Contacting Information Services

For services and systems updates, please visit IS Service Status

For all enquiries relating to Library and IT services you can contact us by:

  calling 01970 62 2400
  • Monday - Friday 08:30 (10:00 on Wednesday)  - 17.00
using the Chat Now link on our webpages
  • Monday - Friday 08:30 (10:00 on Wednesday) - 17.00
  • Monday - Friday 08:30 (10:00 on Wednesday) - 17.00
In person Enquiry Desk
Hugh Owen Library

Monday - Friday 8:30 - 17:00

Saturday - Sunday 13:00 - 17:00**


Using the online form

Information Services support and service levels

Core hours: 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday

  • Information Services offers a full range of services and support between 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday during term and vacation times (except when the libraries are closed).
  • During 09:00-10:00 Wednesdays, staff training hour, we offer self-service / reference use
  • Information Services carries out essential maintenance on the University’s ICT services on Tuesday mornings. Access to all services, including email and web access, must be considered "At Risk" between 7am and 10am.  Further information at:

Staffed service: 08.30-17:30

  • Please note outside of our core service hours of 09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri, some enquires may need to be referred.

Self-service / reference use: 17:30-08:30