Section 8.6 - Establishing a Partnership and Timescales for Development

The following sections provide an overview of the typical development stages of an academic partnership.  


The timescale involved in the development of a collaboration will vary according to the scale, complexity and risk of the project. A project may take substantial time to progress through the development stage, especially where the proposed programmes are new programmes, or where the approval of an external, professional or governmental body is required. 


Proposals for new partnerships may be generated by staff within departments, senior managers or by external partners themselves. However they originate, the appraisal of prospective new partners, and their periodic reappraisal, is managed by the Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC) through liaison with Faculties, Academic Registry, International Recruitment and Development (where appropriate) and Finance. Programme-level proposals, whether with newly approved or existing partners, are subject to authorisation by the Academic Board.

All proposals must fit the underlying principles for the development of collaborative partnership activities. Collaborative provision must not be established solely for financial reasons and must align with University and Faculty strategic priorities and academic strengths.


Departments and potential partners are encouraged to discuss any potential collaborative arrangement with the Academic Partnerships Office at an early stage to become familiar with the process and documentation required.

All collaborative partnership arrangements must be negotiated, agreed and managed in accordance with the formally stated policies, procedures and academic regulations of the awarding institution. Aberystwyth University works on a risk-based approach therefore proportionate due-diligence and risk assessment will be completed before moving the project to the full approval stages. Information regarding the timeline for approving and establishing a partnership must also be provided to the potential partner at an early stage. Preliminary discussions should not be taken to imply final agreement for a proposal.

Fees apply for the development of higher risk projects such as Franchise and Validation agreements, and these should be included in the business case.