Section 8.1 - Introduction

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Collaborative Provision Board

Why Partnerships?
Collaborative Provision Documents

UK Universities operate in an increasingly globalised environment, and make use of strategic national and international partners to promote a range of learning opportunities to students.


Guiding principles from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK - Quality Code for Higher Education.

Specifically: Advice and Guidance - Partnerships


Academic Partnerships’ primary focus is quality assurance for “provision that leads to the award of academic credit that is delivered, assessed or supported in partnership between two or more organisations”.

UK Quality Code for Higher Education – Advice and Guidance: Partnerships; 29 November 2018; QAA.

Aberystwyth University, through the Academic Partnerships Office is thus committed to building strong relationships with partners, within the UK and abroad, who share its vision and ethos for delivering high Quality research-led teaching and an exceptional student experience.

The Academic Partnerships section of the Quality Handbook provides the definitive regulations for the development, management and review of collaborative activities. This covers various modes of Partnership and Collaborative activity outlined in detail in Quality Chapter - Section 2 Type of Partnership and Quality Chapter - Section 2a APG_1 Guidance re Approvals and Signatories

This guidance is designed to promote good practice in the development of Partnerships and ensure appropriate and proportionate systems to identify, manage and mitigate the risks involved. This risk-based approach is designed to support Faculties to develop their Partnership portfolios in a way which safeguards the quality of Aberystwyth University qualifications, the student experience and learning opportunities offered.

The revised Quality Code places greater emphasis on the collection and actioning of student feedback, on governance structures and particularly on decision-making about the renewal or termination of agreements. It also places importance of the written agreements to be differentiated according to the risk level of the partnership.  AU has addressed these areas of importance through greater student representation at all levels of monitoring and review of Partnerships, and the development of a ‘traffic-light’ risk-reporting system for use in formal reviews and reports, not just focusing on risk at the outset of a project through Due Diligence and Risk Assessment.

Collaborative Provision Board

At Aberystwyth University, the Collaborative Provision Board (CPB) is responsible for the management, Quality Assurance and oversight of the University’s international and UK collaborative activities. This includes application for, assessment of, and review of all Partnership arrangements and to ensure all relevant documentation is available for review on request. The Board ensures that the University and its partner organisations adhere to the QAA’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education.

The Board has overall oversight of the revised UK Quality Code, with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the academic standards and quality of programmes, including internal and external assessment and review and is responsible for the following theme: Partnerships.

CPB is a sub-committee of Senate. The Senate is “the academic authority of the University and shall be responsible to the Council for the academic functions of the University in teaching and research and the regulation of the academic interests of the students”. Student representation is present at both CPB and Senate meetings.

Why Partnerships?

Where successful, collaborative provision offers a wide range of benefits, which support the University in achieving its core strategic aims as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2018-2023, including:

Education and student experience - to empower students to unlock their own potential and to develop as independent learners.

Research and Innovation with impact - to support and develop researchers to undertake research with impact of world leading quality

Contribution to society - to make a significant contribution to Wales and beyond, benefitting our communities and society as a whole. To understand our responsibility and accountability to society. To be accessible, relevant and engaged with our communities and stakeholders.

International engagement - to be a desirable partner for international institutions who share our aims and aspirations. To instil our graduates with an academic training and the values of a global and national citizenship.

Welsh language and culture - to improve and enhance Welsh-medium opportunities for our staff, students and visitors. To promote the language and culture of our country, and contribute towards a greater understanding of the socio-economic needs of Wales.

Collaborative Provision Documents

CPB ToR Updates 2023-2024

CPB Schedule of Business 2023-2024

AU Collaborative Provision Activity Register (updated May 2024)