Careers Services
Our careers consultants help you recognise the skills you already have and encourage you to make the most of the opportunities available to you at Aberystwyth.
Following a degree programme is about immersing yourself as fully as possible into the whole student experience and giving yourself the chance to be involved in a range of activities that will not so easily be available to you at any other time in the future.
While your academic studies are the priority for you, you also need to learn how to manage and balance your time effectively to allow yourself the chance to engage with extra-curricular activities. The Careers Service is here to help you understand how you can make your university degree, and all the experiences open to you while studying at university, count towards your future career. Our experienced and professionally qualified staff will help you:
- identify and source useful work experience options
- recognise the skills your university degree gives you that are valuable to employers
- plan your possible future career path(s)
- support you as you make applications to employers assess whether postgraduate study will suit you and help progress your career
- understand how to set up your own business and begin planning
- link with employers, alumni and professional bodies to progress your career plan.