Rule 39: [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(r,5)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,bacillus),mol_wt_rule( A ,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),classification( A ,gamma_subdivision),classification( A ,enterobacteriaceae),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(y,2)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Other )' [90.6%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb606 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1536' "transposase" tb771 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb891 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb922 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1535' "transposase" tb1041 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1370 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1379 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'pyrR' "regulatory protein pyrimidine biosynthesis" tb1757 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1763 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2072 - 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobL' "probable methyltransferase" tb2105 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2177 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2278 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2648 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2815 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3186 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3381 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3503 - 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxD' "probable ferredoxin" Proper test Accuracy: 13/18 (72.22%) Application to new data (498 items): tb627 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1647 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2910 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb763 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb795 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb797 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb1042 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1055 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1149 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1150 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1347 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb2014 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1607' "transposase" tb2085 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1556' "putative transposase" tb2168 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2354 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2424 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2480 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" Training Accuracy: 14/14 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2745 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2791 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1602' "transposase" tb2885 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1539' "transposase" tb2978 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1538' "transposase" tb3110 - 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaB' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein B" tb3184 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3325 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3386 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3387 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3474 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3645 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 8/11 (72.73%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb595 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb825 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb919 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1120 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1139 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1953 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2042 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2955 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 8 ------------------ Rule 112: amino_acid_pair_ratio_wy > 3 [hom( A ),classification( A ,eukaryota),classification( A ,metazoa),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,chordata)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(g,5),classification( A ,bacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),classification( A ,proteobacteria)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Cell Processes )' [79.4%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb1855 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2952 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3400 - 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'null' "null" tb3617 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephA' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb3665 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppB' "probable peptide transport system permease" Proper test Accuracy: 2/5 (40.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb1700 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2260 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3064 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb134 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephF' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb634 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'null' "null" tb871 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cspB' "probable cold shock protein" tb1124 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephC' "probable epoxide hydrolase " tb1236 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugA' "membrane protein probably involved in sugar transport" tb1938 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephB' "probable epoxide hydrolase" Training Accuracy: 6/6 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb3473 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bpoA' "probable non-heme bromoperoxidase" tb3557 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 1/2 (50.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb3034 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 ------------------ Rule 7: [amino_acid_ratio_rule(h,3)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_ke <= 6.4 amino_acid_ratio_r > 1.5 [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 amino_acid_ratio_r <= 10 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(s,3),classification( A ,actinobacteria)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,2),classification( A ,bacillus)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_qc <= 7.1 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(e,4)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_hk <= 5.1 amino_acid_pair_ratio_qm <= 5.5 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(r,5),classification( A ,bacteria)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,2),mol_wt_rule( A ,4),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(l,5),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,2),e_val_rule( A ,3)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_le <= 12 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,1),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),classification( A ,eukaryota)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(x,1),e_val_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(e,4),classification( A ,eukaryota)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,1),classification( A ,bacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_lr <= 22.3 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(x,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),keyword( A ,plasmid),amino_acid_ratio_rule(f,2)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Macromolecule metabolism )' [91.7%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb64 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb95 - 4,2,2,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage REP13E12 family REP13E12 family 'REP' "null" tb169 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'mce1' "cell invasion protein" tb226 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb227 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb354 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb361 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb412 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb419 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqM' "possible zinc metallopeptidase " tb451 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpS4' "conserved small membrane protein" tb528 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb541 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb591 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb605 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1536' "resolvase" tb671 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqP' "probable esterase" tb686 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb852 - 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD16' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb882 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb920 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1554' "probable transposase, related to IS1081" tb955 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1129 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1132 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1159 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1214 - 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1249 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1332 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1368 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprF' "lipoprotein" tb1386 - 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1401 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1580 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1587 - 4,2,2,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage REP13E12 family REP13E12 family 'REP' "null" tb1690 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprJ' "lipoprotein" tb1733 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1755 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'plcD' "partial CDS for phospholipase C" tb1881 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppE' "lipoprotein" tb1919 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1977 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb2046 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppI' "probable lipoprotein" tb2062 - 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobN' "cobalt insertion " tb2138 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppL' "lipoprotein" tb2175 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2195 - 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'qcrA' "Rieske iron-sulphur component of ubiQ-cytB reductase" tb2330 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppP' "lipoprotein" tb2341 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppQ' "lipoprotein" tb2351 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'plcA' "phospholipase C precursor" tb2371 - 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2403 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppR' "lipoprotein" tb2429 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ahpD' "member of AhpC/TSA family" tb2519 - 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2686 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2755 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'hsdS' "type I restriction/modification system specificity determinant" tb2905 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppW' "Slight similarity to beta-lactamase" tb3193 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3217 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3244 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqB' "lipoprotein" tb3251 - 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'rubA' "rubredoxin A" tb3374 - 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA18' "null" tb3583 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3593 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqF' "lipoprotein" tb3604 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3658 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3746 - 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3761 - 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE36' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" Proper test Accuracy: 39/63 (61.90%) Application to new data (498 items): tb7 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb8 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb11 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb36 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb138 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb140 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb145 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb164 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb199 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb272 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb295 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb313 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb368 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb446 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb459 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb460 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb515 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb518 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb519 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb598 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb603 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb613 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb627 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb633 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb661 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb730 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb736 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb756 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb767 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb774 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb811 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb874 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb877 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb900 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb961 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb988 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb990 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb999 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1000 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1012 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1048 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1057 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1069 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1100 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1111 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1114 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1126 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1134 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1179 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1234 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1259 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1265 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1362 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1425 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1428 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1495 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1506 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1507 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1592 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1691 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1727 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1769 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1828 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1870 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1873 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1906 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1914 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1926 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1930 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1948 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1951 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1954 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1973 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2000 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2035 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2061 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2075 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2076 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2081 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2082 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2084 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2114 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2172 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2197 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2226 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2267 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2293 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2416 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2425 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2451 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2514 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2525 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2541 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2546 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2548 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2551 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2568 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2569 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2576 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2596 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2599 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2619 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2680 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2687 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2693 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2698 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2700 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2706 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2722 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2728 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2738 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2820 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2865 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2953 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2956 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2960 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2974 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2983 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2998 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3035 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3128 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3131 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3168 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3192 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3233 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3294 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3311 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3353 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3371 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3395 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3438 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3453 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3479 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3483 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3493 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3576 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'pknM' "similar to ser-thr-protein kinases" tb3597 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'lsr2' "=M.leprae LSR2_MYCLE P24094" tb3603 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3605 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3614 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3639 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3656 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3657 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3690 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3691 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3694 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3701 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3705 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3789 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3831 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3857 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3863 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3869 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3877 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3882 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3895 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3909 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 157 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb51 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb102 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb179 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprO' "lipoprotein" tb198 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb204 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb236 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb290 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb291 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb292 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb314 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb315 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb316 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb319 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pcp' "pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase" tb344 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqJ' "lipoprotein" tb345 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb383 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb401 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb431 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb461 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb477 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb479 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb506 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpS2' "conserved small membrane protein" tb513 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb531 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb537 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb538 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb544 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb556 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb559 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb604 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqO' "lipoprotein" tb615 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb621 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb622 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb680 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb713 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb738 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb798 - 4,5,0,0 Other Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins 'null' "null" tb806 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'cpsY' "probable UDP-glucose-4-epimerase" tb835 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqQ' "lipoprotein" tb838 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqR' "lipoprotein" tb867 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb876 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb888 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1002 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1004 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1016 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqT' "similar to M. kansasii Q49597" tb1022 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqU' "lipoprotein" tb1054 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1064 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqV' "lipoprotein" tb1097 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1104 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'null' "null" tb1105 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'null' "null" tb1107 2,2,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules DNA DNA 'xseB' "exonuclease VII small subunit" tb1228 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqX' "lipoprotein" tb1230 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1252 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprE' "lipoprotein" tb1270 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprA' "lipoprotein" tb1274 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprB' "lipoprotein" tb1275 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprC' "lipoprotein" tb1333 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb1411 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprG' "lipoprotein" tb1418 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprH' "lipoprotein" tb1424 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1456 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1490 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1508 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1510 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1541 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprI' "lipoprotein" tb1576 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1635 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1671 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1678 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1688 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb1779 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1799 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppT' "probable lipoprotein" tb1899 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppD' "lipoprotein" tb1921 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppF' "lipoprotein" tb1980 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'mpt64' "secreted immunogenic protein Mpb64/Mpt64" tb1987 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2036 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb2045 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipT' "probable carboxylesterase" tb2091 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2109 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'prcA' "proteasome alpha-type subunit 1" tb2113 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2116 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppK' "lipoprotein" tb2144 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2171 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppM' "probable lipoprotein" tb2174 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2194 - 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'qcrC' "cytochrome b/c component of ubiQ-cytB reductase" tb2198 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpS3' "conserved small membrane protein" tb2199 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2270 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppN' "possible lipoprotein" tb2301 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2349 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'plcC' "phospholipase C precursor" tb2350 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'plcB' "phospholipase C precursor" tb2473 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2518 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppS' "lipoprotein" tb2536 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2543 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppA' "lipoprotein" tb2544 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppB' "lipoprotein" tb2560 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2650 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" Training Accuracy: 96/102 (94.12%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2673 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2784 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppU' "lipoprotein" tb2796 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppV' "lipoprotein" tb2813 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'null' "null" tb2830 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb2914 - 1,10,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases 'pknI' "serine-threonine protein kinase" tb2945 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppX' "lipoprotein" tb2968 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2969 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3009 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gatB' "glu-tRNA-gln amidotransferase, subunit A" tb3012 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gatC' "glu-tRNA-gln amidotransferase, subunit C " tb3019 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb3036 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb3162 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'null' "null" tb3216 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3317 - 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sdhD' "succinate dehydrogenase D subunit" tb3352 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3389 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3450 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3463 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb3481 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3538 - 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'ufaA2' "unknown fatty acid methyltransferase" tb3584 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqE' "lipoprotein" tb3629 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3630 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3635 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3704 - 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'gshA' "possible gamma-glutamylcysteine synthase" tb3737 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3779 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3792 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3793 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'embC' "involved in arabinogalactan synthesis" tb3794 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'embA' "involved in arabinogalactan synthesis" tb3795 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'embB' "involved in arabinogalactan synthesis" tb3805 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3810 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'pirG' "cell surface protein precursor (Erp protein)" tb3843 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3848 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3901 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 28/38 (73.68%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb26 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb28 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb29 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb39 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb57 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb98 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb121 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb127 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb141 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb175 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb184 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb185 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb193 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb203 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb209 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb210 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb219 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb235 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb258 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb259 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb266 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb269 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb281 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb283 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb289 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb307 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb309 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb320 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb326 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb333 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb336 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb340 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb358 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb360 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb365 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb378 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb381 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb390 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb396 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb398 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb428 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb444 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb455 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb463 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb483 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb499 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb540 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb571 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb577 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb582 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb584 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb607 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb614 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb635 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb660 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb665 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb669 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb689 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb692 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb726 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb740 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb750 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb762 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb776 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb779 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb787 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb801 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb804 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb810 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb813 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb825 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb831 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb836 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb862 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb879 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb883 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb895 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb911 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb926 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb941 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb962 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb970 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb976 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1006 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1009 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1059 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1060 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1075 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1081 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1083 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1084 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1102 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1103 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1117 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1119 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1125 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1154 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1155 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1157 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1171 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1174 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1184 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1204 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1205 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1209 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1216 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1232 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1269 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1289 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1290 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1352 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1356 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1365 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1376 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1378 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1382 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1417 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1419 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1455 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1459 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1465 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1499 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1501 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1502 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1513 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1517 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1531 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1546 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1567 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1597 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1615 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1619 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1669 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1670 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1680 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1697 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1698 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1718 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1721 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1729 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1741 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1760 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1775 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1780 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1782 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1783 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1794 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1830 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1836 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1845 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1874 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1884 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1888 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1889 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1891 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1898 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1949 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1952 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1957 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1961 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1974 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1975 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1989 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2001 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2008 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2020 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2023 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2028 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2033 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2044 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2050 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2077 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2095 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2102 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2111 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2125 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2134 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2137 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2143 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2160 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2170 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2189 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2219 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2227 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2239 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2240 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2275 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2306 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2313 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2348 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2387 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2389 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2390 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2413 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2422 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2432 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2437 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2446 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2449 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2452 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2468 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2472 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2484 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2491 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2513 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2515 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2516 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2557 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2571 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2574 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2597 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2598 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2602 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2616 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2617 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2629 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2645 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2660 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2661 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2665 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2668 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2694 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2695 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2696 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2699 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2708 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2712 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2721 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2735 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2740 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2743 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2760 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2762 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2774 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2798 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2799 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2823 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2827 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2837 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2867 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2972 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2980 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3008 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3013 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3015 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3017 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3033 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3074 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3081 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3088 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3090 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3166 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3180 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3188 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3195 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3205 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3207 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3212 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3231 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3258 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3268 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3277 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3289 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3320 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3337 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3346 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3351 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3355 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3362 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3364 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3368 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3369 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3399 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3403 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3415 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3435 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3439 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3491 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3510 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3531 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3541 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3542 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3572 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3577 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3587 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3613 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3626 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3647 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3651 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3655 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3687 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3698 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3703 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3707 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3723 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3730 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3733 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3734 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3747 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3748 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3753 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3755 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3766 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3767 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3770 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3771 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3785 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3787 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3822 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3847 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3860 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3864 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3865 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3866 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3867 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3876 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3885 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3889 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3899 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3900 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3902 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3906 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3912 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 323 ------------------ Rule 118: [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,alternative_splicing),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),classification( A ,metazoa)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Small-molecule metabolism )' [96.0%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb5 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'gyrB' "DNA gyrase subunit B" tb6 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'gyrA' "DNA gyrase subunit A" tb131 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE1' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb143 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb149 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb215 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE3' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb244 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE5' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb271 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE6' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb386 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb400 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE7' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb650 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb672 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE8' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (aka aidB)" tb803 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purL' "phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II" tb973 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accA2' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, alpha subunit" tb974 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD2' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" tb1181 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks4' "polyketide synthase" tb1381 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrC' "dihydroorotase" tb1406 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'fmt' "methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase" tb1661 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks7' "polyketide synthase" tb1662 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks8' "polyketide synthase" tb1679 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE16' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1933 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE18' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb2245 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'kasA' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (meromycolate extension)" tb2246 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'kasB' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (meromycolate extension)" tb2524 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fas' "fatty acid synthase" tb2724 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE20' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb2931 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsA' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksB)" tb2932 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsB' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksC)" tb2934 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsD' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksE)" tb2947 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks15' "polyketide synthase " tb2967 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'pca' "pyruvate carboxylase" tb3139 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE24' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3140 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE23' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3276 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purK' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase ATPase subunit" tb3280 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD5' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3285 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accA3' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase alpha subunit" tb3543 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE29' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3573 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE34' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3777 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3797 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE35' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3799 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD4' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3825 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks2' "polyketide synthase" Proper test Accuracy: 38/42 (90.48%) Application to new data (498 items): tb104 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3404 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 2 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb154 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE2' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb231 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE4' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb389 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purT' "phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase II" tb405 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks6' "polyketide synthase" tb727 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'fucA' "L-fuculose phosphate aldolase" tb752 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE9' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb772 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purD' "phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase" tb809 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purM' "5-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoimidazole synthase" tb873 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE10' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb904 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD3' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb951 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucC' "succinyl-CoA synthase beta chain" tb956 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purN' "phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase I" tb972 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE12' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb975 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE13' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1180 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks3' "polyketide synthase" tb1346 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE14' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1384 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'carB' "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase subunit" tb1454 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'qor' "Probable quinone oxidoreductase" tb1467 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE15' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1527 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks5' "polyketide synthase" tb1663 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks17' "polyketide synthase " tb1664 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks9' "polyketide synthase" tb1722 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb1912 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB5' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1934 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE17' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb2027 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb2048 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks12' "polyketide synthase (erythronolide synthase-like)" tb2243 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabD' "malonyl CoA-[ACP] transacylase" tb2247 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD6' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb2381 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtD' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (polyketide synthase)" tb2382 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtC' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis" tb2500 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE19' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (aka mmgC)" tb2501 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accA1' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, alpha subunit" tb2502 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD1' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" Training Accuracy: 34/34 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2789 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE21' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb2790 - 3,1,5,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Fatty acid transport Fatty acid transport 'ltp1' "non-specific lipid transport protein" tb2933 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsC' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksD)" tb2940 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mas' "mycocerosic acid synthase" tb2946 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks1' "polyketide synthase" tb2964 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purU' "formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase" tb2977 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiL' "probable thiamine-monophosphate kinase" tb2981 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'ddlA' "D-alanine-D-alanine ligase A" tb3061 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE22' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3132 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3141 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB4' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3221 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb3274 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE25' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3313 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'add' "probable adenosine deaminase" tb3504 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE26' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3505 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE27' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3560 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE30' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3562 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE31' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " Test Accuracy: 16/18 (88.89%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb343 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2205 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 2 ------------------ Rule 130: [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,eukaryota),classification( A ,metazoa),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,chordata)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),classification( A ,metazoa)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Small-molecule metabolism )' [95.5%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb86 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycQ' "probable formate hydrogenlyase subunit" tb101 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'nrp' "unknown non-ribosomal peptide synthase" tb147 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb148 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb187 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb223 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb234 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'gabD2' "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb439 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb462 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'null' "null" tb484 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb561 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb688 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb753 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'mmsA' "methylmalmonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb768 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldA' "aldehyde dehydrogenases" tb851 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb927 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1144 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1206 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD6' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1305 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpE' "ATP synthase c chain" tb1483 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG1' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase (aka MabA)" tb1484 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'inhA' "enoyl-[ACP] reductase" tb1511 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'gmdA' "GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase" tb1550 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD11' "acyl-CoA synthase, N-term" tb1623 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'appC' "cytochrome bd-II oxidase subunit I" tb1714 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1726 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1751 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1882 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2002 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG3' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb2129 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2214 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephD' "probable epoxide hydrolase " tb2379 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtF' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (lysine ligation)" tb2383 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtB' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (serine/threonine ligation)" tb2590 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD9' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2750 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2958 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3049 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3156 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoL' "NADH dehydrogenase chain L" tb3157 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoM' "NADH dehydrogenase chain M" tb3391 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'acrA1' "fatty acyl-CoA reductase" tb3485 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3634 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB2' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3854 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 40/43 (93.02%) Application to new data (498 items): Total: 0 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb63 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb68 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb83 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb119 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD7' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb139 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb166 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD5' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb214 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD4' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb242 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG4' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb270 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD2' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb458 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb501 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galE1' "UDP-glucose 4-epimerase" tb542 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menE' "o-succinylbenzoic acid-CoA ligase " tb547 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb551 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD8' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb565 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb575 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb687 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb765 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb769 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb794 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'lpdB' "dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase" tb897 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb945 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1050 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1058 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD14' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1106 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1175 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadH' "2,4-Dienoyl-CoA Reductase" tb1187 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocA' "pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase" tb1193 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD36' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1245 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1257 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1260 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1304 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpB' "ATP synthase a chain" tb1345 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD33' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1350 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG2' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb1393 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1427 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD12' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1432 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1512 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'epiA' "nucleotide sugar epimerase" tb1543 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1544 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'null' "null" tb1663 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks17' "polyketide synthase " tb1683 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'null' "null" tb1731 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'gabD1' "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb1750 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD1' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1771 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1817 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1865 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1941 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2193 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaE' "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III" tb2263 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2280 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2380 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtE' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (lysine ligation)" tb2427 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proA' "gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase" tb2505 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD35' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2509 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2643 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsC' "probable arsenical pump" Training Accuracy: 56/57 (98.25%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2713 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2739 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2766 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG5' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb2858 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldC' "aldehyde dehydrogenase phenylacetaldehyde " tb2948 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD22' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2962 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3057 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3085 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3089 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD13' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3107 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3154 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoJ' "NADH dehydrogenase chain J" tb3170 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3174 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3266 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlD' "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase" tb3293 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldB' "aldehyde dehydrogenase" tb3464 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3468 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB3' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3502 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3506 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD17' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3515 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD19' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3530 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb3537 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3561 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD3' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3667 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'acs' "acetyl-CoA synthase" tb3784 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'epiB' "probable UDP-galactose 4-epimerase" tb3790 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3791 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3809 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'glf' "UDP-galactopyranose mutase" tb3829 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3913 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxB2' "thioredoxin reductase" Test Accuracy: 26/30 (86.67%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb1138 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2047 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2216 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3719 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 4 ------------------ Rule 81: amino_acid_pair_ratio_iw <= 3.4 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),species( A ,bacillus_subtilis)] = 0 [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,eukaryota),classification( A ,metazoa),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(n,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_qy <= 6.2 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),classification( A ,bacillus),classification( A ,bacillaceae),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1)] = 0 amino_acid_ratio_k <= 6.6 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(n,2),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,bacteria),e_val_rule( A ,2),classification( A ,firmicutes)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,1),classification( A ,bacteria),e_val_rule( A ,2)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 amino_acid_pair_ratio_qg <= 8.3 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,membrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria)] = 1 [hom( A ),species( A ,mycobacterium_tuberculosis),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,1),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(g,5),classification( A ,bacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),classification( A ,proteobacteria)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Small-molecule metabolism )' [78.0%] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb86 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycQ' "probable formate hydrogenlyase subunit" tb89 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'null' "null" tb129 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpC1' "antigen 85C, mycolytransferase" tb135 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb158 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb162 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhE' "alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn)" tb223 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb237 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqI' "beta-hexosaminidase precursorBETA-HEXOSAMINIDASE A PRECURSOR" tb248 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb273 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb322 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'udgA' "UDP-glucose dehydrogenase/GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase" tb353 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'hspR' "heat shock regulator" tb370 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb417 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiG' "thiamine synthesis, thiazole moiety" tb423 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'thiC' "thiamine synthesis, pyrimidine moiety" tb467 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceA' "isocitrate lyase" tb468 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB2' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb474 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb478 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoC' "deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase" tb492 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb500 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proC' "pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase" tb509 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemA' "glutamyl-tRNA reductase" tb510 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemC' "porphobilinogen deaminase" tb576 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb586 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb618 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galT' "null" tb619 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galT' "galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase C-term" tb631 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recC' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb670 - 2,2,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules DNA DNA 'end' "endonuclease IV (apurinase)" tb672 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE8' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (aka aidB)" tb673 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA4' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb702 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplD' "50S ribosomal protein L4" tb714 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplN' "50S ribosomal protein L14" tb720 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplR' "50S ribosomal protein L18" tb721 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsE' "30S ribosomal protein S5" tb728 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb753 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'mmsA' "methylmalmonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb780 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purC' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase" tb800 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepC' "aminopeptidase I" tb803 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purL' "phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II" tb815 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysA2' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb827 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb860 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB' "beta oxidation complex, alpha subunit (multiple activities)" tb864 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaC2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein C" tb896 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'gltA2' "citrate synthase 1 " tb906 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb952 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucD' "succinyl-CoA synthase alpha chain" tb974 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD2' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" tb984 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaB2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein B" tb1014 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'pth' "peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase" tb1015 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplY' "50S ribosomal protein L25" tb1017 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'prsA' "ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase" tb1029 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kdpA' "potassium-transporting ATPase A chain" tb1095 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'phoH2' "PhoH-like protein" tb1121 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'zwf' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1122 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'gnd2' "6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gram +)" tb1189 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigI' "ECF family sigma factor" tb1210 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'tagA' "DNA-3-methyladenine glycosidase I" tb1223 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'htrA' "serine protease" tb1244 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqZ' "lipoprotein" tb1255 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1293 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'lysA' "diaminopimelate decarboxylase" tb1294 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrA' "homoserine dehydrogenase" tb1295 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrC' "homoserine synthase" tb1309 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpG' "ATP synthase gamma chain" tb1310 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpD' "ATP synthase beta chain" tb1344 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb1360 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb1372 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks18' "polyketide synthase " tb1380 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrB' "aspartate carbamoyltransferase " tb1392 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metK' "S-adenosylmethionine synthase" tb1406 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'fmt' "methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase" tb1437 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pgk' "phosphoglycerate kinase" tb1448 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'tal' "transaldolase" tb1457 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1485 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemZ' "ferrochelatase" tb1552 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdA' "fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit" tb1568 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioA' "adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase" tb1570 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioD' "dethiobiotin synthase" tb1589 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioB' "biotin synthase" tb1595 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadB' "L-aspartate oxidase" tb1596 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadC' "nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphatase" tb1599 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisD' "histidinol dehydrogenase" tb1601 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisB' "imidazole glycerol-phosphate dehydratase" tb1603 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisA' "phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide isomerase" tb1627 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1652 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argC' "N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase" tb1659 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argH' "arginosuccinate lyase " tb1660 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks10' "polyketide synthase (chalcone synthase-like)" tb1751 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1826 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gcvH' "glycine cleavage system H protein" tb1832 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gcvB' "glycine decarboxylase " tb1837 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'glcB' "malate synthase" tb1844 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'gnd' "6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gram -)" tb1848 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureA' "urease gamma subunit" tb1849 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureB' "urease beta subunit" tb1894 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1909 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'furA' "ferric uptake regulatory protein" tb1911 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppC' "lipoprotein" tb1967 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2007 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxA' "ferredoxin" tb2017 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2066 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobI' "CobI-CobJ fusion protein" tb2069 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigC' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb2122 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisI' "phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase" tb2139 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrD' "dihydroorotate dehydrogenase" tb2152 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murC' "UDP-N-acetyl-muramate-alanine ligase" tb2158 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murE' "meso-diaminopimelate-adding enzyme" tb2161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2202 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'cbhK' "carbohydrate kinase" tb2210 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvE' "branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase" tb2213 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepB' "aminopeptidase A/I" tb2222 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA2' "glutamine synthase class II" tb2225 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panB' "3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase" tb2261 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb2281 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pitB' "phosphate permease" tb2321 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocD2' "ornithine aminotransferase" tb2322 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocD1' "ornithine aminotransferase" tb2332 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'mez' "probable malate oxidoreductase" tb2368 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'phoH' "ATP-binding pho regulon component" tb2392 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'cysH' "3-phosphoadenylylsulfate (PAPS) reductase" tb2434 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2447 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folC' "folylpolyglutamate synthase" tb2454 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2455 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2464 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2523 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'acpS' "CoA:apo-[ACP] pantethienephosphotransferase" tb2533 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusB' "N-utilisation substance protein B" tb2534 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'efp' "elongation factor P" tb2538 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroB' "3-dehydroquinate synthase" tb2540 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroF' "chorismate synthase" tb2572 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'aspS' "aspartyl-tRNA synthase" tb2605 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'tesB2' "thioesterase II" tb2640 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2678 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemE' "uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase" tb2692 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'trkB' "probable potassium uptake protein " tb2723 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'null' "null" tb2726 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapF' "diaminopimelate epimerase" tb2727 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'miaA' "tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase" tb2779 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2781 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2831 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA16' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb2838 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'rbfA' "ribosome-binding factor A" tb2847 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysG2' "multifunctional enzyme, siroheme synthase" tb2849 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobA' "cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase" tb2884 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb2889 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'tsf' "elongation factor EF-Ts" tb2976 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ung' "uracil-DNA glycosylase" tb2982 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'gpdA2' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb3028 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fixB' "electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit" tb3029 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fixA' "electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit" tb3048 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdG' "ribonucleoside-diphosphate small subunit" tb3052 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdI' "NrdI/YgaO/YmaA family" tb3072 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3105 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'prfB' "peptide chain release factor 2" tb3111 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaC' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein C" tb3133 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3140 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE23' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3145 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoA' "NADH dehydrogenase chain A" tb3146 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoB' "NADH dehydrogenase chain B" tb3147 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoC' "NADH dehydrogenase chain C" tb3150 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoF' "NADH dehydrogenase chain F" tb3156 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoL' "NADH dehydrogenase chain L" tb3157 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoM' "NADH dehydrogenase chain M" tb3167 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3173 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3208 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3214 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'entD' "weak similarity to many phosphoglycerate mutases" tb3215 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'entC' "probable isochorismate synthase" tb3224 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3227 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroA' "3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyl transferase" tb3263 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3280 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD5' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3291 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3299 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsB' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3301 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoY1' "phosphate transport system regulator" tb3306 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'amiB' "probable aminohydrolase" tb3309 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'upp' "uracil phophoribosyltransferase" tb3315 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'cdd' "probable cytidine deaminase" tb3329 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3332 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'nagA' "N-acetylglucosamine-6-P-deacetylase" tb3336 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'trpS' "tryptophanyl tRNA synthase" tb3372 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'otsB2' "trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase" tb3373 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA18' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily, N-term" tb3382 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'lytB1' "LytB protein homologue" tb3392 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'cmaA1' "cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 1" tb3398 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsA' "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb3402 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3427 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1532' "null" tb3454 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3455 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'truA' "probable pseudouridylate synthase" tb3458 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsD' "30S ribosomal protein S4" tb3497 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3516 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA19' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb3522 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3544 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE28' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3570 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3574 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3579 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3602 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panC' "pantoate-beta-alanine ligase" tb3609 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folE' "GTP cyclohydrolase I " tb3634 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB2' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3674 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'nth' "probable endonuclease III" tb3696 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'glpK' "ATP:glycerol 3-phosphotransferase" tb3754 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'tyrA' "prephenate dehydrogenase" tb3765 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3799 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD4' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3803 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpD' "antigen MPT51, mycolyltransferase" tb3807 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3837 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'null' "null" tb3853 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menG' "S-adenosylmethionine:2-demethylmenaquinone " tb3854 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3907 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'pcnA' "polynucleotide polymerase" tb3919 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'gid' "glucose inhibited division protein B" Proper test Accuracy: 157/214 (73.36%) Application to new data (498 items): tb52 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb208 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb372 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb480 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb880 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb992 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1011 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1140 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1173 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1186 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1194 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1203 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1251 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1284 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1341 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1357 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1375 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1504 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1505 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1725 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1834 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1861 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1991 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2030 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2135 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2251 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2295 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2367 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2370 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2438 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2573 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2603 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2613 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2623 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2707 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2794 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2868 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'gcpE' "essential gene of unknown function" tb2870 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2966 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2993 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3024 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3030 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3104 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3113 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3226 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3228 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3242 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3312 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3335 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3342 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3404 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3422 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3471 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3581 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3786 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 55 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb23 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb33 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb43 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb58 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaB' "DNA helicase (contains intein)" tb63 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb67 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb69 1,3,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis 'sdaA' "L-serine dehydratase 1" tb70 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'glyA2' "serine hydroxymethyltransferase" tb77 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb81 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb83 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb112 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'gca' "probable GDP-mannose dehydratase" tb113 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'gmhA' "phosphoheptose isomerase" tb117 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'oxyS' "transcriptional regulator (LysR family)" tb132 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb144 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb154 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE2' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb155 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntAA' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit alpha1" tb156 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntAB' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit alpha2" tb157 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntB' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit beta" tb163 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb173 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprK' "part of mce1 operon" tb182 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigG' "sigma-70 factors ECF subfamily " tb186 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'bglS' "beta-glucosidase" tb195 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb212 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'nadR' "similar to E.coli NadR" tb213 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb222 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA1' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb232 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb233 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdB' "ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase B2 (eukaryotic-like) " tb238 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb247 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb253 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'nirD' "probable nitrite reductase small subunit" tb254 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobU' "cobinamide kinase" tb296 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsG' "proable arylsulfatase" tb302 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb306 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'null' "null" tb334 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlA' "glucose-1-phosphate thymidyltransferase" tb357 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purA' "adenylosuccinate synthase" tb363 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'fba' "fructose bisphosphate aldolase" tb373 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb374 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb375 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb407 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb408 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'pta' "phosphate acetyltransferase" tb409 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'ackA' "acetate kinase" tb413 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mutT3' "MutT homologue" tb414 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiE' "thiamine synthesis, thiazole moiety" tb429 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'def' "polypeptide deformylase" tb445 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigK' "ECF-type sigma factor" tb447 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'ufaA1' "unknown fatty acid methyltransferase" tb456 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA2' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb458 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb470 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'umaA2' "unknown mycolic acid methyltransferase" tb472 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb473 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb482 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murB' "UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase" tb485 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb491 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'regX3' "two-component response regulator" tb494 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb512 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemB' "delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase" tb524 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemL' "glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase" tb533 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabH' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III" tb535 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'pnp' "phosphorylase from Pnp/MtaP family 2" tb536 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galE2' "UDP-glucose 4-epimerase" tb548 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menB' "naphthoate synthase" tb553 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menC' "o-succinylbenzoate-CoA synthase" tb564 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'gpdA1' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb570 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdZ' "ribonucleotide reductase, class II" tb575 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb602 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'tcrA' "two-component response regulator" tb620 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galK' "galactokinase" tb629 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recD' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb632 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA3' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb639 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusG' "transcription antitermination protein" tb643 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA3' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 3" tb644 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA2' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 2" tb645 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA1' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 1" tb658 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb663 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsD' "proable arylsulfatase" tb675 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA5' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb691 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb694 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'lldD1' "L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) " tb701 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplC' "50S ribosomal protein L3" tb703 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplW' "50S ribosomal protein L23" tb707 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsC' "30S ribosomal protein S3" tb711 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsA' "arylsulfatase" tb718 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsH' "30S ribosomal protein S8" tb722 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmD' "50S ribosomal protein L30" tb727 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'fucA' "L-fuculose phosphate aldolase" tb729 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'xylB' "xylulose kinase" tb733 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'adk' "probable adenylate kinase" tb735 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigL' "sigma-70 factors ECF subfamily" tb737 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb761 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhB' "zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase" tb773 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'ggtA' "putative gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase" tb777 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purB' "adenylosuccinate lyase" tb782 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'ptrBa' "protease II, alpha subunit" tb788 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purQ' "phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase I" tb791 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb808 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purF' "amidophosphoribosyltransferase " tb818 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb821 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoY2' "phosphate transport system regulator" tb840 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb844 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'narL' "two-component response regulator" tb848 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM3' "putative cysteine synthase" tb855 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'far' "fatty acyl-CoA racemase" tb865 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'mog' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb866 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaE2' "molybdopterin-converting factor subunit 2" tb869 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaA2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein A" tb884 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serC' "phosphoserine aminotransferase" tb890 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb892 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb903 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb905 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA6' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily (aka eccH)" tb940 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb946 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pgi' "glucose-6-phosphate isomerase " tb981 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb985 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'mscL' "highly similar to large-conductance mechanosensitive channels" tb989 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'grcC2' "heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase II" tb994 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeA' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb1005 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'pabB' "p-aminobenzoate synthase" tb1010 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'ksgA' "16S rRNA dimethyltransferase" tb1019 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1026 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'null' "null" tb1027 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'kdpE' "two-component response regulator" tb1033 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb1070 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA8' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1071 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA9' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1072 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1077 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM2' "cystathionine beta-synthase" tb1080 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'greA' "transcription elongation factor G" tb1092 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'coaA' "pantothenate kinase" tb1093 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'glyA' "serine hydroxymethyltransferase" tb1096 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'null' "null" tb1098 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'fum' "fumarase" tb1106 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1108 - 2,2,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules DNA DNA 'xseA' "exonuclease VII large subunit" tb1110 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'lytB2' "very similar to LytB" tb1136 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'null' "null" tb1141 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA11' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1142 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA10' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1143 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mcr' "alpha-methyl acyl-CoA racemase" tb1162 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narH' "nitrate reductase beta chain" tb1163 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narJ' "nitrate reductase delta chain" tb1167 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1177 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxC' "ferredoxin 4Fe-4S" tb1202 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapE' "succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase" tb1207 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folP2' "dihydropteroate synthase" tb1221 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigE' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb1240 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'mdh' "malate dehydrogenase" tb1292 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'argS' "arginyl-tRNA synthase" tb1296 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrB' "homoserine kinase" tb1297 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rho' "transcription termination factor rho" tb1299 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'prfA' "peptide chain release factor 1" tb1308 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpA' "ATP synthase alpha chain" tb1315 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murA' "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-carboxyvinyltransferase" tb1316 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ogt' "methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase" tb1317 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'alkA' "DNA-3-methyladenine glycosidase II" tb1336 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM' "cysteine synthase B" tb1340 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rphA' "ribonuclease PH" tb1353 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1391 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'dfp' "flavoprotein" tb1395 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1403 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1404 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1412 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribC' "riboflavin synthase alpha chain" tb1415 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribA2' "probable GTP cyclohydrolase II" tb1416 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribH' "riboflavin synthase beta chain" tb1420 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrC' "excinuclease ABC subunit C" tb1436 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'gap' "glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb1438 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'tpi' "triosephosphate isomerase" tb1445 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'devB' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1447 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'zwf2' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1449 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'tkt' "transketolase" tb1451 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaB' "cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor" tb1467 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE15' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1471 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxB' "thioredoxin reductase" tb1472 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA12' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1474 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1481 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1492 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mutA' "methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, beta subunit" tb1493 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mutB' "methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, alpha subunit" tb1518 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1534 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1537 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinX' "probable DNA-damage-inducible protein" tb1538 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ansA' "L-asparaginase" tb1553 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdB' "fumarate reductase iron sulphur protein" tb1556 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1559 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvA' "threonine deaminase" tb1569 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioF' "8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase" tb1594 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadA' "quinolinate synthase" tb1605 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisF' "imidazole glycerol-phosphate synthase" tb1606 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisI2' "probable phosphoribosyl-AMP 1,6 cyclohydrolase" tb1609 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpE' "anthranilate synthase component I" tb1611 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpC' "indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase" tb1613 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpA' "tryptophan synthase alpha chain" tb1618 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'tesB1' "thioesterase II" tb1640 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'lysX' "C-term lysyl-tRNA synthase" tb1644 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'tsnR' "putative 23S rRNA methyltransferase" tb1649 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'pheS' "phenylalanyl-tRNA synthase alpha subunit" tb1655 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argD' "acetylornithine aminotransferase" tb1656 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argF' "ornithine carbamoyltransferase" tb1657 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'argR' "arginine repressor" tb1665 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks11' "polyketide synthase (chalcone synthase-like)" tb1674 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1681 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeX' "weak similarity to E. coli MoaA" tb1689 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'tyrS' "tyrosyl-tRNA synthase" tb1699 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrG' "CTP synthase" tb1712 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'cmk' "cytidylate kinase" tb1715 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB3' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1719 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1731 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'gabD1' "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb1771 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1773 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1774 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1781 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'null' "null" tb1816 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1852 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureG' "urease accessory protein" tb1862 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhA' "alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn)" tb1867 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1872 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'lldD2' "L-lactate dehydrogenase" tb1878 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA3' "probable glutamine synthase" tb1886 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpB' "antigen 85B, mycolyltransferase" tb1895 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1910 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1915 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceAa' "isocitrate lyase, alpha module" tb1916 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceAb' "isocitrate lyase, beta module" tb1928 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1935 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA13' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1936 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1940 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribA' "GTP cyclohydrolase II" tb1981 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdF' "ribonucleotide reductase small subunit" tb1985 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1994 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2034 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2057 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmG' "50S ribosomal protein L33" tb2064 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobG' "percorrin reductase" tb2121 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisG' "ATP phosphoribosyltransferase" tb2124 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metH' "5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase" tb2173 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsA2' "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb2207 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobT' "nicotinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenzimidazole transferase " tb2217 1,7,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Lipoate Lipoate 'lipB' "lipoate biosynthesis protein B " tb2218 1,7,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Lipoate Lipoate 'lipA' "lipoate biosynthesis protein A" tb2220 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA1' "glutamine synthase class I" tb2221 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnE' "glutamate-ammonia-ligase adenyltransferase" tb2231 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobC' "aminotransferase" tb2234 1,10,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases 'ptpA' "low molecular weight protein-tyrosine-phosphatase" tb2244 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'acpM' "acyl carrier protein (meromycolate extension)" tb2247 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD6' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb2250 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2259 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhE2' "putative alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn dependent)" tb2262 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb2277 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb2289 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'cdh' "CDP-diacylglycerol phosphatidylhydrolase" tb2291 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'sseB' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb2324 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2334 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysK' "cysteine synthase A" tb2343 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaG' "DNA primase" tb2344 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'dgt' "probable deoxyguanosine triphosphate hydrolase" tb2358 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2359 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'furB' "ferric uptake regulatory protein" tb2386 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpE2' "anthranilate synthase component I" tb2388 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemN' "oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase" tb2394 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'ggtB' "gamma -glutamyltranspeptidase precursor" tb2427 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proA' "gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase" tb2436 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'rbsK' "ribokinase" tb2445 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'ndkA' "nucleoside diphosphate kinase" tb2460 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpP2' "ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit" tb2465 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'rpi' "phosphopentose isomerase" tb2496 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'pdhB' "pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit" tb2498 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'citE' "citrate lyase beta chain" tb2502 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD1' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" tb2503 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'scoB' "3-oxo acid:CoA transferase, beta subunit" tb2506 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2528 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mrr' "restriction system protein" tb2531 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'adi' "ornithine/arginine decarboxylase" tb2552 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroE' "shikimate 5-dehydrogenase" tb2589 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gabT' "4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase" tb2593 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvA' "Holliday junction binding protein, DNA helicase" tb2594 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvC' "Holliday junction resolvase, endodeoxyribonuclease" tb2601 1,5,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyamine synthesis Polyamine synthesis Polyamine synthesis 'speE' "spermidine synthase" tb2642 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" Training Accuracy: 226/283 (79.86%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2669 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2671 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribD' "probable riboflavin deaminase" tb2672 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2682 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'dxs' "1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase" tb2710 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigB' "RNA polymerase sigma factor (aka MysB)" tb2720 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'lexA' "LexA, SOS repressor protein" tb2736 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recX' "regulatory protein for RecA" tb2737 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recA' "recombinase (contains intein)" tb2753 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapA' "dihydrodipicolinate synthase" tb2773 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapB' "dihydrodipicolinate reductase" tb2780 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ald' "L-alanine dehydrogenase" tb2786 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribF' "riboflavin kinase" tb2793 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'truB' "tRNA pseudouridine 55 synthase" tb2841 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusA' "transcription termination factor" tb2848 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobB' "cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase" tb2857 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2860 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA4' "proable glutamine synthase" tb2869 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2874 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2882 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'frr' "ribosome recycling factor" tb2887 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2893 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2899 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'fdhD' "affects formate dehydrogenase-N" tb2902 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rnhB' "ribonuclease HII" tb2903 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'lepB' "signal peptidase I" tb2906 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'trmD' "tRNA (guanine-N1)-methyltransferase" tb2907 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'rimM' "16S rRNA processing protein" tb2912 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2913 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'null' "null" tb2918 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnD' "uridylyltransferase" tb2924 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'fpg' "formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase" tb2943 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1533' "null" tb2951 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2963 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2965 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'kdtB' "lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein" tb2989 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2995 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuB' "3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase" tb2996 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serA' "D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase" tb3002 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvN' "acetolactate synthase I small subunit" tb3006 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppZ' "M. leprae lipoprotein MLCB637.17c" tb3039 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA17' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3043 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaD' "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide I" tb3045 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhC' "alcohol dehydrogenase" tb3050 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3056 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinP' "DNA-damage-inducible protein" tb3058 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3060 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3066 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3069 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3077 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsF' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3083 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3095 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3101 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsX' "membrane protein" tb3109 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaA' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein A" tb3117 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysA3' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb3137 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3138 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'pflA' "similar to pyruvate lyase activating protein" tb3148 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoD' "NADH dehydrogenase chain D" tb3149 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoE' "NADH dehydrogenase chain E" tb3155 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoK' "NADH dehydrogenase chain K" tb3160 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3204 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3223 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigH' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3225 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3241 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'null' "null" tb3255 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'manA' "mannose-6-phosphate isomerase" tb3275 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purE' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase" tb3283 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'sseA' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb3286 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigF' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3290 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'lat' "lysine-epsilon aminotransferase" tb3295 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3300 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'null' "null" tb3305 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'amiA' "probable aminohydrolase" tb3307 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoD' "probable purine nucleoside phosphorylase" tb3314 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoA' "thymidine phosphorylase" tb3318 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sdhA' "succinate dehydrogenase A" tb3319 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sdhB' "succinate dehydrogenase B" tb3327 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb3334 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3339 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'icd1' "isocitrate dehydrogenase" tb3356 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folD' "methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase" tb3359 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3383 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsB' "transfergeranyl, similar geranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb3393 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'iunH' "probable inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase" tb3405 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3410 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'guaB3' "inosine-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase" tb3414 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigD' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3417 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groEL1' "60 kD chaperonin 1" tb3428 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1532' "null" tb3457 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rpoA' "alpha subunit of RNA polymerase" tb3464 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3465 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlC' "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase" tb3468 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB3' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3470 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvB2' "acetolactate synthase large subunit" tb3490 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'otsA' "probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase" tb3495 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprN' "part of mce4 operon" tb3520 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb3536 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb3540 - 3,1,5,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Fatty acid transport Fatty acid transport 'ltp2' "non-specific lipid transport protein" tb3550 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA20' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3551 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'null' "null" tb3563 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE32' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3564 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE33' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3565 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'aspB' "aspartate aminotransferase" tb3588 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3598 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'lysS' "lysyl-tRNA synthase" tb3601 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panD' "aspartate 1-decarboxylase" tb3606 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folK' "7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosphokinase" tb3607 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folX' "may be involved in folate biosynthesis" tb3608 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folP' "dihydropteroate synthase" tb3618 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3624 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'hpt' "probable hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase" tb3625 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'mesJ' "probable cell cycle protein" tb3628 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'ppa' "probable inorganic pyrophosphatase" tb3638 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1534' "null" tb3641 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'fic' "possible cell division protein" tb3661 - 4,5,0,0 Other Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins 'null' "null" tb3677 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3678 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3699 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3700 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3710 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuA' "2-isopropylmalate synthase" tb3715 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recR' "RecBC-Independent process of DNA repair" tb3726 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3729 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3744 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3762 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'null' "null" tb3774 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA21' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3790 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3796 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsH' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3804 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpA' "antigen 85A, mycolyltransferase" tb3806 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3817 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3830 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3834 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'serS' "seryl-tRNA synthase" tb3838 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'pheA' "prephenate dehydratase" tb3859 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'gltB' "ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase" tb3911 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigM' "probable sigma factor, similar to SigE" tb3924 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmH' "50S ribosomal protein L34" Test Accuracy: 85/140 (60.71%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb21 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb38 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb47 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb74 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb97 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb106 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb115 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb130 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb190 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb197 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb263 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb264 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb294 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb308 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb330 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb376 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb433 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb496 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb525 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb573 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb636 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb775 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb793 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb805 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb828 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb967 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1021 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1043 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1086 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1099 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1112 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1115 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1130 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1138 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1201 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1247 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1262 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1277 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1287 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1288 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1301 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1330 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1421 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1422 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1429 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1453 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1461 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1462 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1515 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1631 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1636 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1637 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1695 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1745 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1866 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1996 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1998 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2005 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2024 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2052 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2053 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2054 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2094 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2140 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2149 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'yfiH' "YFIH_STRGR P45496" tb2165 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2184 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2242 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2314 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2315 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2327 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2361 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2372 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2420 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2421 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2423 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2510 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2511 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2522 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2553 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2554 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2556 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2611 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2670 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2674 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2716 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2718 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2733 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2761 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2765 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2842 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2879 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2896 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3054 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3075 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3093 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3094 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3114 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3134 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3199 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3262 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3272 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3282 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3284 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3357 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3376 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3394 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3421 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3567 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3582 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3672 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3712 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3719 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3722 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3813 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 115 ------------------ Rule 1: (45, lift 5.2) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,2),mol_wt_rule( A ,4),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 1 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(d,4),e_val_rule( A ,1)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.979] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb109 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb278 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb286 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb742 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb754 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb872 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1039 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1361 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1387 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1625 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1790 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1800 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1803 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1808 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1809 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1918 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2123 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2162 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2408 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2487 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2615 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2634 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3018 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3426 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3514 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3812 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 26/26 (100.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb20 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb96 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb136 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb160 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb256 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb279 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb280 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb297 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb327 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb388 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb442 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb453 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb532 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb568 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb578 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb746 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb747 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb832 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb834 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb878 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb978 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1040 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1168 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1172 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1243 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1325 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1441 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1468 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1651 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1666 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1706 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1753 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1759 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "wag22, member of the PGRS" tb1768 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1789 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1801 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1818 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1840 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2098 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2108 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2126 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2340 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2352 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2353 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2396 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2430 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Training Accuracy: 45/45 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2741 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2768 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2769 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2770 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2853 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2892 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3125 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3135 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3144 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3343 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3345 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3367 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3425 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3429 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3478 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3507 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3508 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3532 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3539 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3590 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3621 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3645 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3653 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3685 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3892 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Test Accuracy: 24/25 (96.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb1337 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2083 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3616 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 ------------------ Rule 2: (49/1, lift 5.1) amino_acid_ratio_r <= 1.5 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.961] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb109 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb278 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb304 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb742 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb754 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb755 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb872 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1039 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1361 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1396 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1548 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1788 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1791 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1803 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1808 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1809 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1917 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1918 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1983 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2162 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2328 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2487 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2591 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2615 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2634 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3018 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3065 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'emrE' "resistance to ethidium bromide" tb3344 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3350 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3388 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3514 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3595 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3652 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3739 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3812 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 34/35 (97.14%) Application to new data (498 items): tb387 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1861 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 2 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb124 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb256 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb279 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb297 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb355 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb442 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb532 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb578 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb746 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb747 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb833 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb834 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb977 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb978 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb980 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1040 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1067 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1068 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1087 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1091 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1135 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1177 - 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxC' "ferredoxin 4Fe-4S" tb1195 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1243 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1325 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1441 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1450 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1452 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1468 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1646 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1651 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1753 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1759 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "wag22, member of the PGRS" tb1768 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1789 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1801 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1802 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1806 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1807 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1818 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1840 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2098 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2099 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2126 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2352 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2353 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2356 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2396 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2490 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Training Accuracy: 48/49 (97.96%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2741 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2768 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2769 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2853 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2873 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'mpt83' "surface lipoprotein Mpt83" tb3021 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3022 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3097 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3159 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3343 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3345 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3347 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3367 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3478 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3507 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3508 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3511 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3512 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3533 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3558 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3590 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3621 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3622 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3653 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3893 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" Test Accuracy: 24/25 (96.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb341 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1158 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1233 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3878 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 4 ------------------ Rule 3: (23, lift 5.1) amino_acid_pair_ratio_dg <= 2.1 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,1),e_val_rule( A ,2)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,1),classification( A ,bacteria),e_val_rule( A ,2)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.960] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb109 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb278 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb305 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb588 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb872 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1548 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1803 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1811 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'mgtC' "probable magnesium transport ATPase protein C" tb1824 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2487 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3041 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3344 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3500 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3501 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3514 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 12/15 (80.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb8 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2081 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2273 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2366 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 4 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb167 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb168 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb355 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb442 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb532 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb578 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb587 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb746 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb747 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb834 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb978 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1243 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1325 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1441 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1768 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1818 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1840 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1964 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1965 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2126 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb2353 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2356 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2396 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Training Accuracy: 23/23 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2741 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3144 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3343 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3345 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3507 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3508 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3512 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3533 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3558 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3590 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3653 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb3757 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proW' "transport system permease" Test Accuracy: 11/12 (91.67%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb341 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 ------------------ Rule 4: (12, lift 4.9) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(e,4),e_val_rule( A ,3)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.929] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb567 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb766 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1386 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1785 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2107 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb2177 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2266 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3426 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3477 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3545 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 10/10 (100.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb2752 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2961 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 2 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb285 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb778 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb797 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb1169 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1256 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1264 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1524 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1880 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2276 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2424 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2430 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2431 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" Training Accuracy: 12/12 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb3429 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3518 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3622 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3645 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 3/4 (75.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb1827 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3881 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3903 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 3 ------------------ Rule 7: (9, lift 4.8) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(e,4),classification( A ,eukaryota)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(g,4)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.909] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb891 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb920 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1554' "probable transposase, related to IS1081" tb1001 - 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'arcA' "arginine deiminase" tb1047 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb1145 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1199 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb1565 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1625 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1785 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2268 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2512 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3011 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gatA' "glu-tRNA-gln amidotransferase, subunit B" tb3254 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3448 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 7/14 (50.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb1887 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3877 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 2 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb111 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb797 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb1313 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1557' "transposase" tb1524 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1526 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1880 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2013 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1607' "transposase" tb2014 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1607' "transposase" tb2424 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" Training Accuracy: 9/9 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2888 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'amiC' "putative amidase" tb2892 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3023 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3115 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3252 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3386 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3431 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1552' "null" tb3640 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1553' "probable transposase highly related to IS1081" tb3727 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3798 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1557' "transposase" Test Accuracy: 8/10 (80.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb597 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1232 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1378 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1673 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2008 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3179 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3878 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 7 ------------------ Rule 8: (9, lift 4.8) amino_acid_pair_ratio_qy > 6.2 [amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,2)] = 1 [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.909] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb1756 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1764 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3380 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3623 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqG' "similar OMP28" Proper test Accuracy: 3/4 (75.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb1532 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb796 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1369 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1405 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1969 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2087 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1556' "putative transposase" tb2106 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2279 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2355 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2649 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" Training Accuracy: 9/9 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2814 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3185 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3187 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3191 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1603' "null" tb3326 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3922 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 6/6 (100.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb2067 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 ------------------ Rule 9: (7, lift 4.7) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),keyword( A ,plasmid),amino_acid_ratio_rule(f,2)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.889] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb606 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1536' "transposase" tb922 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1535' "transposase" tb1047 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb1145 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1199 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb2177 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2268 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2512 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3011 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gatA' "glu-tRNA-gln amidotransferase, subunit B" tb3375 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'amiD' "probable amidase, v. similar MTCY50.19 " tb3397 - 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'phyA' "phytoene synthase" tb3503 - 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxD' "probable ferredoxin" Proper test Accuracy: 8/12 (66.67%) Application to new data (498 items): Total: 0 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb111 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1034 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb1263 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'amiB2' "putative amidase AMI2_MYCTU Q11056" tb1347 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb2014 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1607' "transposase" tb2363 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'amiA2' "putative amidase" tb2424 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" Training Accuracy: 7/7 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2666 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb2677 - 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemY' "protoporphyrinogen oxidase" tb2791 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1602' "transposase" tb2978 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1538' "transposase" tb3023 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3115 4,2,1,2 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS1081 'IS1081' "null" tb3125 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3175 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3387 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3449 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb3727 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3827 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1537' "transposase" tb3883 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 9/13 (69.23%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb2807 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 ------------------ Rule 10: (15/1, lift 4.7) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(r,5)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),classification( A ,gamma_subdivision),classification( A ,enterobacteriaceae),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(y,2)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.882] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb251 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'hsp' "possible heat shock protein" tb606 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1536' "transposase" tb771 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb891 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb922 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1535' "transposase" tb1041 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1370 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1379 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'pyrR' "regulatory protein pyrimidine biosynthesis" tb1757 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1763 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1851 - 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureF' "urease accessory protein" tb2072 - 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobL' "probable methyltransferase" tb2105 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2177 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2278 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2648 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2815 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3186 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3381 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3503 - 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxD' "probable ferredoxin" Proper test Accuracy: 13/20 (65.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb627 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1647 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2910 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb763 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb795 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb797 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb1042 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1055 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1149 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1150 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS-like' "null" tb1347 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb2014 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1607' "transposase" tb2031 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'hspX' "14kD antigen, heat shock protein Hsp20 family" tb2085 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1556' "putative transposase" tb2168 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2354 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2424 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1558' "null" tb2480 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" Training Accuracy: 14/15 (93.33%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2745 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2791 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1602' "transposase" tb2885 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1539' "transposase" tb2978 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1538' "transposase" tb3110 - 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaB' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein B" tb3184 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3325 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3386 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3387 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1560' "null" tb3474 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3645 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 8/11 (72.73%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb595 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb825 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb919 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1120 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1139 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1953 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2042 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2437 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2478 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2955 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 10 ------------------ Rule 11: (13/1, lift 4.6) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(l,5),keyword( A ,transmembrane)] = 1 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(l,5),species( A ,saccharomyces_cerevisiae)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(d,4),e_val_rule( A ,1)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.867] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb152 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb497 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb677 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpS5' "conserved small membrane protein" tb1361 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1565 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1800 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2107 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3018 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3477 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3738 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3812 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 8/11 (72.73%) Application to new data (498 items): tb359 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2325 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 2 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb111 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb151 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb159 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb160 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb228 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1168 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1169 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1220 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1430 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1646 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1703 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2209 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2608 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Training Accuracy: 12/13 (92.31%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2856 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'nicT' "probable nickel transport protein" tb3021 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3125 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3136 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3158 - 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoN' "NADH dehydrogenase chain N" tb3539 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3622 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3840 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3873 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Test Accuracy: 6/9 (66.67%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb48 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb93 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1735 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1950 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2235 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2578 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2600 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3267 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3484 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'cpsA' "cpsA,CpsA : Q50160" tb3689 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 10 ------------------ Rule 12: (13/1, lift 4.6) [hom( A ),keyword( A ,alternative_splicing),amino_acid_ratio_rule(i,3)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.867] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb125 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepA' "probable serine protease" tb286 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb305 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb522 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'gabP' "probable 4-amino butyrate transporter" tb742 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb754 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1039 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1387 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1704 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'cycA' "transport of D-alanine, D-serine and glycine" tb1790 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1808 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1809 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1983 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1999 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2287 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'yjcE' "probable Na+/H+ exchanger" tb2519 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3018 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3448 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3738 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 13/19 (68.42%) Application to new data (498 items): tb2414 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb256 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb280 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb355 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb453 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb679 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb915 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb978 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb980 4,3,1,2 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE_PGRS subfamily 'PE_PGRS' "null" tb1089 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1172 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1320 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1430 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb1477 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" Training Accuracy: 12/13 (92.31%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2690 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2768 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb2769 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3021 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3097 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" tb3132 - 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3239 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3253 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'null' "null" tb3532 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3539 4,3,1,1 Other PE and PPE families PE family PE subfamily 'PE' "null" Test Accuracy: 6/10 (60.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb192 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1488 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1682 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1744 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2229 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2744 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals '35kd_ag' "35-kd antigen" tb2927 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3365 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3616 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 9 ------------------ Rule 14: (8/1, lift 4.3) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(e,4)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Other )' [0.800] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb66 - 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'icd2' "isocitrate dehydrogenase" tb410 - 1,10,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases 'pknG' "serine-threonine protein kinase" tb766 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1777 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1785 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb2266 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3059 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3545 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 6/8 (75.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb60 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb434 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb996 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2305 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2476 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2752 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 6 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb778 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1256 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb1264 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1364 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rsbU' "SigB regulation protein " tb1524 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1582 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb2303 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb2430 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" Training Accuracy: 7/8 (87.50%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb3124 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3377 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb3429 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb3645 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3685 4,6,0,0 Other Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes Cytochrome P450 enzymes 'null' "null" tb3811 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'csp' "secreted protein" Test Accuracy: 3/6 (50.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb342 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb938 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb959 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1024 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1120 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1215 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1827 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1879 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2032 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2311 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2410 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2411 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2567 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3881 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3903 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 15 ------------------ Rule 16: (16, lift 10.5) [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,3),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,1),species( A ,mycobacterium_tuberculosis)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(t,4),species( A ,bacillus_subtilis)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Cell Processes )' [0.944] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb261 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK3' "nitrite extrusion protein1 " tb522 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'gabP' "probable 4-amino butyrate transporter" tb929 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstC2' "membrane-bound component of phosphate transport system" tb930 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstA1' "PstA component of phosphate uptake" tb1237 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugB' "sugar transport protein" tb1250 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1258 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1634 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1672 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1923 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipD' "probable esterase" tb1979 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2127 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'ansP' "L-asparagine permease" tb2320 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'rocE' "arginine/ornithine transporter" tb2399 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'cysT' "sulphate transport system permease protein" tb2684 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsA' "probable arsenical pump" tb3476 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'kgtP' "sugar transport protein" Proper test Accuracy: 13/16 (81.25%) Application to new data (498 items): tb2626 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 1 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb346 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'aroP2' "probable aromatic amino acid permease" tb362 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'mgtE' "putative magnesium ion transporter" tb783 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb935 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstC' "PstC component of phosphate uptake" tb936 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstA2' "PstA component of phosphate uptake" tb1200 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb1236 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugA' "membrane protein probably involved in sugar transport" tb1282 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppC' "oligopeptide transport system permease" tb1283 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppB' "oligopeptide transport protein" tb1737 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK2' "nitrite extrusion protein " tb1877 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2039 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2316 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'uspA' "sugar transport protein" tb2329 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK1' "probable nitrite extrusion protein" tb2333 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2398 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'cysW' "sulphate transport system permease protein" Training Accuracy: 16/16 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2690 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2834 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpE' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport system protein" tb2835 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpA' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate permease" tb2846 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'efpA' "putative efflux protein" tb3220 - 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3253 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'null' "null" tb3664 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppC' "probable peptide transport system permease" tb3757 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proW' "transport system permease" Test Accuracy: 6/8 (75.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb2406 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2625 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3365 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 ------------------ Rule 17: (8, lift 10.0) [hom( A ),species( A ,haemophilus_influenzae),amino_acid_ratio_rule(y,3)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Cell Processes )' [0.900] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb261 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK3' "nitrite extrusion protein1 " tb1302 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'rfe' "undecaprenyl-phosphate alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase" tb1979 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2127 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'ansP' "L-asparagine permease" tb3665 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppB' "probable peptide transport system permease" tb3921 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 3/6 (50.00%) Application to new data (498 items): Total: 0 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb346 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'aroP2' "probable aromatic amino acid permease" tb732 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secY' "SecY subunit of preprotein translocase" tb936 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstA2' "PstA component of phosphate uptake" tb1200 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb1236 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugA' "membrane protein probably involved in sugar transport" tb1614 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'lgt' "prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase" tb1902 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'nanT' "probable sialic acid transporter " tb2039 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" Training Accuracy: 8/8 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2835 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpA' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate permease" Test Accuracy: 1/1 (100.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): Total: 0 ------------------ Rule 22: (9/1, lift 9.1) [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Cell Processes )' [0.818] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb92 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpA' "cation-transporting ATPase" tb969 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpV' "cation transport ATPase" tb1239 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'corA' "probable magnesium and cobalt transport protein" tb1469 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpD' "probable cadmium-transporting ATPase" tb1997 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpF' "probable cation transport ATPase " tb2467 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepD' "probable aminopeptidase" tb2482 - 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'plsB2' "glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase" tb3743 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 6/8 (75.00%) Application to new data (498 items): Total: 0 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb103 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpB' "cation transport ATPase" tb107 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpI' "probable magnesium transport ATPase" tb411 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'glnH' "putative glutamine binding protein" tb425 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpH' "C-terminal region putative cation-transporting ATPase" tb908 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpE' "probable cation transport ATPase" tb1030 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kdpB' "potassium-transporting ATPase B chain" tb1551 - 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'plsB1' "glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase" tb1607 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'chaA' "putative calcium/proton antiporter" tb1992 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpG' "probable cation transport ATPase" Training Accuracy: 8/9 (88.89%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb3042 - 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serB2' "C-term similar to phosphoserine phosphatase" tb3063 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cstA' "starvation-induced stress response protein" tb3270 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpC' "cation transport ATPase" Test Accuracy: 2/3 (66.67%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb648 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1062 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3091 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 3 ------------------ Rule 25: (24, lift 3.3) amino_acid_pair_ratio_wl <= 6.8 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 1 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(n,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(q,2),species( A ,mycobacterium_tuberculosis)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 1 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),mol_wt_rule( A ,2),amino_acid_ratio_rule(w,2),classification( A ,actinobacteria)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(a,5),classification( A ,actinobacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,2)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Macromolecule metabolism )' [0.962] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb194 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb385 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1626 - 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb2038 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2610 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3610 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsH' "inner membrane protein, chaperone" tb3758 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proV' "osmoprotection ABC transporter" tb3816 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 1/8 (12.50%) Application to new data (498 items): tb1063 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1647 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1798 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1887 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2082 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3000 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 6 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb9 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'ppiA' "peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase" tb225 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb236 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb538 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1166 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqW' "lipoprotein" tb1218 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1272 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1273 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1327 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb1348 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1349 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1458 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1463 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1473 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1562 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgZ' "maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase" tb1563 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgY' "putative alpha-amylase" tb1638 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrA' "excinuclease ABC subunit A" tb1667 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1747 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2037 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2326 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2395 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2444 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rne' "similar at C-term to ribonuclease E" tb2592 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvB' "Holliday junction binding protein" Training Accuracy: 24/24 (100.00%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2782 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepR' "protease/peptidase, M16 family (insulinase)" tb2832 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpC' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport ATP-binding protein" tb3200 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3449 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb3596 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpC' "ATP-dependent Clp protease" tb3627 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb3663 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppD' "probable ABC-transporter" tb3781 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3810 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'pirG' "cell surface protein precursor (Erp protein)" tb3814 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3883 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 8/11 (72.73%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb486 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb557 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1157 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1158 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1324 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2188 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2252 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3281 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3446 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3876 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3878 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3899 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 12 ------------------ Rule 26: (21/1, lift 3.1) amino_acid_ratio_k > 6.6 -> class 'function1(Macromolecule metabolism )' [0.913] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb440 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groEL2' "60 kD chaperonin 2" tb651 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplJ' "50S ribosomal protein L10" tb682 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsL' "30S ribosomal protein S12" tb683 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsG' "30S ribosomal protein S7" tb708 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplP' "50S ribosomal protein L16" tb715 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplX' "50S ribosomal protein L24" tb1298 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmE' "50S ribosomal protein L31" tb1641 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infC' "initiation factor IF-3" tb2412 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsT' "30S ribosomal protein S20" tb2904 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplS' "50S ribosomal protein L19" tb3442 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsI' "30S ribosomal protein S9" tb3461 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmJ' "50S ribosomal protein L36" tb3583 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 11/13 (84.62%) Application to new data (498 items): tb854 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2061 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2517 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2819 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 4 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb53 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsF' "30S ribosomal protein S6" tb55 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsR' "30S ribosomal protein S18" tb56 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplI' "50S ribosomal protein L9" tb640 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplK' "50S ribosomal protein L11" tb641 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplA' "50S ribosomal protein L1" tb652 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplL' "50S ribosomal protein L7/L12" tb700 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsJ' "30S ribosomal protein S10" tb704 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplB' "50S ribosomal protein L2" tb705 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsS' "30S ribosomal protein S19" tb710 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsQ' "30S ribosomal protein S17" tb717 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsN' "30S ribosomal protein S14" tb719 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplF' "50S ribosomal protein L6" tb723 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplO' "50S ribosomal protein L15" tb1470 - 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxA' "thioredoxin" tb1642 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmI' "50S ribosomal protein L35" tb1643 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplT' "50S ribosomal protein L20" tb2055 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsR2' "30S ribosomal protein S18" tb2056 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsN2' "30S ribosomal protein S14" tb2441 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmA' "50S ribosomal protein L27" tb2442 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplU' "50S ribosomal protein L21" tb2457 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpX' "ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX" Training Accuracy: 20/21 (95.24%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2785 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsO' "30S ribosomal protein S15" tb2909 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsP' "30S ribosomal protein S16" tb3418 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groES' "10 kD chaperone" tb3443 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplM' "50S ribosomal protein L13" tb3456 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplQ' "50S ribosomal protein L17" tb3459 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsK' "30S ribosomal protein S11" tb3460 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsM' "30S ribosomal protein S13" tb3462 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infA' "initiation factor IF-1" tb3751 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb3914 - 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxC' "thioredoxin" Test Accuracy: 7/10 (70.00%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb123 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb566 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb810 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb909 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb910 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1893 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1955 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2185 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2708 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2822 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3718 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 11 ------------------ Rule 27: (15/1, lift 3.0) [hom( A ),keyword( A ,membrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,alternative_splicing),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,2)] = 0 [hom( A ),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),species( A ,bacillus_subtilis)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(k,1),classification( A ,bacteria),e_val_rule( A ,2)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),classification( A ,metazoa)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,4),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,bacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,3),classification( A ,firmicutes)] = 0 [hom( A ),e_val_rule( A ,5),amino_acid_ratio_rule(g,5),classification( A ,bacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),classification( A ,proteobacteria)] = 0 -> class 'function1(Macromolecule metabolism )' [0.882] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb630 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recB' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb1133 - 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metE' "5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate-homocysteine methyltransferase" tb1161 - 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narG' "nitrate reductase alpha subunit" tb1329 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinG' "probable ATP-dependent helicase" tb1536 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'ileS' "isoleucyl-tRNA synthase" tb2900 - 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'fdhF' "molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase" tb3051 - 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdE' "ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase alpha chain" tb3202 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3370 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaE2' "DNA polymerase III alpha chain" tb3447 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Proper test Accuracy: 6/10 (60.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb284 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2305 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3194 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3871 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 4 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb3 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recF' "DNA replication and SOS induction" tb41 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'leuS' "leucyl-tRNA synthase" tb180 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb418 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqL' "probable aminopeptidase Y" tb667 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rpoB' "beta subunit of RNA polymerase" tb949 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrD' "DNA-dependent ATPase I and helicase II " tb1007 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'metS' "methionyl-tRNA synthase" tb1328 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgP' "probable glycogen phosphorylase" tb1364 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rsbU' "SigB regulation protein " tb1402 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'priA' "putative primosomal protein n (replication factor Y)" tb1442 - 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bisC' "biotin sulfoxide reductase" tb1547 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaE1' "DNA polymerase III, alpha subunit" tb1650 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'pheT' "phenylalanyl-tRNA synthase beta subunit" tb2191 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2448 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'valS' "valyl-tRNA synthase" Training Accuracy: 14/15 (93.33%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2667 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpX' "null" tb2748 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsK' "chromosome partitioning" tb2939 - 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'papA5' "PKS-associated protein, unknown function" tb2987 - 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuD' "3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit" tb3198 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrD2' "putative UvrD" tb3201 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3436 - 1,3,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Amino sugars Amino sugars 'glmS' "glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase" tb3535 - 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3580 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'cysS' "cysteinyl-tRNA synthase" tb3646 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'topA' "DNA topoisomerase" tb3711 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaQ' "DNA polymerase III epsilon chain" tb3894 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3896 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 7/13 (53.85%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb1061 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1084 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1784 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2837 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3401 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3856 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3870 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 7 ------------------ Rule 28: (15/1, lift 3.0) [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),species( A ,bacillus_subtilis)] = 1 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,transmembrane),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,firmicutes),keyword( A ,transmembrane),mol_wt_rule( A ,3)] = 0 [hom( A ),classification( A ,bacteria),classification( A ,proteobacteria),mol_wt_rule( A ,1),amino_acid_ratio_rule(y,1)] = 0 [hom( A ),keyword( A ,repeat),amino_acid_ratio_rule(c,1),classification( A ,eukaryota),mol_wt_rule( A ,5),classification( A ,metazoa)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Macromolecule metabolism )' [0.882] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb217 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipW' "probable esterase" tb220 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipC' "probable esterase" tb1399 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipH' "probable lipase" tb1426 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipO' "probable esterase" tb1479 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb1566 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2092 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'helY' "probable helicase, Ski2 subfamily" tb2190 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2485 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipQ' "probable carboxlyesterase" tb2973 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recG' "ATP-dependent DNA helicase" tb3649 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'null' "null" tb3682 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'ponA2' "class A penicillin binding protein" Proper test Accuracy: 9/12 (75.00%) Application to new data (498 items): tb996 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" Total: 1 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb1 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaA' "chromosomal replication initiator protein" tb384 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'clpB' "heat shock protein" tb861 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb983 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb1020 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mfd' "transcription-repair coupling factor" tb1076 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipU' "probable esterase" tb1104 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'null' "null" tb1253 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'deaD' "ATP-dependent DNA/RNA helicase" tb1400 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipI' "probable lipase" tb1633 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrB' "excinuclease ABC subunit B" tb2090 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2101 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'helZ' "probable helicase, Snf2/Rad54 family" tb2284 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipM' "probable esterase" tb2385 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipK' "probable acetyl-hydrolase" tb2614 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'thrS' "threonyl-tRNA synthase" Training Accuracy: 14/15 (93.33%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2703 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigA' "RNA polymerase sigma factor (aka MysA, RpoV)" tb2839 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infB' "initiation factor IF-2 " tb2845 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'proS' "prolyl-tRNA synthase" tb2916 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'ffh' "signal recognition particle protein" tb2925 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rnc' "RNAse III" tb2970 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipN' "probable lipase/esterase" tb2992 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gltS' "glutamyl-tRNA synthase" tb3010 - 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pfkA' "phosphofructokinase I" tb3084 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipR' "probable acetyl-hydrolase" tb3164 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR3' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb3206 - 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeZ' "probably involved in molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb3296 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'lhr' "ATP-dependent helicase" tb3487 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipF' "probable esterase" tb3692 - 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR2' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb3886 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb3910 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" Test Accuracy: 11/16 (68.75%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb530 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1796 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2917 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 3 ------------------ Rule 37: (741/338, lift 1.3) amino_acid_ratio_r > 1.5 [hom( A ),species( A ,escherichia_coli)] = 1 -> class 'function1(Small-molecule metabolism )' [0.544] Evaluation on proper test data (811 items): tb5 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'gyrB' "DNA gyrase subunit B" tb6 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'gyrA' "DNA gyrase subunit A" tb24 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb32 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioF2' "C-terminal similar to B. subtilis BioF" tb35 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD34' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb44 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb50 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'ponA1' "penicillin-bonding protein" tb54 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ssb' "single strand binding protein" tb73 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb84 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycD' "formate hydrogenlyase subunit 4" tb86 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycQ' "probable formate hydrogenlyase subunit" tb89 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'null' "null" tb92 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpA' "cation-transporting ATPase" tb99 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD10' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb101 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'nrp' "unknown non-ribosomal peptide synthase" tb105 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmB' "50S ribosomal protein L28" tb118 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'oxcA' "oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase" tb125 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepA' "probable serine protease" tb126 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'null' "null" tb129 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpC1' "antigen 85C, mycolytransferase" tb131 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE1' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb135 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb137 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb143 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb147 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb148 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb149 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb158 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb162 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhE' "alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn)" tb165 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb174 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb183 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb187 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb194 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb215 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE3' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb217 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipW' "probable esterase" tb220 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipC' "probable esterase" tb223 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb234 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'gabD2' "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb237 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqI' "beta-hexosaminidase precursorBETA-HEXOSAMINIDASE A PRECURSOR" tb244 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE5' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb248 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb252 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'nirB' "nitrite reductase flavoprotein" tb255 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobQ' "cobyric acid synthase" tb261 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK3' "nitrite extrusion protein1 " tb271 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE6' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb273 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb305 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb321 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'dcd' "deoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase" tb322 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'udgA' "UDP-glucose dehydrogenase/GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase" tb324 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb328 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb331 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb353 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'hspR' "heat shock regulator" tb370 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb371 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb377 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb385 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb386 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb391 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metZ' "o-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase" tb400 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE7' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb402 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL1' "conserved large membrane protein" tb417 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiG' "thiamine synthesis, thiazole moiety" tb422 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiD' "phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase" tb423 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'thiC' "thiamine synthesis, pyrimidine moiety" tb436 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'pssA' "CDP-diacylglycerol-serine o-phosphatidyltransferase" tb438 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaA3' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein A" tb439 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb440 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groEL2' "60 kD chaperonin 2" tb457 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb462 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'null' "null" tb467 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceA' "isocitrate lyase" tb468 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB2' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb469 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'umaA1' "unknown mycolic acid methyltransferase" tb474 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb478 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoC' "deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase" tb484 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb488 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb489 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'gpm' "phosphoglycerate mutase I" tb492 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb500 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proC' "pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase" tb503 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'cmaA2' "cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 2" tb505 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serB' "probable phosphoserine phosphatase" tb507 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL2' "conserved large membrane protein" tb509 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemA' "glutamyl-tRNA reductase" tb510 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemC' "porphobilinogen deaminase" tb520 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb522 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'gabP' "probable 4-amino butyrate transporter" tb527 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ccsA' "cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein" tb529 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ccsB' "cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein" tb534 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menA' "4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase " tb539 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb554 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bpoC' "probable non-heme bromoperoxidase" tb555 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menD' "2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase" tb561 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb562 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'grcC1' "heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase II" tb576 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb586 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb588 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb589 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'mce2' "cell invasion protein" tb592 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb594 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb600 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb618 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galT' "null" tb619 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galT' "galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase C-term" tb630 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recB' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb631 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recC' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb650 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb651 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplJ' "50S ribosomal protein L10" tb653 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb668 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rpoC' "beta subunit of RNA polymerase" tb670 - 2,2,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules DNA DNA 'end' "endonuclease IV (apurinase)" tb672 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE8' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (aka aidB)" tb673 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA4' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb682 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsL' "30S ribosomal protein S12" tb683 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsG' "30S ribosomal protein S7" tb684 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'fusA' "elongation factor G" tb688 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb696 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb697 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb702 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplD' "50S ribosomal protein L4" tb706 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplV' "50S ribosomal protein L22" tb708 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplP' "50S ribosomal protein L16" tb709 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmC' "50S ribosomal protein L29 " tb714 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplN' "50S ribosomal protein L14" tb715 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplX' "50S ribosomal protein L24" tb716 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplE' "50S ribosomal protein L5" tb720 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplR' "50S ribosomal protein L18" tb721 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsE' "30S ribosomal protein S5" tb728 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb734 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'mapA2' "probable methionine aminopeptidase" tb753 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'mmsA' "methylmalmonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb757 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'phoP' "two-component response regulator" tb768 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldA' "aldehyde dehydrogenases" tb780 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purC' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase" tb792 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb800 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepC' "aminopeptidase I" tb803 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purL' "phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II" tb812 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'pabC' "aminodeoxychorismate lyase" tb815 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysA2' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb816 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'thiX' "equivalent to M. leprae ThiX" tb823 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb827 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb842 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb845 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb846 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb851 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb853 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'pdc' "pyruvate (or indolepyruvate) decarboxylase" tb858 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb860 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB' "beta oxidation complex, alpha subunit (multiple activities)" tb864 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaC2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein C" tb870 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb881 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb896 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'gltA2' "citrate synthase 1 " tb899 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'ompA' "member of OmpA family" tb906 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb917 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'betP' "glycine betaine transport" tb924 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'nramp' "transmembrane protein belonging to Nramp family" tb927 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb929 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstC2' "membrane-bound component of phosphate transport system" tb930 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstA1' "PstA component of phosphate uptake" tb952 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucD' "succinyl-CoA synthase alpha chain" tb969 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpV' "cation transport ATPase" tb971 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA7' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb973 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accA2' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, alpha subunit" tb974 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD2' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" tb984 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaB2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein B" tb995 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rimJ' "acetylation of 30S S5 subunit" tb1013 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks16' "polyketide synthase " tb1014 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'pth' "peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase" tb1015 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplY' "50S ribosomal protein L25" tb1017 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'prsA' "ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase" tb1029 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kdpA' "potassium-transporting ATPase A chain" tb1032 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb1049 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1074 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA3' "acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase" tb1079 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metB' "cystathionine gamma-synthase" tb1095 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'phoH2' "PhoH-like protein" tb1101 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1121 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'zwf' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1122 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'gnd2' "6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gram +)" tb1131 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'gltA1' "citrate synthase 3" tb1133 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metE' "5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate-homocysteine methyltransferase" tb1144 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1160 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mutT2' "MutT homologue" tb1161 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narG' "nitrate reductase alpha subunit" tb1170 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb1181 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks4' "polyketide synthase" tb1183 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL10' "conserved large membrane protein" tb1188 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1189 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigI' "ECF family sigma factor" tb1196 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1206 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD6' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1210 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'tagA' "DNA-3-methyladenine glycosidase I" tb1217 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1223 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'htrA' "serine protease" tb1235 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqY' "possible role in sugar transport" tb1237 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugB' "sugar transport protein" tb1239 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'corA' "probable magnesium and cobalt transport protein" tb1244 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqZ' "lipoprotein" tb1250 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1255 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1258 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1279 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1285 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'cysD' "ATP:sulphurylase subunit 2" tb1286 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'cysN' "ATP:sulphurylase subunit 1" tb1293 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'lysA' "diaminopimelate decarboxylase" tb1294 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrA' "homoserine dehydrogenase" tb1295 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrC' "homoserine synthase" tb1298 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmE' "50S ribosomal protein L31" tb1300 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemK' "protoporphyrinogen oxidase" tb1302 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'rfe' "undecaprenyl-phosphate alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase" tb1305 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpE' "ATP synthase c chain" tb1309 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpG' "ATP synthase gamma chain" tb1310 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpD' "ATP synthase beta chain" tb1326 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgB' "1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme" tb1329 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinG' "probable ATP-dependent helicase" tb1344 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb1355 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeY' "weak similarity to E. coli MoeB" tb1360 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb1372 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks18' "polyketide synthase " tb1380 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrB' "aspartate carbamoyltransferase " tb1381 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrC' "dihydroorotase" tb1392 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metK' "S-adenosylmethionine synthase" tb1399 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipH' "probable lipase" tb1406 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'fmt' "methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase" tb1426 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipO' "probable esterase" tb1437 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pgk' "phosphoglycerate kinase" tb1448 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'tal' "transaldolase" tb1457 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1469 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpD' "probable cadmium-transporting ATPase" tb1478 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1479 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb1483 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG1' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase (aka MabA)" tb1484 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'inhA' "enoyl-[ACP] reductase" tb1485 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemZ' "ferrochelatase" tb1511 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'gmdA' "GDP-mannose 4,6 dehydratase" tb1521 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD25' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1533 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1536 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'ileS' "isoleucyl-tRNA synthase" tb1550 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD11' "acyl-CoA synthase, N-term" tb1552 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdA' "fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit" tb1555 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdD' "fumarate reductase 13kD anchor protein" tb1564 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgX' "probable glycogen debranching enzyme" tb1566 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1568 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioA' "adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase" tb1570 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioD' "dethiobiotin synthase" tb1589 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioB' "biotin synthase" tb1595 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadB' "L-aspartate oxidase" tb1596 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadC' "nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphatase" tb1599 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisD' "histidinol dehydrogenase" tb1601 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisB' "imidazole glycerol-phosphate dehydratase" tb1602 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisH' "amidotransferase" tb1603 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisA' "phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide isomerase" tb1604 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'impA' "impA, inositol monophosphatasemonophosphtase" tb1617 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pykA' "pyruvate kinase" tb1623 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'appC' "cytochrome bd-II oxidase subunit I" tb1626 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb1627 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1630 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsA' "30S ribosomal protein S1" tb1634 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1641 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infC' "initiation factor IF-3" tb1652 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argC' "N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase" tb1658 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argG' "arginosuccinate synthase" tb1659 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argH' "arginosuccinate lyase " tb1660 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks10' "polyketide synthase (chalcone synthase-like)" tb1661 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks7' "polyketide synthase" tb1662 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks8' "polyketide synthase" tb1672 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1679 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE16' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1686 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1692 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb1704 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'cycA' "transport of D-alanine, D-serine and glycine" tb1705 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1708 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'null' "null" tb1714 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1726 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1730 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb1751 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1756 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1764 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1787 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb1811 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'mgtC' "probable magnesium transport ATPase protein C" tb1826 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gcvH' "glycine cleavage system H protein" tb1832 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gcvB' "glycine decarboxylase " tb1837 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'glcB' "malate synthase" tb1844 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'gnd' "6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gram -)" tb1848 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureA' "urease gamma subunit" tb1849 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureB' "urease beta subunit" tb1850 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureC' "urease alpha subunit" tb1855 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1858 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'modB' "transport system permease, molybdate uptake" tb1869 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1882 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1894 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1900 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipJ' "probable esterase" tb1909 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'furA' "ferric uptake regulatory protein" tb1911 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppC' "lipoprotein" tb1923 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipD' "probable esterase" tb1931 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1933 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE18' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1937 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1967 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1971 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1979 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1986 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1997 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpF' "probable cation transport ATPase " tb1999 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2002 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG3' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb2006 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'otsB' "trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase" tb2007 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxA' "ferredoxin" tb2017 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2038 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2066 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobI' "CobI-CobJ fusion protein" tb2069 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigC' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb2071 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobM' "precorrin-3 methylase" tb2092 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'helY' "probable helicase, Ski2 subfamily" tb2110 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'prcB' "proteasome beta-type subunit 2" tb2122 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisI' "phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase" tb2127 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'ansP' "L-asparagine permease" tb2129 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2139 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrD' "dihydroorotate dehydrogenase" tb2152 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murC' "UDP-N-acetyl-muramate-alanine ligase" tb2154 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsW' "membrane protein (shape determination)" tb2157 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murF' "D-alanine:D-alanine-adding enzyme" tb2158 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murE' "meso-diaminopimelate-adding enzyme" tb2161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2167 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2181 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2187 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD15' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2190 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb2202 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'cbhK' "carbohydrate kinase" tb2208 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobS' "cobalamin (5-phosphate) synthase" tb2210 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvE' "branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase" tb2211 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gcvT' "T protein of glycine cleavage system" tb2213 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepB' "aminopeptidase A/I" tb2214 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephD' "probable epoxide hydrolase " tb2222 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA2' "glutamine synthase class II" tb2225 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panB' "3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase" tb2245 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'kasA' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (meromycolate extension)" tb2246 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'kasB' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (meromycolate extension)" tb2249 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'glpD1' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb2258 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2261 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb2281 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pitB' "phosphate permease" tb2287 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'yjcE' "probable Na+/H+ exchanger" tb2317 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'uspE' "sugar transport protein" tb2320 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'rocE' "arginine/ornithine transporter" tb2321 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocD2' "ornithine aminotransferase" tb2322 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocD1' "ornithine aminotransferase" tb2332 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'mez' "probable malate oxidoreductase" tb2338 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeW' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb2339 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL9' "conserved large membrane protein" tb2368 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'phoH' "ATP-binding pho regulon component" tb2379 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtF' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (lysine ligation)" tb2383 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtB' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (serine/threonine ligation)" tb2391 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'nirA' "probable nitrite reductase/sulphite reductase" tb2392 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'cysH' "3-phosphoadenylylsulfate (PAPS) reductase" tb2399 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'cysT' "sulphate transport system permease protein" tb2412 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsT' "30S ribosomal protein S20" tb2428 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ahpC' "alkyl hydroperoxide reductase" tb2434 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2440 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'obg' "Obg GTP-binding protein" tb2447 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folC' "folylpolyglutamate synthase" tb2454 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2455 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2456 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2464 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2467 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepD' "probable aminopeptidase" tb2471 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'null' "null" tb2477 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2482 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'plsB2' "glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase" tb2485 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipQ' "probable carboxlyesterase" tb2486 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA14' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb2497 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'pdhA' "pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit" tb2504 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'scoA' "3-oxo acid:CoA transferase, alpha subunit" tb2508 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2523 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'acpS' "CoA:apo-[ACP] pantethienephosphotransferase" tb2524 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fas' "fatty acid synthase" tb2533 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusB' "N-utilisation substance protein B" tb2534 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'efp' "elongation factor P" tb2538 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroB' "3-dehydroquinate synthase" tb2539 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroK' "shikimate kinase I" tb2540 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroF' "chorismate synthase" tb2572 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'aspS' "aspartyl-tRNA synthase" tb2580 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'hisS' "histidyl-tRNA synthase" tb2583 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'relA' "(p)ppGpp synthase I" tb2584 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'apt' "adenine phosphoribosyltransferases" tb2586 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secF' "protein-export membrane protein" tb2590 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD9' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2605 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'tesB2' "thioesterase II" tb2610 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2640 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2675 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2678 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemE' "uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase" tb2679 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA15' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb2684 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsA' "probable arsenical pump" tb2692 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'trkB' "probable potassium uptake protein " tb2701 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'suhB' "putative extragenic suppressor protein" tb2702 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'ppgK' "polyphosphate glucokinase" tb2723 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'null' "null" tb2724 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE20' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb2726 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapF' "diaminopimelate epimerase" tb2727 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'miaA' "tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase" tb2750 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2764 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'thyA' "thymidylate synthase" tb2779 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2781 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2812 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1604' "low similarity to transposases" tb2831 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA16' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb2838 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'rbfA' "ribosome-binding factor A" tb2847 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysG2' "multifunctional enzyme, siroheme synthase" tb2849 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobA' "cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase" tb2877 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'merT' "possible mercury resistance transport system" tb2881 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'cdsA' "phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase " tb2884 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb2889 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'tsf' "elongation factor EF-Ts" tb2900 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'fdhF' "molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase" tb2904 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplS' "50S ribosomal protein L19" tb2919 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'glnB' "nitrogen regulatory protein" tb2930 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD26' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2931 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsA' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksB)" tb2932 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsB' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksC)" tb2934 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsD' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksE)" tb2936 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'drrA' "similar daunorubicin resistance ABC-transporter " tb2944 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1533' "null" tb2947 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks15' "polyketide synthase " tb2952 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2957 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2958 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2967 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'pca' "pyruvate carboxylase" tb2971 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2973 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recG' "ATP-dependent DNA helicase" tb2976 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ung' "uracil-DNA glycosylase" tb2982 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'gpdA2' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb2984 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'ppk' "polyphosphate kinase" tb2997 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3001 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvC' "ketol-acid reductoisomerase" tb3014 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ligA' "DNA ligase" tb3026 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3028 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fixB' "electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit" tb3029 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fixA' "electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit" tb3041 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3048 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdG' "ribonucleoside-diphosphate small subunit" tb3049 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3051 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdE' "ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase alpha chain" tb3052 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdI' "NrdI/YgaO/YmaA family" tb3072 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3079 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3086 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhD' "zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase" tb3102 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsE' "membrane protein" tb3105 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'prfB' "peptide chain release factor 2" tb3111 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaC' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein C" tb3116 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeB' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb3133 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3139 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE24' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3140 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE23' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3145 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoA' "NADH dehydrogenase chain A" tb3146 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoB' "NADH dehydrogenase chain B" tb3147 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoC' "NADH dehydrogenase chain C" tb3150 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoF' "NADH dehydrogenase chain F" tb3151 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoG' "NADH dehydrogenase chain G" tb3156 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoL' "NADH dehydrogenase chain L" tb3157 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoM' "NADH dehydrogenase chain M" tb3167 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3173 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3177 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'null' "null" tb3202 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3208 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3211 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rhlE' "probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase" tb3213 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'null' "null" tb3214 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'entD' "weak similarity to many phosphoglycerate mutases" tb3215 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'entC' "probable isochorismate synthase" tb3224 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3227 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroA' "3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyl transferase" tb3247 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'tmk' "thymidylate kinase" tb3249 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3263 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3276 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purK' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase ATPase subunit" tb3280 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD5' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3285 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accA3' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase alpha subunit" tb3291 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3297 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'nei' "probable endonuclease VIII" tb3299 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsB' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3301 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoY1' "phosphate transport system regulator" tb3306 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'amiB' "probable aminohydrolase" tb3309 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'upp' "uracil phophoribosyltransferase" tb3315 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'cdd' "probable cytidine deaminase" tb3322 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaE3' "molybdopterin-converting factor subunit 2" tb3323 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'gphA' "phosphoglycolate phosphatase" tb3324 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaC3' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein C" tb3329 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3332 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'nagA' "N-acetylglucosamine-6-P-deacetylase" tb3336 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'trpS' "tryptophanyl tRNA synthase" tb3366 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'spoU' "probable rRNA methylase" tb3370 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaE2' "DNA polymerase III alpha chain" tb3372 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'otsB2' "trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase" tb3373 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA18' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily, N-term" tb3380 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3382 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'lytB1' "LytB protein homologue" tb3391 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'acrA1' "fatty acyl-CoA reductase" tb3392 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'cmaA1' "cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 1" tb3398 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsA' "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb3400 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'null' "null" tb3402 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3411 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'guaB2' "inosine-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase" tb3423 1,4,6,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Pyruvate family Pyruvate family 'alr' "alanine racemase" tb3427 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1532' "null" tb3441 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'mrsA' "phosphoglucomutase or phosphomannomutase" tb3442 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsI' "30S ribosomal protein S9" tb3447 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3454 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3455 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'truA' "probable pseudouridylate synthase" tb3458 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsD' "30S ribosomal protein S4" tb3461 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmJ' "50S ribosomal protein L36" tb3469 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'mhpE' "probable 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase" tb3476 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'kgtP' "sugar transport protein" tb3485 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3497 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3499 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'mce4' "cell invasion protein" tb3500 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3501 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3513 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD18' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3516 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA19' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb3522 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3543 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE29' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3544 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE28' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3548 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3553 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3554 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fdxB' "ferredoxin" tb3570 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3573 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE34' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3574 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3579 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3602 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panC' "pantoate-beta-alanine ligase" tb3609 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folE' "GTP cyclohydrolase I " tb3610 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsH' "inner membrane protein, chaperone" tb3617 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephA' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb3623 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqG' "similar OMP28" tb3634 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB2' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3648 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cspA' "cold shock protein, transcriptional regulator" tb3649 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'null' "null" tb3665 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppB' "probable peptide transport system permease" tb3671 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb3673 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3674 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'nth' "probable endonuclease III" tb3676 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3682 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'ponA2' "class A penicillin binding protein" tb3684 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3696 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'glpK' "ATP:glycerol 3-phosphotransferase" tb3717 - 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb3720 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb3721 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaZX' "DNA polymerase III, gamma (dnaZ) and t (dnaX)" tb3725 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3728 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3736 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3743 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'null' "null" tb3754 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'tyrA' "prephenate dehydrogenase" tb3758 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proV' "osmoprotection ABC transporter" tb3765 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3772 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisC2' "histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase" tb3775 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipE' "probable hydrolase" tb3777 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3797 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE35' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3799 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD4' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb3800 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks13' "polyketide synthase" tb3803 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpD' "antigen MPT51, mycolyltransferase" tb3807 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3815 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3816 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3820 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'papA2' "PKS-associated protein, unknown function" tb3824 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'papA1' "PKS-associated protein, unknown function " tb3825 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks2' "polyketide synthase" tb3833 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3837 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'null' "null" tb3852 - 2,1,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Nucleoproteins Nucleoproteins 'hns' "HU-histone protein" tb3853 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menG' "S-adenosylmethionine:2-demethylmenaquinone " tb3854 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3907 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'pcnA' "polynucleotide polymerase" tb3917 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'parA' "chromosome partitioning; DNA binding" tb3918 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'parB' "possibly involved in chromosome partitioning" tb3919 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'gid' "glucose inhibited division protein B" tb3921 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3923 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rnpA' "ribonuclease P protein component" Proper test Accuracy: 345/584 (59.08%) Application to new data (498 items): tb52 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb104 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb181 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb208 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb274 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb284 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb372 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb406 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb480 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb526 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb674 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb880 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb901 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb992 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1011 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1063 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1140 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1173 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1186 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1191 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1194 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1203 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1208 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1229 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'mrp' "similar to MRP/NBP35 ATP-binding proteins" tb1251 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1284 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1341 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1354 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1357 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1375 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1466 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1487 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1504 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1505 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1532 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1700 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1713 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1725 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1798 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1834 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1864 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1868 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1913 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1991 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2030 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2059 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2118 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2135 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2166 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2182 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2233 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2251 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2260 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2264 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2295 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2366 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2367 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2370 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2414 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2438 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2469 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2573 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2585 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2603 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2604 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2609 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2613 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2623 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2626 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2639 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2707 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2794 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2801 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2859 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2868 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'gcpE' "essential gene of unknown function" tb2870 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2880 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2891 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2898 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2966 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2993 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3000 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3005 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3024 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3030 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3064 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3104 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3113 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3194 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3226 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3228 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3242 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3271 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3312 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3335 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3342 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3361 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3404 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3422 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3433 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3471 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3486 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3581 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3786 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3868 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3871 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 106 Evaluation on training data (1060 items): tb1 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaA' "chromosomal replication initiator protein" tb2 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaN' "DNA polymerase III, beta subunit" tb3 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recF' "DNA replication and SOS induction" tb9 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'ppiA' "peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase" tb13 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'pabA' "p-aminobenzoate synthase glutamine amidotransferase" tb16 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'pbpA' "penicillin-binding protein" tb17 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'rodA' "FtsW/RodA/SpovE family" tb23 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb33 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb37 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb41 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'leuS' "leucyl-tRNA synthase" tb43 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb45 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb53 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsF' "30S ribosomal protein S6" tb55 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsR' "30S ribosomal protein S18" tb56 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplI' "50S ribosomal protein L9" tb58 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaB' "DNA helicase (contains intein)" tb63 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb67 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb68 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb69 1,3,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis 'sdaA' "L-serine dehydratase 1" tb70 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'glyA2' "serine hydroxymethyltransferase" tb71 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb72 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb75 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb77 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb78 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb81 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb82 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb83 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb85 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycP' "putative formate hydrogen lyase hycP" tb87 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'hycE' "probable formate hydrogenlyase subunit 5" tb103 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpB' "cation transport ATPase" tb107 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpI' "probable magnesium transport ATPase" tb110 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb112 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'gca' "probable GDP-mannose dehydratase" tb113 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'gmhA' "phosphoheptose isomerase" tb114 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'null' "null" tb117 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'oxyS' "transcriptional regulator (LysR family)" tb119 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD7' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb120 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'fusA2' "elongation factor G " tb132 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb134 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephF' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb139 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb144 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb154 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE2' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb155 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntAA' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit alpha1" tb156 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntAB' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit alpha2" tb157 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'pntB' "pyridine transhydrogenase subunit beta" tb161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb163 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb166 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD5' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb167 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb168 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb170 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb173 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprK' "part of mce1 operon" tb180 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb182 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigG' "sigma-70 factors ECF subfamily " tb186 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'bglS' "beta-glucosidase" tb189 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvD' "dihydroxy-acid dehydratase" tb191 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb195 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb202 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL11' "conserved large membrane protein" tb205 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb212 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'nadR' "similar to E.coli NadR" tb213 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb214 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD4' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb222 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA1' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb224 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb225 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb231 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE4' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb232 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb233 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdB' "ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase B2 (eukaryotic-like) " tb238 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb242 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG4' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb243 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA2' "acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase " tb246 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb247 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb253 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'nirD' "probable nitrite reductase small subunit" tb254 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobU' "cobinamide kinase" tb260 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb265 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'fecB2' "iron transport protein FeIII dicitrate transporter" tb267 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narU' "similar to nitrite extrusion protein 2" tb270 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD2' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb296 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsG' "proable arylsulfatase" tb302 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb303 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb306 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'null' "null" tb317 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'glpQ2' "glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase" tb318 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb334 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlA' "glucose-1-phosphate thymidyltransferase" tb337 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'aspC' "aspartate aminotransferase" tb346 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'aroP2' "probable aromatic amino acid permease" tb350 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'dnaK' "70 kD heat shock protein, chromosome replication" tb351 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'grpE' "stimulates DnaK ATPase activity" tb352 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'dnaJ' "acts with GrpE to stimulate DnaK ATPase" tb357 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purA' "adenylosuccinate synthase" tb362 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'mgtE' "putative magnesium ion transporter" tb363 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'fba' "fructose bisphosphate aldolase" tb373 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb374 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb375 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb380 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb382 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'umpA' "probable uridine 5-monophosphate synthase" tb384 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'clpB' "heat shock protein" tb389 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purT' "phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase II" tb392 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb399 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqK' "possible PBP" tb404 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD30' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb405 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks6' "polyketide synthase" tb407 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb408 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'pta' "phosphate acetyltransferase" tb409 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'ackA' "acetate kinase" tb411 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'glnH' "putative glutamine binding protein" tb413 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mutT3' "MutT homologue" tb414 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiE' "thiamine synthesis, thiazole moiety" tb418 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqL' "probable aminopeptidase Y" tb425 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpH' "C-terminal region putative cation-transporting ATPase" tb427 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'xthA' "exodeoxyribonuclease III" tb429 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'def' "polypeptide deformylase" tb432 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'sodC' "superoxide dismutase precursor (Cu-Zn)" tb435 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'null' "null" tb445 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigK' "ECF-type sigma factor" tb447 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'ufaA1' "unknown fatty acid methyltransferase" tb450 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL4' "conserved large membrane protein" tb456 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA2' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb458 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb470 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'umaA2' "unknown mycolic acid methyltransferase" tb472 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb473 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb475 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb482 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murB' "UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase" tb485 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb490 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'senX3' "sensor histidine kinase" tb491 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'regX3' "two-component response regulator" tb494 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb501 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galE1' "UDP-glucose 4-epimerase" tb511 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysG' "uroporphyrin-III c-methyltransferase" tb512 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemB' "delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase" tb517 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb524 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemL' "glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase" tb533 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabH' "beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III" tb535 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'pnp' "phosphorylase from Pnp/MtaP family 2" tb536 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galE2' "UDP-glucose 4-epimerase" tb542 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menE' "o-succinylbenzoic acid-CoA ligase " tb545 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pitA' "low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter" tb547 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb548 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menB' "naphthoate synthase" tb551 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD8' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb553 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'menC' "o-succinylbenzoate-CoA synthase" tb558 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'ubiE' "ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase" tb560 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb563 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'htpX' "probable (transmembrane) heat shock protein" tb564 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'gpdA1' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb565 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb570 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdZ' "ribonucleotide reductase, class II" tb575 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb585 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb587 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb590 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb593 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprL' "part of mce2 operon" tb601 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb602 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'tcrA' "two-component response regulator" tb620 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galK' "galactokinase" tb625 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb629 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recD' "exodeoxyribonuclease V" tb632 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA3' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb634 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'null' "null" tb639 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusG' "transcription antitermination protein" tb640 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplK' "50S ribosomal protein L11" tb641 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplA' "50S ribosomal protein L1" tb642 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA4' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 4" tb643 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA3' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 3" tb644 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA2' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 2" tb645 1,8,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Modification of fatty and mycolic acids Modification of fatty and mycolic acids 'mmaA1' "methoxymycolic acid synthase 1" tb646 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipG' "probable hydrolase" tb655 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb658 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb663 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsD' "proable arylsulfatase" tb667 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rpoB' "beta subunit of RNA polymerase" tb675 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA5' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb676 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL5' "conserved large membrane protein" tb681 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb685 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'tuf' "elongation factor EF-Tu" tb687 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb691 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb693 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'pqqE' "coenzyme pqq synthesis protein E" tb694 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'lldD1' "L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) " tb700 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsJ' "30S ribosomal protein S10" tb701 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplC' "50S ribosomal protein L3" tb703 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplW' "50S ribosomal protein L23" tb704 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplB' "50S ribosomal protein L2" tb705 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsS' "30S ribosomal protein S19" tb707 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsC' "30S ribosomal protein S3" tb710 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsQ' "30S ribosomal protein S17" tb711 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsA' "arylsulfatase" tb717 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsN' "30S ribosomal protein S14" tb718 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsH' "30S ribosomal protein S8" tb719 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplF' "50S ribosomal protein L6" tb722 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmD' "50S ribosomal protein L30" tb723 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplO' "50S ribosomal protein L15" tb724 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'sppA' "protease IV, signal peptide peptidase" tb727 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'fucA' "L-fuculose phosphate aldolase" tb729 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'xylB' "xylulose kinase" tb732 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secY' "SecY subunit of preprotein translocase" tb733 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'adk' "probable adenylate kinase" tb735 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigL' "sigma-70 factors ECF subfamily" tb737 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb751 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'mmsB' "methylmalmonate semialdehyde oxidoreductase" tb752 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE9' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb758 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'phoR' "sensor histidine kinase" tb761 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhB' "zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase" tb765 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb769 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb770 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb772 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purD' "phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase" tb773 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'ggtA' "putative gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase" tb777 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purB' "adenylosuccinate lyase" tb781 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'ptrBb' "protease II, beta subunit" tb782 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'ptrBa' "protease II, alpha subunit" tb783 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb785 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb788 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purQ' "phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase I" tb791 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb794 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'lpdB' "dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase" tb796 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb808 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purF' "amidophosphoribosyltransferase " tb809 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purM' "5-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoimidazole synthase" tb818 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb820 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoT' "phosphate transport system ABC transporter" tb821 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoY2' "phosphate transport system regulator" tb840 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb843 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb844 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'narL' "two-component response regulator" tb848 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM3' "putative cysteine synthase" tb849 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb855 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'far' "fatty acyl-CoA racemase" tb859 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA' "beta oxidation complex, beta subunit (acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase)" tb861 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb865 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'mog' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb866 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaE2' "molybdopterin-converting factor subunit 2" tb869 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaA2' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein A" tb871 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cspB' "probable cold shock protein" tb873 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE10' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb884 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serC' "phosphoserine aminotransferase" tb886 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fprB' "ferredoxin, ferredoxin-NADP reductase" tb889 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'citA' "citrate synthase 2" tb890 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb892 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb897 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb902 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb903 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb904 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD3' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb905 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA6' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily (aka eccH)" tb907 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb908 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpE' "probable cation transport ATPase" tb914 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb915 - 4,3,2,0 Other PE and PPE families PPE family PPE family 'PPE' "null" tb928 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'phoS2' "PstS component of phosphate uptake" tb932 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstS' "PstS component of phosphate uptake" tb933 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstB' "ABC transport component of phosphate uptake" tb935 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstC' "PstC component of phosphate uptake" tb936 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'pstA2' "PstA component of phosphate uptake" tb939 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb940 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb944 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb945 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb946 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pgi' "glucose-6-phosphate isomerase " tb949 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrD' "DNA-dependent ATPase I and helicase II " tb951 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucC' "succinyl-CoA synthase beta chain" tb953 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb956 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purN' "phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase I" tb957 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purH' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase " tb958 - 4,11,0,0 Other Chelatases Chelatases Chelatases 'null' "null" tb972 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE12' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb975 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE13' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb981 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb982 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb983 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'null' "null" tb985 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'mscL' "highly similar to large-conductance mechanosensitive channels" tb986 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb987 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb989 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'grcC2' "heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase II" tb993 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'galU' "UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase" tb994 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeA' "molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb1005 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'pabB' "p-aminobenzoate synthase" tb1007 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'metS' "methionyl-tRNA synthase" tb1010 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'ksgA' "16S rRNA dimethyltransferase" tb1018 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'glmU' "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase" tb1019 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1020 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mfd' "transcription-repair coupling factor" tb1023 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'eno' "enolase" tb1026 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'null' "null" tb1027 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'kdpE' "two-component response regulator" tb1028 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'kdpD' "sensor histidine kinase" tb1030 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kdpB' "potassium-transporting ATPase B chain" tb1031 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kdpC' "potassium-transporting ATPase C chain" tb1033 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb1050 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1058 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD14' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1070 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA8' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1071 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA9' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1072 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1076 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipU' "probable esterase" tb1077 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM2' "cystathionine beta-synthase" tb1080 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'greA' "transcription elongation factor G" tb1082 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb1092 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'coaA' "pantothenate kinase" tb1093 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'glyA' "serine hydroxymethyltransferase" tb1096 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'null' "null" tb1098 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'fum' "fumarase" tb1106 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1108 - 2,2,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules DNA DNA 'xseA' "exonuclease VII large subunit" tb1110 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'lytB2' "very similar to LytB" tb1123 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bpoB' "probable non-heme bromoperoxidase" tb1124 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephC' "probable epoxide hydrolase " tb1127 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'ppdK' "similar to pyruvate, phosphate dikinase" tb1136 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'null' "null" tb1141 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA11' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1142 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA10' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1143 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mcr' "alpha-methyl acyl-CoA racemase" tb1146 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1147 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1152 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1162 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narH' "nitrate reductase beta chain" tb1163 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narJ' "nitrate reductase delta chain" tb1164 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narI' "nitrate reductase gamma chain" tb1166 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqW' "lipoprotein" tb1167 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1175 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadH' "2,4-Dienoyl-CoA Reductase" tb1178 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1180 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks3' "polyketide synthase" tb1182 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'papA3' "PKS-associated protein, unknown function" tb1185 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD21' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1187 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'rocA' "pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase" tb1193 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD36' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1200 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb1202 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapE' "succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase" tb1207 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folP2' "dihydropteroate synthase" tb1212 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1213 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'glgC' "glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase" tb1218 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1219 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1221 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigE' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb1236 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugA' "membrane protein probably involved in sugar transport" tb1238 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugC' "ABC transporter component of sugar uptake system" tb1240 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'mdh' "malate dehydrogenase" tb1245 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1248 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucA' "2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase" tb1253 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'deaD' "ATP-dependent DNA/RNA helicase" tb1254 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1257 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1260 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1272 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1273 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1280 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppA' "probable oligopeptide transport protein" tb1281 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppD' "probable peptide transport protein" tb1282 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppC' "oligopeptide transport system permease" tb1283 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'oppB' "oligopeptide transport protein" tb1292 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'argS' "arginyl-tRNA synthase" tb1296 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'thrB' "homoserine kinase" tb1297 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rho' "transcription termination factor rho" tb1299 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'prfA' "peptide chain release factor 1" tb1304 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpB' "ATP synthase a chain" tb1306 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpF' "ATP synthase b chain" tb1307 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpH' "ATP synthase delta chain" tb1308 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpA' "ATP synthase alpha chain" tb1311 1,2,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism ATP-proton motive force ATP-proton motive force 'atpC' "ATP synthase epsilon chain" tb1315 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murA' "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-carboxyvinyltransferase" tb1316 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ogt' "methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase" tb1317 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'alkA' "DNA-3-methyladenine glycosidase II" tb1318 - 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1319 - 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1320 - 4,10,0,0 Other Cyclases Cyclases Cyclases 'null' "null" tb1323 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA4' "acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (aka thiL)" tb1327 - 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'null' "null" tb1328 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgP' "probable glycogen phosphorylase" tb1336 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysM' "cysteine synthase B" tb1338 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murI' "glutamate racemase" tb1340 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rphA' "ribonuclease PH" tb1345 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD33' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1346 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE14' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1348 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1349 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1350 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG2' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb1353 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1358 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1367 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb1369 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb1377 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1383 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'carA' "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase subunit" tb1384 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'carB' "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase subunit" tb1389 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'gmk' "putative guanylate kinase" tb1391 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'dfp' "flavoprotein" tb1393 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1395 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1400 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipI' "probable lipase" tb1402 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'priA' "putative primosomal protein n (replication factor Y)" tb1403 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1404 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1405 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1407 - 2,1,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Nucleoproteins Nucleoproteins 'fmu' "similar to Fmu protein" tb1408 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'rpe' "ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase" tb1409 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribG' "riboflavin biosynthesis" tb1410 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1412 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribC' "riboflavin synthase alpha chain" tb1415 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribA2' "probable GTP cyclohydrolase II" tb1416 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribH' "riboflavin synthase beta chain" tb1420 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrC' "excinuclease ABC subunit C" tb1427 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD12' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1432 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1436 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'gap' "glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb1438 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'tpi' "triosephosphate isomerase" tb1442 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bisC' "biotin sulfoxide reductase" tb1445 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'devB' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1447 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'zwf2' "glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase" tb1449 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'tkt' "transketolase" tb1451 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaB' "cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor" tb1454 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'qor' "Probable quinone oxidoreductase" tb1458 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1463 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1464 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1467 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE15' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb1470 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxA' "thioredoxin" tb1471 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxB' "thioredoxin reductase" tb1472 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA12' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb1473 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1474 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1475 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'acn' "aconitate hydratase" tb1477 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1481 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1491 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1492 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mutA' "methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, beta subunit" tb1493 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'mutB' "methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, alpha subunit" tb1497 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipL' "esterase" tb1498 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1500 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1512 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'epiA' "nucleotide sugar epimerase" tb1514 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1516 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1518 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1520 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1522 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL12' "conserved large membrane protein" tb1523 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1527 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks5' "polyketide synthase" tb1529 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD24' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1530 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adh' "alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn)" tb1534 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1537 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinX' "probable DNA-damage-inducible protein" tb1538 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ansA' "L-asparaginase" tb1539 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'lspA' "lipoprotein signal peptidase" tb1543 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1544 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'null' "null" tb1547 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaE1' "DNA polymerase III, alpha subunit" tb1549 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD11' "null" tb1551 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'plsB1' "glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase" tb1553 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdB' "fumarate reductase iron sulphur protein" tb1554 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'frdC' "fumarate reductase 15kD anchor protein" tb1556 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1557 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL6' "conserved large membrane protein" tb1559 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvA' "threonine deaminase" tb1562 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgZ' "maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase" tb1563 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'glgY' "putative alpha-amylase" tb1569 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'bioF' "8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase" tb1586 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb1594 1,7,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridine nucleotide Pyridine nucleotide 'nadA' "quinolinate synthase" tb1600 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisC' "histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase" tb1605 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisF' "imidazole glycerol-phosphate synthase" tb1606 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisI2' "probable phosphoribosyl-AMP 1,6 cyclohydrolase" tb1607 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'chaA' "putative calcium/proton antiporter" tb1608 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bcpB' "probable bacterioferritin comigratory protein" tb1609 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpE' "anthranilate synthase component I" tb1611 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpC' "indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase" tb1612 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpB' "tryptophan synthase beta chain" tb1613 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpA' "tryptophan synthase alpha chain" tb1614 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'lgt' "prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase" tb1618 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'tesB1' "thioesterase II" tb1620 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'cydC' "ABC transporter" tb1621 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'cydD' "ABC transporter" tb1622 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'cydB' "cytochrome d ubiquinol oxidase subunit II" tb1624 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1629 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'polA' "DNA polymerase I" tb1633 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrB' "excinuclease ABC subunit B" tb1638 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrA' "excinuclease ABC subunit A" tb1640 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'lysX' "C-term lysyl-tRNA synthase" tb1642 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmI' "50S ribosomal protein L35" tb1643 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplT' "50S ribosomal protein L20" tb1644 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'tsnR' "putative 23S rRNA methyltransferase" tb1649 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'pheS' "phenylalanyl-tRNA synthase alpha subunit" tb1650 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'pheT' "phenylalanyl-tRNA synthase beta subunit" tb1654 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argB' "acetylglutamate kinase" tb1655 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argD' "acetylornithine aminotransferase" tb1656 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'argF' "ornithine carbamoyltransferase" tb1657 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'argR' "arginine repressor" tb1663 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks17' "polyketide synthase " tb1664 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks9' "polyketide synthase" tb1665 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks11' "polyketide synthase (chalcone synthase-like)" tb1667 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1668 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1674 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1675 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1677 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'dsbF' "highly similar to C-term Mpt53" tb1681 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeX' "weak similarity to E. coli MoaA" tb1683 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'null' "null" tb1687 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1689 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'tyrS' "tyrosyl-tRNA synthase" tb1696 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recN' "recombination and DNA repair" tb1699 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrG' "CTP synthase" tb1701 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'xerD' "integrase/recombinase" tb1707 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb1712 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'cmk' "cytidylate kinase" tb1715 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB3' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1719 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1722 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'null' "null" tb1723 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb1731 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'gabD1' "succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb1736 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'narX' "fused nitrate reductase" tb1737 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK2' "nitrite extrusion protein " tb1739 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb1747 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1750 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD1' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1771 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1773 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1774 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1776 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1781 - 2,1,8,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 'null' "null" tb1795 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1812 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1816 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1817 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1819 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1820 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvG' "acetolactate synthase II" tb1821 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secA2' "SecA, preprotein translocase subunit" tb1822 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'pgsA2' "CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatidyltransferase" tb1833 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb1841 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1842 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb1843 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'guaB1' "inosine-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase" tb1852 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ureG' "urease accessory protein" tb1854 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ndh' "probable NADH dehydrogenase" tb1856 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1857 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'modA' "molybdate binding protein" tb1859 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'modC' "molybdate uptake ABC-transporter" tb1862 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhA' "alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn)" tb1865 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1867 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb1872 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'lldD2' "L-lactate dehydrogenase" tb1876 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'bfrA' "bacterioferritin" tb1877 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb1878 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA3' "probable glutamine synthase" tb1886 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpB' "antigen 85B, mycolyltransferase" tb1895 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1901 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cinA' "competence damage protein " tb1902 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'nanT' "probable sialic acid transporter " tb1908 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'katG' "catalase-peroxidase " tb1910 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb1912 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB5' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1915 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceAa' "isocitrate lyase, alpha module" tb1916 1,2,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glyoxylate bypass Glyoxylate bypass 'aceAb' "isocitrate lyase, beta module" tb1922 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb1925 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD31' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb1928 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1932 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'tpx' "thiol peroxidase" tb1934 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE17' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb1935 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA13' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily " tb1936 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1938 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephB' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb1940 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribA' "GTP cyclohydrolase II" tb1941 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb1963 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1964 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1965 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1966 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'mce3' "cell invasion protein" tb1968 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1969 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb1970 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprM' "part of mce3 operon" tb1981 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdF' "ribonucleotide reductase small subunit" tb1985 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb1988 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb1992 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpG' "probable cation transport ATPase" tb1994 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2025 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2027 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb2029 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pfkB' "phosphofructokinase II" tb2034 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2037 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2039 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2040 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2041 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'null' "null" tb2043 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'pncA' "pyrazinamide resistance/sensitivity" tb2048 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks12' "polyketide synthase (erythronolide synthase-like)" tb2051 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2055 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsR2' "30S ribosomal protein S18" tb2056 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsN2' "30S ribosomal protein S14" tb2057 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmG' "50S ribosomal protein L33" tb2058 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmB2' "50S ribosomal protein L28" tb2064 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobG' "percorrin reductase" tb2068 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'blaC' "class A beta-lactamase" tb2073 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2086 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1556' "putative transposase" tb2087 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1556' "putative transposase" tb2089 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepE' "cytoplasmic peptidase" tb2090 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2093 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2101 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'helZ' "probable helicase, Snf2/Rad54 family" tb2106 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2115 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'null' "null" tb2121 1,4,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Histidine Histidine 'hisG' "ATP phosphoribosyltransferase" tb2124 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metH' "5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase" tb2130 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'cysS2' "cysteinyl-tRNA synthase" tb2131 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'cysQ' "homologue of M.leprae cysQ" tb2136 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2141 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapE2' "ArgE/DapE/Acy1/Cpg2/yscS family" tb2145 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'wag31' "antigen 84 (aka wag31)" tb2150 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsZ' "circumferential ring, GTPase" tb2151 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsQ' "ingrowth of wall at septum" tb2153 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murG' "transferase in peptidoglycan synthesis" tb2155 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murD' "UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine-D-glutamate ligase" tb2156 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'murX' "phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide transferase" tb2163 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'pbpB' "penicillin-binding protein 2" tb2173 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsA2' "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb2191 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb2192 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpD' "anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase" tb2193 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaE' "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III" tb2201 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'asnB' "asparagine synthase B" tb2207 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobT' "nicotinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenzimidazole transferase " tb2215 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sucB' "dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase" tb2217 1,7,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Lipoate Lipoate 'lipB' "lipoate biosynthesis protein B " tb2218 1,7,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Lipoate Lipoate 'lipA' "lipoate biosynthesis protein A" tb2220 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA1' "glutamine synthase class I" tb2221 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnE' "glutamate-ammonia-ligase adenyltransferase" tb2223 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2224 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2231 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobC' "aminotransferase" tb2234 1,10,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases 'ptpA' "low molecular weight protein-tyrosine-phosphatase" tb2238 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ahpE' "member of AhpC/TSA family" tb2241 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'aceE' "pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component" tb2243 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabD' "malonyl CoA-[ACP] transacylase" tb2244 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'acpM' "acyl carrier protein (meromycolate extension)" tb2247 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'accD6' "acetyl/propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit" tb2250 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2259 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhE2' "putative alcohol dehydrogenase (Zn dependent)" tb2262 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb2263 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2265 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2277 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb2279 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2280 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2282 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2284 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipM' "probable esterase" tb2289 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'cdh' "CDP-diacylglycerol phosphatidylhydrolase" tb2291 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'sseB' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb2294 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2296 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb2299 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'htpG' "heat shock protein Hsp90 family" tb2309 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb2316 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'uspA' "sugar transport protein" tb2318 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'uspC' "sugar transport protein" tb2324 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2326 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2329 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'narK1' "probable nitrite extrusion protein" tb2333 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2334 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysK' "cysteine synthase A" tb2335 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysE' "serine acetyltransferase" tb2343 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaG' "DNA primase" tb2344 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'dgt' "probable deoxyguanosine triphosphate hydrolase" tb2345 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2355 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2357 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'glyS' "glycyl-tRNA synthase" tb2358 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2359 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'furB' "ferric uptake regulatory protein" tb2364 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'bex' "GTP-binding protein of Era/ThdF family" tb2373 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'dnaJ2' "DnaJ homologue" tb2380 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtE' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (lysine ligation)" tb2381 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtD' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (polyketide synthase)" tb2382 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtC' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis" tb2384 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mbtA' "mycobactin/exochelin synthesis (salicylate-AMP ligase)" tb2385 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipK' "probable acetyl-hydrolase" tb2386 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'trpE2' "anthranilate synthase component I" tb2388 1,7,12,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Heme and porphyrin Heme and porphyrin 'hemN' "oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase" tb2394 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'ggtB' "gamma -glutamyltranspeptidase precursor" tb2395 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2397 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'cysA' "sulphate transport ATP-binding protein " tb2398 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'cysW' "sulphate transport system permease protein" tb2400 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'subI' "sulphate binding precursor" tb2404 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'lepA' "GTP-binding protein LepA" tb2419 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'null' "null" tb2427 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proA' "gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase" tb2436 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'rbsK' "ribokinase" tb2439 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'proB' "glutamate 5-kinase " tb2441 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmA' "50S ribosomal protein L27" tb2442 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplU' "50S ribosomal protein L21" tb2443 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'dctA' "C4-dicarboxylate transport protein" tb2444 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rne' "similar at C-term to ribonuclease E" tb2445 1,6,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions Miscellaneous nucleoside/nucleotide reactions 'ndkA' "nucleoside diphosphate kinase" tb2448 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'valS' "valyl-tRNA synthase" tb2457 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpX' "ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX" tb2459 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2460 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpP2' "ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit" tb2461 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpP' "ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit" tb2462 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'tig' "chaperone protein, similar to trigger factor" tb2463 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipP' "probable esterase" tb2465 1,2,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pentose phosphate pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 'rpi' "phosphopentose isomerase" tb2479 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2483 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2488 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2495 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'pdhC' "dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase" tb2496 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'pdhB' "pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit" tb2498 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'citE' "citrate lyase beta chain" tb2499 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2500 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE19' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (aka mmgC)" tb2501 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accA1' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, alpha subunit" tb2502 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'accD1' "acetyl/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit" tb2503 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'scoB' "3-oxo acid:CoA transferase, beta subunit" tb2505 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD35' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2506 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2509 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2521 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bcp' "bacterioferritin comigratory protein" tb2528 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mrr' "restriction system protein" tb2531 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'adi' "ornithine/arginine decarboxylase" tb2535 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepQ' "cytoplasmic peptidase" tb2552 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'aroE' "shikimate 5-dehydrogenase" tb2563 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2564 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'glnQ' "probable ATP-binding transport protein" tb2579 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'linB' "1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-1,4-cyclohexadiene hydrolase" tb2581 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'null' "null" tb2582 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'ppiB' "peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase" tb2587 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secD' "protein-export membrane protein" tb2589 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gabT' "4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase" tb2592 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvB' "Holliday junction binding protein" tb2593 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvA' "Holliday junction binding protein, DNA helicase" tb2594 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'ruvC' "Holliday junction resolvase, endodeoxyribonuclease" tb2601 1,5,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyamine synthesis Polyamine synthesis Polyamine synthesis 'speE' "spermidine synthase" tb2607 1,7,6,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pyridoxine Pyridoxine 'pdxH' "pyridoxamine 5-phosphate oxidase" tb2612 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'pgsA' "CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatidyltransferase" tb2614 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'thrS' "threonyl-tRNA synthase" tb2622 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2642 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2643 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsC' "probable arsenical pump" tb2646 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb2649 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" Training Accuracy: 403/741 (54.39%) Evaluation on test data (531 items): tb2659 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb2667 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpX' "null" tb2669 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2671 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribD' "probable riboflavin deaminase" tb2672 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'null' "null" tb2682 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'dxs' "1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase" tb2685 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsB' "probable arsenical pump" tb2688 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2689 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2690 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2691 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'trkA' "probable potassium uptake protein " tb2697 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'dut' "deoxyuridine triphosphatase" tb2703 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigA' "RNA polymerase sigma factor (aka MysA, RpoV)" tb2710 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigB' "RNA polymerase sigma factor (aka MysB)" tb2713 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2715 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb2720 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'lexA' "LexA, SOS repressor protein" tb2725 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'hflX' "GTP-binding protein" tb2736 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recX' "regulatory protein for RecA" tb2737 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recA' "recombinase (contains intein)" tb2739 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2746 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'pgsA3' "CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatidyltransferase" tb2748 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsK' "chromosome partitioning" tb2753 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapA' "dihydrodipicolinate synthase" tb2756 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'hsdM' "type I restriction/modification system DNA methylase" tb2763 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'dfrA' "dihydrofolate reductase" tb2766 1,8,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids Synthesis of fatty and mycolic acids 'fabG5' "3-oxoacyl-[ACP] reductase" tb2773 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'dapB' "dihydrodipicolinate reductase" tb2776 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2780 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'ald' "L-alanine dehydrogenase" tb2782 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'pepR' "protease/peptidase, M16 family (insulinase)" tb2783 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'gpsI' "pppGpp synthase and polyribonucleotide phosphorylase" tb2785 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsO' "30S ribosomal protein S15" tb2786 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'ribF' "riboflavin kinase" tb2789 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE21' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb2790 - 3,1,5,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Fatty acid transport Fatty acid transport 'ltp1' "non-specific lipid transport protein" tb2793 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'truB' "tRNA pseudouridine 55 synthase" tb2814 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb2832 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpC' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport ATP-binding protein" tb2833 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpB' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic lipoprotein" tb2834 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpE' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport system protein" tb2835 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'ugpA' "sn-glycerol-3-phosphate permease" tb2836 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinF' "DNA-damage-inducible protein F" tb2839 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infB' "initiation factor IF-2 " tb2841 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'nusA' "transcription termination factor" tb2845 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'proS' "prolyl-tRNA synthase" tb2846 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'efpA' "putative efflux protein" tb2848 1,7,13,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Cobalamin Cobalamin 'cobB' "cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase" tb2850 - 4,11,0,0 Other Chelatases Chelatases Chelatases 'null' "null" tb2855 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'gorA' "glutathione reductase homologue" tb2857 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2858 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldC' "aldehyde dehydrogenase phenylacetaldehyde " tb2860 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnA4' "proable glutamine synthase" tb2861 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'mapA1' "methionine aminopeptidase" tb2864 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb2869 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2874 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2878 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'mpt53' "secreted protein Mpt53" tb2882 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'frr' "ribosome recycling factor" tb2883 1,6,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Pyrimidine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'pyrH' "uridylate kinase" tb2887 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2890 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsB' "30S ribosomal protein S2" tb2893 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2894 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'xerC' "integrase/recombinase" tb2895 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'viuB' "similar to proteins involved in vibriobactin uptake" tb2899 1,2,6,2 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration anaerobic 'fdhD' "affects formate dehydrogenase-N" tb2902 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rnhB' "ribonuclease HII" tb2903 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'lepB' "signal peptidase I" tb2906 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'trmD' "tRNA (guanine-N1)-methyltransferase" tb2907 - 2,1,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosome modification and maturation Ribosome modification and maturation 'rimM' "16S rRNA processing protein" tb2909 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsP' "30S ribosomal protein S16" tb2911 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'dacB' "penicillin binding protein" tb2912 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2913 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'null' "null" tb2916 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'ffh' "signal recognition particle protein" tb2918 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'glnD' "uridylyltransferase" tb2920 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'amt' "putative ammonium transporter" tb2921 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsY' "cell division protein FtsY" tb2922 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'smc' "member of Smc1/Cut3/Cut14 family" tb2924 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'fpg' "formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase" tb2925 - 2,2,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules RNA RNA 'rnc' "RNAse III" tb2928 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'tesA' "thioesterase" tb2933 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsC' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksD)" tb2935 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'ppsE' "phenolpthiocerol synthesis (pksF)" tb2937 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'drrB' "similar daunorubicin resistance transmembrane protein" tb2938 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'drrC' "similar daunorubicin resistance transmembrane protein" tb2939 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'papA5' "PKS-associated protein, unknown function" tb2940 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'mas' "mycocerosic acid synthase" tb2941 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD28' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2942 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL7' "conserved large membrane protein" tb2943 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1533' "null" tb2946 1,9,0,0 Small-molecule metabolism Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis Polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 'pks1' "polyketide synthase" tb2948 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD22' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2950 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD29' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb2951 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb2962 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb2963 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb2964 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purU' "formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase" tb2965 - 2,3,2,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens Surface polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins and antigens 'kdtB' "lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein" tb2970 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipN' "probable lipase/esterase" tb2977 1,7,8,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thiamine Thiamine 'thiL' "probable thiamine-monophosphate kinase" tb2981 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'ddlA' "D-alanine-D-alanine ligase A" tb2985 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mutT1' "MutT homologue" tb2986 - 2,1,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Nucleoproteins Nucleoproteins 'hupB' "DNA-binding protein II " tb2987 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuD' "3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit" tb2988 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuC' "3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit" tb2989 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb2992 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'gltS' "glutamyl-tRNA synthase" tb2994 - 3,1,6,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Efflux proteins Efflux proteins 'null' "null" tb2995 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuB' "3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase" tb2996 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serA' "D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase" tb3002 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvN' "acetolactate synthase I small subunit" tb3003 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvB' "acetolactate synthase I large subunit " tb3006 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lppZ' "M. leprae lipoprotein MLCB637.17c" tb3010 1,2,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Glycolysis Glycolysis 'pfkA' "phosphofructokinase I" tb3025 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3039 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA17' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3042 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'serB2' "C-term similar to phosphoserine phosphatase" tb3043 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'ctaD' "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide I" tb3044 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'fecB' "putative FeIII-dicitrate transporter" tb3045 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'adhC' "alcohol dehydrogenase" tb3050 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3053 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'nrdH' "glutaredoxin electron transport component of NrdEF system" tb3055 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3056 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dinP' "DNA-damage-inducible protein" tb3057 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3058 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3060 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3061 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE22' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3063 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'cstA' "starvation-induced stress response protein" tb3066 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3068 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'pgmA' "phosphoglucomutase" tb3069 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3070 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3077 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsF' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3080 1,10,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases Serine-Threonine protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases 'pknK' "serine-threonine protein kinase" tb3082 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'virS' "putative virulence regulating protein (AraC/XylS family)" tb3083 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3084 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipR' "probable acetyl-hydrolase" tb3085 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3089 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD13' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3092 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3095 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3100 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'smpB' "probable small protein b" tb3101 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'ftsX' "membrane protein" tb3106 1,2,6,3 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration Electron transport 'fprA' "adrenodoxin and NADPH ferredoxin reductase" tb3107 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3109 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaA' "molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, protein A" tb3117 1,4,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Serine family Serine family 'cysA3' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb3119 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moaE' "molybdopterin-converting factor subunit 2" tb3132 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3137 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3138 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'pflA' "similar to pyruvate lyase activating protein" tb3141 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadB4' "3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3148 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoD' "NADH dehydrogenase chain D" tb3149 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoE' "NADH dehydrogenase chain E" tb3152 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoH' "NADH dehydrogenase chain H" tb3153 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoI' "NADH dehydrogenase chain I" tb3154 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoJ' "NADH dehydrogenase chain J" tb3155 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'nuoK' "NADH dehydrogenase chain K" tb3160 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3161 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3164 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR3' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb3170 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3171 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'hpx' "probable non-heme haloperoxidase" tb3174 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3185 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3187 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3191 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1603' "null" tb3197 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3198 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'uvrD2' "putative UvrD" tb3200 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3201 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3203 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipV' "probable lipase" tb3204 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3206 1,7,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Molybdopterin Molybdopterin 'moeZ' "probably involved in molybdopterin biosynthesis" tb3220 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3223 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigH' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3225 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3230 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3236 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'kefB' "probable glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux protein" tb3239 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3240 - 3,4,0,0 Cell Processes Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion Protein and peptide secretion 'secA' "SecA, preprotein translocase subunit" tb3241 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'null' "null" tb3245 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'mtrB' "sensor histidine kinase" tb3246 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'mtrA' "two-component response regulator" tb3253 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'null' "null" tb3255 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'manA' "mannose-6-phosphate isomerase" tb3257 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'pmmA' "phosphomannomutase" tb3264 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlA2' "glucose-1-phosphate thymidyltransferase" tb3265 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'wbbL' "dTDP-rhamnosyl transferase" tb3266 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlD' "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase" tb3270 - 3,1,2,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Cations Cations 'ctpC' "cation transport ATPase" tb3273 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3274 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE25' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3275 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'purE' "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase" tb3279 1,7,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Biotin Biotin 'birA' "biotin apo-protein ligase" tb3283 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'sseA' "thiosulfate sulfurtransferase" tb3286 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigF' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3290 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'lat' "lysine-epsilon aminotransferase" tb3293 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'aldB' "aldehyde dehydrogenase" tb3295 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3296 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'lhr' "ATP-dependent helicase" tb3300 1,7,9,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Riboflavin Riboflavin 'null' "null" tb3302 1,2,6,1 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Respiration aerobic 'glpD2' "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase" tb3303 1,2,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Pyruvate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase 'lpdA' "dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase" tb3305 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'amiA' "probable aminohydrolase" tb3307 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoD' "probable purine nucleoside phosphorylase" tb3308 1,1,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Carbon compounds Carbon compounds 'pmmB' "phosphomannomutase" tb3313 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'add' "probable adenosine deaminase" tb3314 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'deoA' "thymidine phosphorylase" tb3318 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sdhA' "succinate dehydrogenase A" tb3319 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'sdhB' "succinate dehydrogenase B" tb3326 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3327 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1547' "null" tb3328 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigJ' "similar to SigI, ECF family" tb3330 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb3331 - 3,1,3,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols Carbohydrates, organic acids and alcohols 'sugI' "probable sugar transport protein" tb3334 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3339 1,2,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism TCA cycle TCA cycle 'icd1' "isocitrate dehydrogenase" tb3340 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'metC' "cystathionine beta-lyase" tb3356 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folD' "methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase" tb3359 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3379 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3383 1,7,11,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids Menaquinone, PQQ, ubiquinone and other terpenoids 'idsB' "transfergeranyl, similar geranyl pyrophosphate synthase" tb3390 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lpqD' "lipoprotein" tb3393 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'iunH' "probable inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase" tb3396 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'guaA' "GMP synthase" tb3405 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3406 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3409 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'choD' "cholesterol oxidase" tb3410 1,6,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis 'guaB3' "inosine-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase" tb3414 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigD' "ECF subfamily sigma subunit" tb3417 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groEL1' "60 kD chaperonin 1" tb3418 - 3,2,0,0 Cell Processes Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock Chaperones/Heat shock 'groES' "10 kD chaperone" tb3419 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'gcp' "glycoprotease" tb3420 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rimI' "ribosomal protein S18 acetyltransferase" tb3428 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1532' "null" tb3430 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1540' "transposase" tb3432 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'gadB' "glutamate decarboxylase" tb3436 1,3,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Amino sugars Amino sugars 'glmS' "glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase" tb3443 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplM' "50S ribosomal protein L13" tb3456 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rplQ' "50S ribosomal protein L17" tb3457 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'rpoA' "alpha subunit of RNA polymerase" tb3459 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsK' "30S ribosomal protein S11" tb3460 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpsM' "30S ribosomal protein S13" tb3462 - 2,1,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Protein translation and modification Protein translation and modification 'infA' "initiation factor IF-1" tb3464 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3465 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlC' "dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase" tb3468 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'rmlB3' "dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase" tb3470 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvB2' "acetolactate synthase large subunit" tb3473 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'bpoA' "probable non-heme bromoperoxidase" tb3475 - 4,2,1,1 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements IS6110 'IS6110' "null" tb3487 - 2,2,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Esterases and lipases Esterases and lipases 'lipF' "probable esterase" tb3490 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'otsA' "probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase" tb3495 - 2,3,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Lipoproteins Lipoproteins 'lprN' "part of mce4 operon" tb3496 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3498 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3502 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3504 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE26' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3505 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE27' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3506 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD17' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3509 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'ilvX' "probable acetohydroxyacid synthase I large subunit" tb3515 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD19' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3520 - 4,7,0,0 Other Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes Coenzyme F420-dependent enzymes 'null' "null" tb3523 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'null' "null" tb3525 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'null' "null" tb3526 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3530 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb3534 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb3535 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3536 - 2,2,6,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons 'null' "null" tb3537 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3540 - 3,1,5,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Fatty acid transport Fatty acid transport 'ltp2' "non-specific lipid transport protein" tb3546 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA5' "acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase" tb3549 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3550 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA20' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3551 1,1,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Amino acids and amines Amino acids and amines 'null' "null" tb3556 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadA6' "acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase" tb3557 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3559 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3560 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE30' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3561 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD3' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3562 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE31' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3563 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE32' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase " tb3564 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadE33' "acyl-CoA dehydrogenase" tb3565 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'aspB' "aspartate aminotransferase" tb3569 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3571 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3575 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3578 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'arsB2' "probable arsenical pump" tb3580 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'cysS' "cysteinyl-tRNA synthase" tb3585 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'radA' "probable DNA repair RadA homologue" tb3588 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3589 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'mutY' "probable DNA glycosylase" tb3596 - 2,2,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides Proteins, peptides and glycopeptides 'clpC' "ATP-dependent Clp protease" tb3598 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'lysS' "lysyl-tRNA synthase" tb3601 1,7,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Pantothenate Pantothenate 'panD' "aspartate 1-decarboxylase" tb3606 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folK' "7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosphokinase" tb3607 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folX' "may be involved in folate biosynthesis" tb3608 1,7,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Folic acid Folic acid 'folP' "dihydropteroate synthase" tb3618 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3624 1,6,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides Salvage of nucleosides and nucleotides 'hpt' "probable hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase" tb3625 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'mesJ' "probable cell cycle protein" tb3627 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'null' "null" tb3628 1,1,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Phosphorous compounds Phosphorous compounds 'ppa' "probable inorganic pyrophosphatase" tb3631 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3637 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1534' "null" tb3638 - 4,2,1,3 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage IS elements Others 'IS1534' "null" tb3641 - 3,3,0,0 Cell Processes Cell division Cell division Cell division 'fic' "possible cell division protein" tb3644 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'null' "null" tb3646 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'topA' "DNA topoisomerase" tb3659 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'trbB' "similar to conjugal transfer proteins" tb3660 - 4,5,0,0 Other Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins 'null' "null" tb3661 - 4,5,0,0 Other Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins Bacteriocin-like proteins 'null' "null" tb3663 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppD' "probable ABC-transporter" tb3664 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppC' "probable peptide transport system permease" tb3666 - 3,1,1,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Amino acids Amino acids 'dppA' "probable peptide transport system permease" tb3667 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'acs' "acetyl-CoA synthase" tb3670 - 3,6,0,0 Cell Processes Detoxification Detoxification Detoxification 'ephE' "probable epoxide hydrolase" tb3677 - 4,9,0,0 Other Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases Miscellaneous phosphatases, lyases, and hydrolases 'null' "null" tb3678 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3679 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb3680 - 3,1,4,0 Cell Processes Transport/binding proteins Anions Anions 'null' "null" tb3692 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'moxR2' "transcriptional regulator, MoxR homologue" tb3699 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3700 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3708 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'asd' "aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase" tb3709 1,4,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aspartate family Aspartate family 'ask' "aspartokinase" tb3710 1,4,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Branched amino acid family Branched amino acid family 'leuA' "2-isopropylmalate synthase" tb3711 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'dnaQ' "DNA polymerase III epsilon chain" tb3715 - 2,1,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification 'recR' "RecBC-Independent process of DNA repair" tb3726 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3729 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3744 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3751 - 4,2,3,0 Other IS elements, Repeated sequences, and Phage Phage-related functions Phage-related functions 'null' "null" tb3752 1,6,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 2'-deoxyribonucleotide metabolism 'null' "null" tb3756 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proZ' "transport system permease" tb3757 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proW' "transport system permease" tb3759 - 3,5,0,0 Cell Processes Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions Adaptations and atypical conditions 'proX' "similar to osmoprotection proteins" tb3762 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'null' "null" tb3764 1,10,2,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Two component systems Two component systems 'null' "null" tb3774 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'echA21' "enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase superfamily" tb3781 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3783 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3784 1,3,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sugar nucleotides Sugar nucleotides 'epiB' "probable UDP-galactose 4-epimerase" tb3790 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3791 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3796 1,3,5,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism Sulphur metabolism Sulphur metabolism 'atsH' "proable arylsulfatase" tb3801 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD32' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3804 1,8,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Lipid Biosynthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis Acyltransferases, Mycoloyltransferases, and phospholipid synthesis 'fbpA' "antigen 85A, mycolyltransferase" tb3806 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3809 - 2,3,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan Murein sacculus and peptidoglycan 'glf' "UDP-galactopyranose mutase" tb3814 - 4,8,0,0 Other Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases Miscellaneous transferases 'null' "null" tb3817 - 4,4,0,0 Other Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance Antibiotic production and resistance 'null' "null" tb3823 - 2,3,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Conserved membrane proteins Conserved membrane proteins 'mmpL8' "conserved large membrane protein" tb3826 1,1,3,0 Small-molecule metabolism Degradation Fatty acids Fatty acids 'fadD23' "acyl-CoA synthase" tb3829 1,2,7,0 Small-molecule metabolism Energy Metabolism Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; Miscellaneous oxidoreductases and oxygenases; 'null' "null" tb3830 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3834 - 2,1,3,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification Aminoacyl tRNA synthases and their modification 'serS' "seryl-tRNA synthase" tb3838 1,4,4,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Aromatic amino acid family Aromatic amino acid family 'pheA' "prephenate dehydratase" tb3841 1,7,14,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Iron utilisation Iron utilisation 'bfrB' "bacterioferritin" tb3842 1,3,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Central intermediary metabolism General General 'glpQ1' "glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase" tb3855 1,10,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Broad regulatory functions Repressors/activators Repressors/activators 'null' "null" tb3858 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'gltD' "small subunit of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase" tb3859 1,4,1,0 Small-molecule metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Glutamate family Glutamate family 'gltB' "ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase" tb3887 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3894 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3910 - 2,3,5,0 Macromolecule metabolism Cell envelope Other membrane proteins Other membrane proteins 'null' "null" tb3911 - 2,1,7,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription RNA synthesis, RNA modification and DNA transcription 'sigM' "probable sigma factor, similar to SigE" tb3913 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxB2' "thioredoxin reductase" tb3914 1,7,10,0 Small-molecule metabolism Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol Thioredoxin, glutaredoxin and mycothiol 'trxC' "thioredoxin" tb3915 - 2,2,4,0 Macromolecule metabolism Degradation of macromolecules Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids Polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids 'cwlM' "hydrolase" tb3922 - 4,1,0,0 Other Virulence Virulence Virulence 'null' "null" tb3924 - 2,1,1,0 Macromolecule metabolism Synthesis and modification of macromolecules Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification Ribosomal protein synthesis and modification 'rpmH' "50S ribosomal protein L34" Test Accuracy: 192/375 (51.20%) Application to new data (1023 items): tb21 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb38 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb42 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb47 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb74 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb91 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb97 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb106 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb115 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb130 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb142 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb190 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb197 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb230 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb263 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb264 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb282 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb294 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb308 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb312 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb323 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb329 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb330 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb339 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb343 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb364 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb376 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb415 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb433 - 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tb573 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb636 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb647 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb648 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb775 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb793 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb799 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb805 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb828 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved 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hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1062 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1086 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1099 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1112 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1115 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1130 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1138 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1165 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 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hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1461 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1462 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1488 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1496 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1503 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1515 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1540 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1593 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved 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hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1734 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb1745 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1784 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1847 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1866 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1897 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1996 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb1998 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2003 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2005 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2024 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2026 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2047 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2052 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2053 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2054 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2060 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals 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Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2272 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2298 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2307 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2314 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2315 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2327 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2361 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2362 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 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- 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2453 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2458 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2510 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2511 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2522 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2553 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2554 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2556 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2559 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2565 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2611 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2624 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2625 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2631 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2637 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'dedA' "dedA family" tb2670 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2674 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2681 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2704 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2716 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2718 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2729 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2731 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2733 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2744 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals '35kd_ag' "35-kd antigen" tb2747 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2761 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2765 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2771 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb2797 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2842 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2851 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2852 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2879 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb2896 - 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hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3075 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3091 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3093 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3094 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3114 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3134 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3199 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3218 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3262 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 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- 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3421 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3446 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3488 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3567 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3582 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3591 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3672 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3683 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3702 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3712 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3719 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3722 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3778 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3788 - 6,0,0,0 Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns Unknowns 'null' "null" tb3813 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3856 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3870 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3884 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3888 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" tb3908 - 5,0,0,0 Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals Conserved hypotheticals 'null' "null" Total: 227 ------------------