Mrs Nerys Fuller-Love

Mrs Nerys Fuller-Love


Aberystwyth Business School

Contact Details


Nerys teaches a number of modules in the Aberystwyth Business School including the third-year dissertation module as well as Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in the second year. In this module the students develop a business plan to present to potential investors. She also teaches a first-year module in the first year through the medium of Welsh, Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes. 

Nerys's main research interests are in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management. She has written articles on a wide variety of management issues such as small businesses in the media, female entrepreneurship, networks, strategy and IT. Nerys has edited special issues of journals and has also been on the editorial board of the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. She has recently written a book, Absolute Essentials of Entrepreneurship, published by Routledge in 2020, which is also available as an e-book and an audio book. 

Nerys has also been involved in funded research projects with a value of approximately €4.5 million including €1.7 million for Self-sustaining Learning Networks (SLNIW) and €1.2 million for the Female Entrepreneurship project in Ireland and Wales (FEIW). She was the Principal Applicant for Wales for these projects which were joint ventures with the Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland. These networks supported local businesses in Wales and Ireland indeveloping and grow their businesses.

Nerys is currently the Link Tutor for Brickfields College in Malaysia. Nerys has been the Deputy Director of the Institute for Business and Law and was also the interim Head of Department for the Department of Law and Criminology. 


Module Coordinator




Research areas:


Small Business Management

Female Entrepreneurship

General Management

Nerys’s main research areas are Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management including Female Entrepreneurship and Rural Entrepreneurship. She has also written some papers on general management issues such as strategy and IT. Nerys supervises a number of DProf and PhD students including the first successful DProf in Aberystwyth University in 2020.

Nerys has published articles in a number of leading entrepreneurship and management journals including the International Small Business Journal, the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,  the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, the International Journal of Management Reviews, the International Journal of Management Practice, the International Journal of Information Management, International Business ResearchContemporary WalesEuropean Accounting ReviewJournal of European Business Education and Omega, the International Journal of Management Science. She is a member of the Centre for Local and Regional Enterprise and the Wales Rural Research network.


Link Tutor for Brickfields College, Malaysia

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 3pm-4pm
  • Wednesday 3pm-4pm


Bennett-Gillison, S, Fuller-Love, N & Jones, J 2024, Fair Pay for Writers’ research report. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University. 10.20391/f3p9-qv97
Fuller-Love, N & Murphy, L 2023, Circular economy implementation: Case studies in Wales. Cardiff Metropolitan University | Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.
Fuller-Love, N 2020, Absolute Essentials of Entrepreneurship. Absolute Essentials of Business and Economics, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon.
Abbott, J & Fuller-Love, N 2020, 'Networking for equine complementary therapists in the rural economy', Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 75, pp. 110-118. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.01.011
Fuller-Love, N & Akiode, M 2020, 'Transnational Entrepreneurs Dynamics in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Critical Review', Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 41-66. 10.1177/2393957519881921
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