 - Business Law
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC30720 - European Law
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC26920 - International Law
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- LC36920 - International Law
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- LC21120 - Tort
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LA13410 - Legal System
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC20720 - European Law
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- LC27220 - Company Law
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- LC30820 - Victimology
- LC20820 - Victimology
Attendance Dept Admin
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LA13410 - Legal System
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC20720 - European Law
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- LC26920 - International Law
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- LC36920 - International Law
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- LC21120 - Tort
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LA30720 - Business Law
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC30720 - European Law
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC27220 - Company Law
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- LC20820 - Victimology
- LC30820 - Victimology