Dr Lyndon Murphy BSc (Econ), PGCE, MPhil, MA, PhD, SFHEA, CMgr

Dr Lyndon Murphy


Aberystwyth Business School

Contact Details


My career in Higher Education has been undertaken in the following teaching and learning, management/leadership roles: Senior Lecturer, Academic Manager, Academic Leader, Associate Head of School and Reader. I led postgraduate taught programmes and research at the Newport Business School and the South Wales Business School. I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Manager of the Chartered Management Institute. I have generated and worked on consultancy/enterprise projects with organisations in the private, public and third sectors. This consultancy work has typically focused on measuring the incidence of social capital and its relationship with different forms of innovative activity and its successful management. This has involved working with senior management teams at organisations such as the Pobl Group and Continental Teves Ltd to enhance innovation management practices.


The focus of my research typically concerns the forms and incidence of innovation and social capital existing at regional and local economic development programmes. I have more than 80 research outputs in the form of conference papers, book chapters and refereed journal articles.  I have published on a range of social capital, innovation management and entrepreneurship related issues, including regional policy (Environment and Planning C), local economic development (Regional Studies, Regional Science), public policy (Economic and Industrial Democracy), entrepreneurship education (Education and Training) and knowledge transfer (International Journal of Innovation Management).


I am the Co-Leader (Research Lead) of the Regeneration Orbit of the Regional Centre of Expertise Cymru. In the past I have founded and operated my own business and established a registered charity. I am currently the chair of trustees of the charity created to renew community sports facilities.

Additional Information

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy

Chartered Manager (Chartered Management Institute)


Module Coordinator
Course Builder


Murphy, L. and Thomas, B. (2013) The Communities First Programme: A case study of social innovation, International Center for Business Research Journal, Vol 2 Januarypp 9-18, ISSN 2156-9673

Thomas, B., Murphy, L. and Lewis, A. (2013) The Management of University Business Partnerships in the UK with Special Reference to Wales, International Center for Business Research Journal, Vol 2 Januarypp 19-41, ISSN 2156-9673

Murphy, L. (2013) The relationship between social capital and the director’s duty to promote the success of the company, International Journal of Law and Management.  Vol 55 No 2 pp 86-102 ISSN 1754 243X

Murphy, L., Huggins, R. and Thompson, P. (2015) Social capital and innovation: a comparative analysis of regional policies. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy p.0263774X15597448

Abdulai, A., Murphy, L. and Thomas, B. (2015) University-industry collaboration: does an informal knowledge transfer mechanism affect innovation in Ghana? International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 8 (4).

Tarling, C., Murphy, L. and Jones, P. (2016) Influence of early exposure to family business experience on developing entrepreneurs. Education and Training

Murphy, L., Abdulai, A., Anwar, K., Abdullah, A. and Thomas, B. (2017) Financial Entrepreneurship in Three Emerging Economies: A Comparative Study of Ghana, Pakistan and Yemen. In: Thomas, B. ed. Financial Entrepreneurship for Economic Growth in Emerging Nations.IGI Global, Pennsylvania.

Murphy, L. J., Pickernell, D., Thomas, B. and Fuller, D. (2018) ‘Innovation, social capital, and regional policy: The case of the Communities First programme in Wales’, Regional Studies, Regional Science 5 (1), pp 21-39

Cook, C. E., Murphy, L. and Thomas, B. (2018) ‘An evolutionary framework exploring the role of periodisations in the modern development of a Baltic State: the case of HRM in Latvia’ Economic and Industrial Democracy

Abdullah, A., Thomas, B., Murphy, L. and Plant, E. (2018) An investigation of the benefits and barriers of e-business adoption activities in Yemeni SMEs. Strategic Change (27(3):195–208

Thomas, B., Gornall, L. and Murphy, L. (2018) Collaborative and co-operative work between Universities: A reflection on projects operational leadership experiences. In: Boden, R., Gornall, L., and Thomas, B. eds.Collaboration and Co-operation: Creative work and consensual leadership in Higher Education, Bloomsbury Academic, London.

Thomas, B. and Murphy, L. eds. (2019) Innovation and Social Capital in Organizational Ecosystems, IGI Global, Pennsylvania.

Murphy, L. (2019) Social capital and innovation: A theoretical perspective, in Thomas, B. and Murphy, L. eds Innovation and Social Capital in Organizational Ecosystems, IGI Global, Pennsylvania.












Degree Scheme Coordinator BSc Business and Management

Co-Director Executive MBA

Chartered Management Institute Lead - Aberystwyth Business School

DProf Supervisor

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • 11.00-12.00
  • Friday 11.00-12.00


Thomas, A, Murphy, L, Morris, W, Dispenza, V & Jones, D (eds) 2023, Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXVI: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Incorporating the 37th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, 6th – 8th September 2023, Aberystwyth University, UK. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, vol. 44, vol. 44, IOS Press.
Murphy, L 2023, Circular Economy case study Aber Food Surplus and the circular economy. Wales Innovation Network .
Murphy, L 2023, Circular Economy case study Craft and the circular economy. Wales Innovation Network .
Fuller-Love, N & Murphy, L 2023, Circular economy implementation: Case studies in Wales. Cardiff Metropolitan University | Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.
Thomas, B, Murphy, L & Miller, C 2022, 'A Comparative Analysis of Energy And Health Sector Firm R&D Activity in Wales', International Journal of Scientific Advances, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 804-815. 10.51542/ijscia.v3i6.1
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