Prof Michael Christie
BSc (Hons), PhD. Aberdeen.

Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8346-9140
- Office: C12, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622217
- Twitter: mike.christie5
- Google Scholar:
- Research Portal Profile
I am a Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics in Aberystywth University's Business School.
Previous appointments include
- 1996 - 2012: Lecturer in Environmental Economics (Aberystwyth University's Institute of Rural Studies (now IBERS)).
- 2012 - present: Professorship of Environmental and Ecological Economics (Aberystywth Business School).
Module Coordinator
- AB23120 - Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
- AB33220 - Environmental Economics
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- AB13220 - Economic Theory and Policy
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- ABM5420 - Corporate Governance and Sustainability
- AB23120 - Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
- AB33220 - Environmental Economics
- AB23120 - Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
- AB13120 - Understanding the Economy
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- AB11220 - Accounting and Finance for Specialists
- AB11120 - Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
- AB13220 - Economic Theory and Policy
- AB17120 - Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
- ABM1960 - Dissertation
- MMM1120 - Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility in Organisations
- ABM5560 - Managerial Report
- AB15120 - Fundamentals of Management and Business
- AB15220 - Data Analytics
- PGM4710 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- MM34220 - Business Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- AB33220 - Environmental Economics
- AB19120 - Principles of Tourism Management
- PGM4210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM4940 - Work Based Research in Professional Contexts
- AB35540 - Dissertation
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- MM34220 - Business Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
- ABM3020 - Environmental Economics
- AB23120 - Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
- AB33220 - Environmental Economics
My research specialises in the economic and social valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. I have utilised a wide range of non-market valuation methods including choice experiments, contingent valuation, contingent behaviour and travel cost method. These studies have addressed a wide range of natural resource and environmental issues including, both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, water quality, biodiversity, agri-environmental schemes, recreation and tourism. Increasingly, I am focusing my research to examine the human welfare impacts of biodiversity loss in developing countries, with recent studies in Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Solomon Islands and the Caribbean.
I also was a lead author of TEEB (2010), the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2011) and the IPBES European and Central Asia assessment (2018) report, and was co-chair of the IPBES ‘Values’ assessment.
Recent projects have been funded by 4 of the UK Research Councils and have included:
- NERC / ESRC - NAVIGATE: Understanding NAture’s multiple Values for InteGrATion into dEcisions
- NERC’s BESS - Diversity of Upland Rivers for Ecosystem Services and Sustainability (DURESS),
- NERC / ESRC VNN - Bridging the gap from Values to Decisions (BRIDGE),
- NERC / ESRC ESPA - Can capturing global ecosystem services reduce poverty (P4GES),
- AHRC - Re-valuing pollinators through arts and science collaboration(Cross-pollination),
- BBSRC - Impact and Value for money of BBSRC research institutes and campuses,
- Global Innovation Initiative - Global innovation for sustainable forest management in Indonesia
In addition to the above, I have had a wide range of more applied research projects founded by UK and International governments, agencies and NGOs.
Current Responsibilities
- Director of Research, Aberystywth Business School.
- Member of Aberystywth University Research Committee.
- Director of Centre for Responsible Societies (CRiSis)
- Programme Director for the Brickfields Asia College Franchise schemes with Aberystwyth University.
- Member of the Aberystwyth University Collaborative Provision Board.
Previous Responsibilities
- Head of Aberystwyth Business School (2015 - 2018)
- Institute of Business and Law Director of research (2013 - 2018)
- Director of Learning and Teaching, Aberystywth Business School (2012 - 2013)
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Tuesday 14:00-15:00
- Thursday 14:00-15:00