Dr Dominika Komaniecka

Academic Registry Officer - Faculty of Earth & Life Sciences
Contact Details
- Email: ddk@aber.ac.uk
- Office: Edward Llwyd Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622249
Organised and adaptable administrator with many years’ experience working in various academic departments across the University. As the Academic Registry Officer within Faculty of Earth Life Science, Dominika is based in the Department of Life Sciences supporting students, staff and external visitors.
Attendance Dept Admin
- VS20120 - Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth (blwyddyn 2)
- VS20220 - Y Systemau Cardiofasgwlaidd, Anadlol, Ymsymudiad a Chroen (blwyddyn 2)
- VE10120 - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
- SS32620 - Sport & Exercise Nutrition
- RG23420 - Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- RD27520 - Research Methods
- RG10510 - Y Diwydiant Amaethyddol - Sgiliau Cynllun-Benodol
- RG18040 - Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
- RD18040 - Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
- RD18420 - Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
- RD20220 - Equine event management and Advanced horsemastership
- RD22420 - Applied Nutrition of Horses
- RD22520 - Business Budgeting and Appraisal
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- BRM4820 - Field and Laboratory Techniques
- BRM5320 - Equine Nutrition
- BRM6160 - MRes Dissertation (B)
- BR37220 - Advances in Crop and Grassland Production
- BR37420 - Technological advances in sport, exercise and health
- BR36320 - Critical Review
- BR34520 - Wildlife Conservation
- BR27420 - Sport & Exercise Physiology
- BR27520 - Research Methods
- BR26620 - Proteins and Enzymes
- BR25220 - Animal Breeding: Genetics and Reproduction
- BR16020 - Research designs to assess and monitor clients
- BR01440 - Organisms and the Environment
- BG19920 - Amrywiaeth Microbau a Phlanhigion
- BG21720 - Pynciau llosg yn y Biowyddorau
- BDM9560 - Dissertation - Agrifood Innovation
- BDM3220 - Nuffield Project Data Analysis and Presentation
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- BDM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BDM1120 - Sustainable Supply Systems
- BDM1220 - Waste Resource Management
- VE22340 - Form and Function (Year 2)
- VS10430 - Hwsmonaeth Anifeiliaid
- VS10520 - Systemau ymborthol, endocrinaidd a throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 1)
- VE20340 - Principles of Science (year 2)
- RG27620 - Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
- RD27620 - Agronomy and Crop Improvement
- RD27720 - Research Methods
- RD27120 - Veterinary Health
- RD17220 - Skills for Equine Scientists in Equine Exercise Physiology
- PGM2410 - Research Seminar Skills in the Life Sciences
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- BRM5420 - Livestock Production Science
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR25520 - An Introduction to Landscape Ecology and Geographic Information Systems
- BR26020 - Environmental Microbiology and Monitoring
- BR25320 - Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion
- BR25420 - Invertebrate Zoology
- BR19320 - Ecology and Conservation
- BR20720 - Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals
- BR16420 - Human Anatomy and Kinesiology
- BR18420 - Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
- BG18040 - Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
- BG17220 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Biowyddonwyr Anifeiliaid, Ceffylau a Milfeddygol mewn Ffisioleg Ymarfer Corff Ceffy
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BDM5820 - Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture
- BDM0060 - MRes Dissertation DL (A)
- VE21520 - Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health
- VS11350 - Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 1)
- VS20430 - Systemau Ymborth, Endocrin a Throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 2)
- RD18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- EAM2920 - Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS
- BRM6220 - Understanding Equine Action: from Anatomy to Behaviour
- BR37720 - Freshwater Biology Field Course
- BR35120 - Behaviour and Welfare of Domesticated Animals
- BR35620 - Environmental Regulation and Consultancy
- BR30820 - Livestock Production Science
- BR30920 - Applied Sports Nutrition
- BR31620 - Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management
- BR25720 - Applied and Integrated Studies
- BR27020 - Physical Activity for Health
- BR21720 - Evolution and Molecular Systematics
- BR17220 - Skills for Animal, Equine and Veterinary Bioscientists in Equine Exercise Physiology
- BR15720 - Skills for Wildlife Scientists
- BG26020 - Monitro a Microbioleg Amgylcheddol
- BDM6920 - Horticultural Science
- BDM9960 - Dissertation - Sustainable and Efficient Food Production
- BDM1840 - Nuffield Scholarship Project (Post-Completion)
- BDM5420 - Livestock Production Science
- BBM8720 - Prosesu Cig
- VE11350 - Form and Function (Year 1)
- VE10430 - Animal Husbandry
- RG18420 - Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
- RG20920 - Maeth Cymhwysol Da Byw
- RD27320 - Equine Industry and Study Tour
- RD17020 - Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- BRM7720 - Ecological Management and Conservation Biology
- BRS0060 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BR34920 - Animal Behaviour Field Course
- BR35820 - Frontiers in Plant Science
- BR36120 - Molecular Pharmacology
- BR33920 - Population and Community Ecology
- BR27620 - Agronomy and Crop Improvement
- BR24720 - Practical and Professional Skills in Microbiology
- BR21120 - Climate Change: Plants, Animals and Ecosystems
- BR21220 - Applying evidence based interventions
- BR16120 - Psychology of physical activity and health.
- BR16720 - Comparative Animal Physiology
- BR18040 - Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
- BR01340 - Molecules and Cells
- BR14410 - Exploring Genetics
- BR15520 - Equine Industry and Study Tour
- BG27520 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- BG19320 - Ecoleg a Chadwraeth
- BDM8720 - Meat Processing
- BDM1740 - Nuffield Scholarship Project (New Awards)
- BBM1120 - Systemau Cyflenwi Cynaliadwy
- VS20340 - Egwyddorion Gwyddoniaeth (blwyddyn 2)
- RG10810 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- RG27520 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- RD20320 - Equitation
- RD10640 - Horsemastership
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- BRS0160 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BRM5120 - Grassland Science
- BRM5820 - Animal Breeding and Genetics
- BR36440 - Research Project
- BR36620 - Terrestrial Ecology Fieldcourse
- BR36820 - Veterinary Pharmacology and Disease Control
- BR32020 - Injury and Rehabilitation
- BR33720 - Microbial Pathogenesis
- BR34120 - Veterinary Infectious Diseases
- BR26420 - Motor Learning and Performance
- BR26520 - One Health Microbiology
- BR26820 - Vertebrate Zoology
- BR26320 - Improving Physical Activity and Sport Performance
- BR22520 - Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- BR22920 - Practical Skills for Biochemists
- BR16820 - Skills for Biologists
- BR16920 - Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology
- BR17020 - Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
- BR17120 - Genetics, Evolution and Diversity
- BR17520 - Cell Biology
- BG39920 - Datblygiadau mewn Amaethyddiaeth
- BG17020 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw
- BG18820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- BG24720 - Sgiliau Ymarferol a Proffesiynol ym Microbioleg
- BG15720 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Gwyddonwyr Bywyd Gwyllt
- BDM5920 - Livestock Health and Welfare
- BDM8420 - Plant Breeding
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- VE20120 - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine (year 2)
- VS10220 - Systemau Gardiofasgwlar, Resbiradol, Ymsymudol a Chroen (blwyddyn 1)
- RG18820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
- RD11420 - Business, Economics and Land Use
- RD11720 - Equine Business
- RD20120 - Equine Grassland and Business Management
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- NY10960 - Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- BRM6060 - MRes Dissertation (A)
- BRM2860 - MBiol Research Project
- BRM3560 - Dissertation
- BRM5220 - Equine Reproductive Physiology and Breeding Technology
- BR39920 - Advances in Agriculture
- BRM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BR35520 - Biotechnology
- BR32520 - Equine Stud Management
- BR33420 - Global Biodiversity Conservation
- BR34420 - Training and Performance Enhancement
- BR27120 - Veterinary Health
- BR25920 - Cell and Cancer Biology
- BR21020 - Farm Business Management and Appraisal
- BR23520 - Controlled Environment Crop Production and Horticulture
- BR17420 - Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication
- BR19920 - Microbial and Plant Diversity
- BR10420 - Business, Economics and Land Use
- BR12510 - Biological Thought and Discovery
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
- BG27620 - Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
- BG30820 - Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- BDM8320 - Business Management for Rural Entrepreneurs
- BDM9760 - Dissertation - Bioinnovation
- BDM5120 - Grassland Systems
- BBM1920 - Nwyddau Cyhoeddus
- BDM0120 - Research Methods
- BBM1220 - Rheoli Deunydd Gwastraff
- RG17020 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor da Byw
- RD11320 - Breeding and Stud Management
- RD16620 - Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology
- RD20820 - Visitor Management
- RD20920 - Applied Livestock Nutrition
- PGM2810 - Skills in Bioinformatics for Biologists
- BR38320 - Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion
- BRM0020 - Fundamentals of Biodiversity
- BRM0920 - Hot Topics in Parasite Control
- BR36020 - Molecular Biology of Development
- BR34720 - Marketing and Small Business Management
- BR33820 - Parasitology
- BR22220 - Immunology
- BR23820 - Tropical Zoology Field Course
- BR25820 - Aquatic Botany
- BR18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- BR21620 - Animal Behaviour
- BR01520 - Communication Skills
- BR14310 - Evolution and the Diversity of Life
- BR15420 - Disease Diagnosis and Control
- BG36320 - Adolygiad critigol
- BG36620 - Cwrs Maes Ecoleg Ddaearol
- BDM3120 - Nuffield Project Design
- VS22340 - Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 2)
- VS10120 - Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth
- VE10320 - Principles of Science
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- BRM6520 - Introduction to Environmental Law and Environmental Impact Assessment
- BRM1620 - Infection and Immunity
- BR37120 - Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
- BR37620 - Consultancy work
- BRM0120 - Ecological Monitoring
- BR35320 - Behavioural Neurobiology
- BR35720 - Equine Nutrition and Pasture Management
- BR33220 - Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture
- BR30020 - Marine Biology Field Course
- BR30420 - Sustainable Land Management
- BR26720 - Sports Injury
- BR20620 - Applied Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
- BR21820 - Chromosome Dynamics
- BR22620 - Marine Biology
- BR16620 - Climate and Climate Change
- BR17320 - Biological chemistry
- BR13210 - The Biosphere
- BG36440 - Traethawd Estynedig
- BG18420 - Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
- BG16820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Biolegwyr
- BG17520 - Bioleg Celloedd
- BDM3320 - Nuffield Scholarship Project Extended Report
- BDM3560 - Dissertation
- BBM1320 - Dyfodol Pecynnu
- BDM0260 - MRes Dissertation DL (B)
- BDM2520 - Food Innovation
- BR01220 - Practical Skills for Biologists
- DAS0260 - Lleoliad Gwaith
- DAS0360 - Lleoliad Gwaith
- EAM3060 - Research Dissertation in Geographical Information Systems/Remote Sensing
- GS00420 - Environmental Management
- GS01120 - Information in a Post-Truth World
- GS09620 - The "Othered" Migrant: Social Science Perspectives
- GS09920 - Introduction to Humanities
- GS21120 - Physical Geography and Environmental Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS22620 - Geoscience for a Sustainable World
- GS22920 - Placing Culture
- GS34220 - Geography Joint Honours/Major Project
- GS35140 - Environmental Earth Science Dissertation
- PS11420 - Introduction to core topics in Social and Individual Behaviour
- PS20720 - Health Psychology
- PS21020 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- PS34320 - Developmental Psychology
- SC11320 - Cyflwyniad i ddulliau ymchwil mewn seicoleg
- SC20620 - Seicoleg mewn gweithred
- SC20720 - Seicoleg Iechyd
- DA10020 - Byw mewn Byd Peryglus
- DA11520 - Sut i Greu Planed
- DA23020 - Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth
- DA31240 - Traethawd Estynedig Cymdeithaseg
- GS09520 - How to be a Student 1
- GS10220 - Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
- GS10720 - Life on Earth
- GS13020 - Researching the World: data collection and analysis
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
- GS17120 - Introducing Sociological Research
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS20410 - Concepts for Geographers
- GS21910 - Reconstructing Past Environments
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- GS30320 - Environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry
- GS30420 - Volcanic Activity: Hazards and Environmental Change
- GS36820 - The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives
- PGM4120 - Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)
- PS20220 - Social Psychology
- PS32220 - The psychology of Ageing: older adults
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS33340 - Forensic Psychology Dissertation
- PSM0660 - Psychology PGT Dissertation (Behaviour Change)
- SC33240 - Prosiect Ymchwil Cwnsella
- DA34040 - Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
- EAM1120 - Advanced Research Skills 1: science communication and data analysis
- GS11520 - How to Build a Planet
- GS12520 - An introduction to Earth Materials
- GS21010 - Chemical Analysis of Natural Materials
- GS22010 - Physical Analysis of Natural Materials
- GS23710 - Geographical Information Systems
- GS32020 - Monitoring our Planet's Health from Space
- PS11320 - Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
- PSM0320 - The Psychology of Behaviour Change
- DA10320 - Ymchwilio'r Byd: Casglu a Dadansoddi Data
- DA31720 - Rheoli'r Amgylchedd Gymreig
- EAM3820 - Applied Geospatial Skills in Industry
- EAM5520 - Machine Learning for Geospatial Applications
- GGM0020 - Key Concepts and Debates in Study of Society and Space
- GS09820 - Representing the Other: Cultures and Clashes
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS31240 - Sociology Dissertation
- GS32430 - Arctic Marine Geology (UNIS)
- PGM4310 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
- PS11610 - Designing Psychological Research Projects
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PS31720 - 21st Century Self: Critical and Constructionist Approaches to Contemporary Personhood
- PS31820 - Child Language: Development and Assessment
- PS31920 - The Psychology of Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
- PSS0360 - Work Placement
- SC21310 - Dulliau Ymchwil Meintiol
- SC34120 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer cyd-anrhydedd
- DA22510 - Geomorffoleg Afonol
- DA34220 - Prosiect Daearyddiaeth Anrhydedd Cyfun/Prif Bwnc
- DA35240 - Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor yr Amgylchedd
- GS15120 - Thinking Sociologically
- GS22720 - Fundamentals of Geochemistry
- GS28910 - Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
- GS31120 - Applied Environmental Management
- GS33320 - Everyday Social Worlds
- GS33420 - Glaciers and Ice Sheets
- GS35320 - Advanced Fieldwork Skills
- PGM4710 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- PGM4940 - Work Based Research in Professional Contexts
- PS11520 - Applications of Psychology
- PS11820 - Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology
- PS20420 - The Psychology of Language
- PS30620 - Psychology in Practice
- PS30820 - Drugs and Behaviour
- PS33240 - Counselling Research Project
- DA10520 - Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol
- DA25420 - Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
- DA32220 - Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas
- GS00820 - Understanding Change - Environment, People, Places
- GS10020 - Living in a Dangerous World
- GS16120 - Key Concepts in Sociology
- GS23810 - Quantitative Data Analysis
- GS30020 - The psychosocial century
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GS36220 - Landscape, Culture and Society in 20th Century Britain
- GS37520 - Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- PS21310 - Quantitative Research Methods
- PS32120 - Behavioural Neuroscience
- PSM0120 - Implementation Science
- PSS0260 - Work Placement
- DA20820 - Astudio Cymru Gyfoes
- DA35140 - Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor Daear yr Amgylchedd
- EAM4020 - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS
- GGM0320 - Theory in Society and Space
- GS09320 - How to be a Student 2
- GS11320 - Fieldwork Skills
- GS20220 - Genders and Sexualities
- GS25020 - Sociological Theory
- GS25210 - Catchment Systems
- GS31030 - Pollution in the Arctic (UNIS)
- GS32120 - Sedimentary Environments
- GS32330 - The Quaternary History of Svalbard (UNIS)
- GSS0260 - Work Placement
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- PS10220 - Introduction to Forensic Psychology
- PS20620 - Psychology in Practice
- PS31520 - Psychology Critical Review
- PS35120 - Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace
- SC33140 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer anrhydedd sengl
- DA20510 - Ymchwilio i bobl a lle
- EAM4660 - Dissertation in Environmental Change Impacts and Adaptation
- GGM4040 - Geography Integrated Master's Project
- GS09720 - Introduction to Social Science
- GS10520 - Earth Surface Environments
- GS20510 - Social Research Methods
- GS21420 - Environmental Earth Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS23510 - The Frozen Planet
- GS32230 - Arctic Hydrology and Climate Change (UNIS)
- GS35240 - Environmental Science Dissertation
- GS37920 - Memory Cultures: heritage, identity and power
- GSS0360 - Work Placement
- PGM1010 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis (for social scientists)
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- PS11220 - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
- PS21220 - Forensic Psychology
- PS21720 - Issues in Clinical Psychology
- PS21820 - Cognitive Psychology
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS32620 - Psychology of Humour
- PSM0520 - Transdisciplinary Dialogue
- BR29020 - Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment
- RD28020 - Livestock Production and Management
- RD29020 - Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment
- RG28020 - Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw
- RG29020 - Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd
- BG28020 - Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw
- BR27320 - Researching Behavioural Ecology
- BG29020 - Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd
- BR28020 - Livestock Production and Management
- SC30620 - Seicoleg mewn gweithred
- GS20620 - Cementing Sociological Research
- GS21220 - Sociological Research in the 'Field'
- VN20820 - Nursing of Large Animals
- VN10820 - Preparing for Placement
- VN11120 - Professional Practice
- VN21120 - Surgical nursing
- VN11020 - Principles of Veterinary Nursing
- VN20720 - Nursing of Exotics
- VN10720 - Animal Health and Management
- VN10920 - Principles of Diagnostic Techniques
- VN10020 - Anatomy and Physiology
- VN20920 - OneHealth for Veterinary Nurses
- VN20020 - Applied Veterinary Nursing
- VN20620 - Medical Nursing and Critical Care
- EAM0020 - Living Earth: Environmental Monitoring
- VN21020 - Principles of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia
- PS20310 - Qualitative Research Methods
- VE11460 - Veterinary Science (Year 1)
- BR22020 - Freshwater Biology
- VS11460 - Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)
- VN21220 - Industry Placement
- GGM2860 - MA Dissertation
- BR28520 - Research Methods
- EAM4420 - Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
- BDM2215 - Conservation Horticulture
- BDM2015 - Introduction to Sustainability and Adaptation
- BDM1015 - Food Production and Consumption
- BDM2115 - Ecological Assessment
- VS11560 - Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)
- VE11560 - Veterinary Science (Year 1)
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
- BDM2320 - Soil Science
- BDM2420 - Programming for Agritechnology - an Introduction
- BG29620 - Arolygu Bywyd Gwyllt
- BRM0220 - Frontiers in the Biosciences
- BR29620 - Wildlife Surveying
Blackboard Dept Admin
- VE20120 - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine (year 2)
- RD18420 - Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
- RD20120 - Equine Grassland and Business Management
- RD22420 - Applied Nutrition of Horses
- RD11320 - Breeding and Stud Management
- RD16620 - Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology
- PGM2810 - Skills in Bioinformatics for Biologists
- BRM7720 - Ecological Management and Conservation Biology
- BRS0160 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BRM6220 - Understanding Equine Action: from Anatomy to Behaviour
- BR37220 - Advances in Crop and Grassland Production
- BR37420 - Technological advances in sport, exercise and health
- BRM0120 - Ecological Monitoring
- BR35320 - Behavioural Neurobiology
- BR35620 - Environmental Regulation and Consultancy
- BR35720 - Equine Nutrition and Pasture Management
- BR27520 - Research Methods
- BR25920 - Cell and Cancer Biology
- BR26320 - Improving Physical Activity and Sport Performance
- BR22520 - Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- BR25220 - Animal Breeding: Genetics and Reproduction
- BR21620 - Animal Behaviour
- BR16720 - Comparative Animal Physiology
- BR16920 - Domestic Animal Anatomy and Physiology
- BR01440 - Organisms and the Environment
- BR01520 - Communication Skills
- BR14310 - Evolution and the Diversity of Life
- BR14410 - Exploring Genetics
- BG20720 - Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
- BG21720 - Pynciau llosg yn y Biowyddorau
- BG18820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
- BDM8320 - Business Management for Rural Entrepreneurs
- BDM3320 - Nuffield Scholarship Project Extended Report
- BDM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BDM1220 - Waste Resource Management
- BBM1220 - Rheoli Deunydd Gwastraff
- RG23420 - Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- RG27520 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- RD27720 - Research Methods
- RD20920 - Applied Livestock Nutrition
- RD27320 - Equine Industry and Study Tour
- RD10640 - Horsemastership
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- BRM6520 - Introduction to Environmental Law and Environmental Impact Assessment
- BRM3560 - Dissertation
- BR36820 - Veterinary Pharmacology and Disease Control
- BR38320 - Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion
- BRM0020 - Fundamentals of Biodiversity
- BR35820 - Frontiers in Plant Science
- BR36020 - Molecular Biology of Development
- BR33420 - Global Biodiversity Conservation
- BR34720 - Marketing and Small Business Management
- BR27620 - Agronomy and Crop Improvement
- BR30920 - Applied Sports Nutrition
- BR32520 - Equine Stud Management
- BR26420 - Motor Learning and Performance
- BR26620 - Proteins and Enzymes
- BR26820 - Vertebrate Zoology
- BR22620 - Marine Biology
- BR23820 - Tropical Zoology Field Course
- BR21020 - Farm Business Management and Appraisal
- BR21120 - Climate Change: Plants, Animals and Ecosystems
- BR21720 - Evolution and Molecular Systematics
- BR16420 - Human Anatomy and Kinesiology
- BR12510 - Biological Thought and Discovery
- BR15420 - Disease Diagnosis and Control
- BG19920 - Amrywiaeth Microbau a Phlanhigion
- BDM9560 - Dissertation - Agrifood Innovation
- BDM0060 - MRes Dissertation DL (A)
- BDM3220 - Nuffield Project Data Analysis and Presentation
- VS20430 - Systemau Ymborth, Endocrin a Throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 2)
- VE10320 - Principles of Science
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- BRM5820 - Animal Breeding and Genetics
- BR39920 - Advances in Agriculture
- BR34920 - Animal Behaviour Field Course
- BR25820 - Aquatic Botany
- BR17520 - Cell Biology
- BR19920 - Microbial and Plant Diversity
- BR20720 - Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals
- BR16020 - Research designs to assess and monitor clients
- BG36620 - Cwrs Maes Ecoleg Ddaearol
- BR01340 - Molecules and Cells
- BR10420 - Business, Economics and Land Use
- BG27520 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- BG17020 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw
- BG17220 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Biowyddonwyr Anifeiliaid, Ceffylau a Milfeddygol mewn Ffisioleg Ymarfer Corff Ceffy
- BDM5120 - Grassland Systems
- BDM5820 - Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture
- BBM6420 - Manwl Fagu Da Byw
- BDM1740 - Nuffield Scholarship Project (New Awards)
- VE22340 - Form and Function (Year 2)
- VS10430 - Hwsmonaeth Anifeiliaid
- RG18420 - Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
- RG18820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
- RD17020 - Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
- RD18040 - Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
- RD20320 - Equitation
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- BRM6160 - MRes Dissertation (B)
- BRM5120 - Grassland Science
- BR36920 - Exercise Management in Health and Chronic Disease
- BRM1620 - Infection and Immunity
- BR31620 - Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management
- BR26020 - Environmental Microbiology and Monitoring
- BR26720 - Sports Injury
- BR16120 - Psychology of physical activity and health.
- BR17020 - Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
- BR15520 - Equine Industry and Study Tour
- BR15720 - Skills for Wildlife Scientists
- BG39920 - Datblygiadau mewn Amaethyddiaeth
- BG15720 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Gwyddonwyr Bywyd Gwyllt
- BG16820 - Sgiliau ar gyfer Biolegwyr
- BG18420 - Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
- BDM8720 - Meat Processing
- BDM9760 - Dissertation - Bioinnovation
- BBM1120 - Systemau Cyflenwi Cynaliadwy
- VE10430 - Animal Husbandry
- VE11350 - Form and Function (Year 1)
- VE10120 - Principles of Veterinary Practice & Evidence Based Medicine
- RG10510 - Y Diwydiant Amaethyddol - Sgiliau Cynllun-Benodol
- RG27620 - Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
- RD20820 - Visitor Management
- RD22520 - Business Budgeting and Appraisal
- RD27520 - Research Methods
- BRM6060 - MRes Dissertation (A)
- BR36320 - Critical Review
- BR37320 - Solving societal issues using applied and integrated approaches
- BR34520 - Wildlife Conservation
- BR35120 - Behaviour and Welfare of Domesticated Animals
- BR25320 - Human, Equine and Canine Exercise Physiology and Locomotion
- BR21820 - Chromosome Dynamics
- BR17120 - Genetics, Evolution and Diversity
- BR17320 - Biological chemistry
- BR19320 - Ecology and Conservation
- BG27620 - Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
- BDM9960 - Dissertation - Sustainable and Efficient Food Production
- BBM8820 - Newid Ymddygiad
- BDM1840 - Nuffield Scholarship Project (Post-Completion)
- BBM8720 - Prosesu Cig
- VS20340 - Egwyddorion Gwyddoniaeth (blwyddyn 2)
- VE20340 - Principles of Science (year 2)
- VS10220 - Systemau Gardiofasgwlar, Resbiradol, Ymsymudol a Chroen (blwyddyn 1)
- VS10520 - Systemau ymborthol, endocrinaidd a throethgenhedlol (blwyddyn 1)
- RG18040 - Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
- RG20920 - Maeth Cymhwysol Da Byw
- RD20220 - Equine event management and Advanced horsemastership
- RD27120 - Veterinary Health
- RD11720 - Equine Business
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- BRM5220 - Equine Reproductive Physiology and Breeding Technology
- BR37620 - Consultancy work
- BR33720 - Microbial Pathogenesis
- BR27120 - Veterinary Health
- BR30020 - Marine Biology Field Course
- BR25720 - Applied and Integrated Studies
- BR21220 - Applying evidence based interventions
- BR17420 - Skills in Nutrition, and Science Communication
- BR18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- BR16320 - Human Physiological Systems
- BR16820 - Skills for Biologists
- BG36440 - Traethawd Estynedig
- BG24720 - Sgiliau Ymarferol a Proffesiynol ym Microbioleg
- BDM6920 - Horticultural Science
- BDM3560 - Dissertation
- BDM5420 - Livestock Production Science
- BDM5920 - Livestock Health and Welfare
- BDM0260 - MRes Dissertation DL (B)
- VS20120 - Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth (blwyddyn 2)
- VS20220 - Y Systemau Cardiofasgwlaidd, Anadlol, Ymsymudiad a Chroen (blwyddyn 2)
- VS22340 - Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 2)
- VE21520 - Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health
- VS10120 - Astudiaethau Proffesiynol a Meddygaeth ar Sail Tystiolaeth
- RD27620 - Agronomy and Crop Improvement
- RD17220 - Skills for Equine Scientists in Equine Exercise Physiology
- PGM2410 - Research Seminar Skills in the Life Sciences
- NY10960 - Arddangos Ymarfer Nyrsio (Rhan B)
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- BRS0060 - Integrated Year in Industry
- BRM2860 - MBiol Research Project
- BRM4820 - Field and Laboratory Techniques
- BR37720 - Freshwater Biology Field Course
- BR35520 - Biotechnology
- BR30420 - Sustainable Land Management
- BR32020 - Injury and Rehabilitation
- BR33220 - Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture
- BR33820 - Parasitology
- BR34120 - Veterinary Infectious Diseases
- BR22220 - Immunology
- BR23520 - Controlled Environment Crop Production and Horticulture
- BR24720 - Practical and Professional Skills in Microbiology
- BR25420 - Invertebrate Zoology
- BR20620 - Applied Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
- BR16620 - Climate and Climate Change
- BR17220 - Skills for Animal, Equine and Veterinary Bioscientists in Equine Exercise Physiology
- BR18040 - Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
- BG19320 - Ecoleg a Chadwraeth
- BDM3120 - Nuffield Project Design
- BBM1320 - Dyfodol Pecynnu
- BBM1920 - Nwyddau Cyhoeddus
- VS11350 - Ffurf a Gweithrediad (Blwyddyn 1)
- SS32620 - Sport & Exercise Nutrition
- RG10810 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- RG17020 - Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor da Byw
- RD11420 - Business, Economics and Land Use
- RD18820 - Skills for the Agricultural Industry
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- EAM2920 - Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS
- BRM5320 - Equine Nutrition
- BRM5420 - Livestock Production Science
- BRM0320 - Livestock Nutrition
- BRM0920 - Hot Topics in Parasite Control
- BR36620 - Terrestrial Ecology Fieldcourse
- BR37120 - Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
- BR36120 - Molecular Pharmacology
- BR36440 - Research Project
- BR33920 - Population and Community Ecology
- BR34420 - Training and Performance Enhancement
- BR27020 - Physical Activity for Health
- BR27420 - Sport & Exercise Physiology
- BR30820 - Livestock Production Science
- BR25520 - An Introduction to Landscape Ecology and Geographic Information Systems
- BR26520 - One Health Microbiology
- BR22920 - Practical Skills for Biochemists
- BR18420 - Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
- BR13210 - The Biosphere
- BG36320 - Adolygiad critigol
- BG26020 - Monitro a Microbioleg Amgylcheddol
- BG30820 - Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw
- BG17520 - Bioleg Celloedd
- BG18040 - Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
- BDM8420 - Plant Breeding
- BDM5620 - Silage Science
- BDM0120 - Research Methods
- BDM1120 - Sustainable Supply Systems
- BDM2520 - Food Innovation
- BR01220 - Practical Skills for Biologists
- DA25420 - Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
- DA31720 - Rheoli'r Amgylchedd Gymreig
- DA34040 - Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
- DA35140 - Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor Daear yr Amgylchedd
- DA35240 - Traethawd Estynedig Gwyddor yr Amgylchedd
- EAM3060 - Research Dissertation in Geographical Information Systems/Remote Sensing
- EAM3820 - Applied Geospatial Skills in Industry
- GS09320 - How to be a Student 2
- GS09520 - How to be a Student 1
- GS11320 - Fieldwork Skills
- GS11520 - How to Build a Planet
- GS20220 - Genders and Sexualities
- GS20510 - Social Research Methods
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS21910 - Reconstructing Past Environments
- GS22010 - Physical Analysis of Natural Materials
- GS23710 - Geographical Information Systems
- GS28910 - Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
- GS34220 - Geography Joint Honours/Major Project
- PGM4940 - Work Based Research in Professional Contexts
- PS11220 - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition
- PS22120 - Foundations of Counselling II: Further Skills and Theory
- PS31820 - Child Language: Development and Assessment
- PS33340 - Forensic Psychology Dissertation
- PS35120 - Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace
- SC33140 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer anrhydedd sengl
- DA10320 - Ymchwilio'r Byd: Casglu a Dadansoddi Data
- GS31120 - Applied Environmental Management
- GS31240 - Sociology Dissertation
- GS35140 - Environmental Earth Science Dissertation
- PGM1010 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis (for social scientists)
- PS20420 - The Psychology of Language
- PS21820 - Cognitive Psychology
- PS30820 - Drugs and Behaviour
- PS32220 - The psychology of Ageing: older adults
- PSM0320 - The Psychology of Behaviour Change
- DA10520 - Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol
- DA20510 - Ymchwilio i bobl a lle
- DA32220 - Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas
- EAM4020 - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS
- GGM0020 - Key Concepts and Debates in Study of Society and Space
- GS09820 - Representing the Other: Cultures and Clashes
- GS12520 - An introduction to Earth Materials
- GS23020 - Placing Politics
- GS30420 - Volcanic Activity: Hazards and Environmental Change
- GS35320 - Advanced Fieldwork Skills
- GS36820 - The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- PGM4120 - Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PS11820 - Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology
- PS20220 - Social Psychology
- PS20620 - Psychology in Practice
- PS21020 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PS32320 - Sex and relationships in psychotherapeutic practice
- DA11520 - Sut i Greu Planed
- DA31240 - Traethawd Estynedig Cymdeithaseg
- DAS0360 - Lleoliad Gwaith
- EAM1120 - Advanced Research Skills 1: science communication and data analysis
- EAM5520 - Machine Learning for Geospatial Applications
- GS09920 - Introduction to Humanities
- GS22620 - Geoscience for a Sustainable World
- GS22920 - Placing Culture
- GS25020 - Sociological Theory
- GS32230 - Arctic Hydrology and Climate Change (UNIS)
- GS33320 - Everyday Social Worlds
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- GSS0260 - Work Placement
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- PS10220 - Introduction to Forensic Psychology
- PS31520 - Psychology Critical Review
- PS32620 - Psychology of Humour
- PSS0260 - Work Placement
- DA23020 - Lleoli Gwleidyddiaeth
- GGM0320 - Theory in Society and Space
- GGM4040 - Geography Integrated Master's Project
- GS09620 - The "Othered" Migrant: Social Science Perspectives
- GS10020 - Living in a Dangerous World
- GS13020 - Researching the World: data collection and analysis
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
- GS20020 - Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS21420 - Environmental Earth Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS22720 - Fundamentals of Geochemistry
- GS30320 - Environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry
- GS32020 - Monitoring our Planet's Health from Space
- GS32430 - Arctic Marine Geology (UNIS)
- GS37520 - Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
- GS37920 - Memory Cultures: heritage, identity and power
- PGM4710 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- PS11520 - Applications of Psychology
- PS31720 - 21st Century Self: Critical and Constructionist Approaches to Contemporary Personhood
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- SC21310 - Dulliau Ymchwil Meintiol
- DA22510 - Geomorffoleg Afonol
- DA34220 - Prosiect Daearyddiaeth Anrhydedd Cyfun/Prif Bwnc
- GS15120 - Thinking Sociologically
- GS17120 - Introducing Sociological Research
- GS21010 - Chemical Analysis of Natural Materials
- GS21120 - Physical Geography and Environmental Science Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS25210 - Catchment Systems
- GS30020 - The psychosocial century
- GS32330 - The Quaternary History of Svalbard (UNIS)
- GS36220 - Landscape, Culture and Society in 20th Century Britain
- GSS0360 - Work Placement
- PGM4310 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
- PS11320 - Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
- PS12120 - Foundations of Counselling: Skills & Theory 1
- PS20720 - Health Psychology
- PS30620 - Psychology in Practice
- PS31920 - The Psychology of Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS34320 - Developmental Psychology
- PSM0120 - Implementation Science
- PSS0360 - Work Placement
- SC20720 - Seicoleg Iechyd
- GS00420 - Environmental Management
- GS01120 - Information in a Post-Truth World
- GS09720 - Introduction to Social Science
- GS10220 - Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
- GS16120 - Key Concepts in Sociology
- GS20410 - Concepts for Geographers
- GS23510 - The Frozen Planet
- GS23810 - Quantitative Data Analysis
- GS31030 - Pollution in the Arctic (UNIS)
- GS35240 - Environmental Science Dissertation
- PS11420 - Introduction to core topics in Social and Individual Behaviour
- PS21220 - Forensic Psychology
- PS21310 - Quantitative Research Methods
- PS32120 - Behavioural Neuroscience
- PSM0520 - Transdisciplinary Dialogue
- SC11320 - Cyflwyniad i ddulliau ymchwil mewn seicoleg
- SC33240 - Prosiect Ymchwil Cwnsella
- SC34120 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer cyd-anrhydedd
- DA10020 - Byw mewn Byd Peryglus
- DA20820 - Astudio Cymru Gyfoes
- DAS0260 - Lleoliad Gwaith
- EAM4660 - Dissertation in Environmental Change Impacts and Adaptation
- GS00820 - Understanding Change - Environment, People, Places
- GS10520 - Earth Surface Environments
- GS10720 - Life on Earth
- GS32120 - Sedimentary Environments
- GS33420 - Glaciers and Ice Sheets
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- PS11610 - Designing Psychological Research Projects
- PS21720 - Issues in Clinical Psychology
- PS33240 - Counselling Research Project
- PSM0660 - Psychology PGT Dissertation (Behaviour Change)
- SC20620 - Seicoleg mewn gweithred
- BG28020 - Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw
- BG29020 - Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd
- BR27320 - Researching Behavioural Ecology
- BR29020 - Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment
- RG28020 - Cynhyrchu a Rheoli Da Byw
- RG29020 - Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd
- SC30620 - Seicoleg mewn gweithred
- RD28020 - Livestock Production and Management
- BR28020 - Livestock Production and Management
- RD29020 - Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment
- GS21220 - Sociological Research in the 'Field'
- GS20620 - Cementing Sociological Research
- VN20720 - Nursing of Exotics
- VN21020 - Principles of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia
- VN20820 - Nursing of Large Animals
- PS20310 - Qualitative Research Methods
- VN10820 - Preparing for Placement
- VN11120 - Professional Practice
- VN20020 - Applied Veterinary Nursing
- VN10920 - Principles of Diagnostic Techniques
- VN21120 - Surgical nursing
- VN10020 - Anatomy and Physiology
- VN10720 - Animal Health and Management
- VN20920 - OneHealth for Veterinary Nurses
- VN20620 - Medical Nursing and Critical Care
- EAM0020 - Living Earth: Environmental Monitoring
- VN11020 - Principles of Veterinary Nursing
- VE11460 - Veterinary Science (Year 1)
- BR22020 - Freshwater Biology
- VS11460 - Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)
- VN21220 - Industry Placement
- GGM2860 - MA Dissertation
- BR28520 - Research Methods
- EAM4420 - Behaviour Change in a Changing Environment
- BDM2215 - Conservation Horticulture
- BDM2015 - Introduction to Sustainability and Adaptation
- BDM1015 - Food Production and Consumption
- BDM2115 - Ecological Assessment
- VE11560 - Veterinary Science (Year 1)
- VS11560 - Gwyddor Filfeddygol (Blwyddyn 1)
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- BDM2320 - Soil Science
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
- BDM2420 - Programming for Agritechnology - an Introduction
- BR29620 - Wildlife Surveying
- BRM0220 - Frontiers in the Biosciences
- BG29620 - Arolygu Bywyd Gwyllt