What is CompSoc?
Home What is CompSoc? The Committee CompSoc Activities Useful Resources HOW-TO's CompSci Links

    CompSoc is the unofficial society for computer science students at the university of Wales, Aberystwyth. It exists to provide CS students with the opportunity to mix with like minded people from their own subject and to socialise and wind down after a hard days slog at a computer! Although the society was set up for CS students, students from other departments are always welcome and can frequently be found on our nights out.

    The society runs nights out once a week for a few drinks as well as trips out of Aber'. Details of these activities can be found in the CompSoc activities section. The committee also runs this web site which aims to provide students with up to date information and details of past/future events. The site also provides links to useful resources and sources of information as well as having a How-to section covering common topics like connecting to newsgroups, for example. Links are also provided to the University's own documentation and resources.

Home Page - Committee - Events - Resources - How-To's - Links

Last updated - 30 March 2000 11:25:38 -0000 - by Adam Fowler