This page contains links to the texts of successful MSc dissertations submitted to the Computer Science Department at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Electronic submission of dissertations only became permissible under University of Wales rules in 2003. The first dissertations included in this archive are from 2003 and by no means all dissertations for that year or from 2004 will be available in electronic form. It is hoped that all the department’s MSc dissertations from 2005 onwards will be available in the archive, as well as other successful higher degree submissions. This will enable them to be held indefinitely. At present, storage limitations mean that physical copies of MSc dissertations are, with a few exceptions, kept for no more than two years.
The files are in pdf format. They can be viewed using the Acrobat reader, which is widely available by downloading free of charge. The security flags are set so that the files cannot be printed or changed nor can parts of them be cut and pasted. They should therefore correspond precisely to the physical copy of the dissertation that was approved by the examiners.
Readers of the dissertations are reminded that they are copyright and that the copyright in them belongs to the authors.
Gerard Ang XML: A Technology Perspective and Security Implications Anil Nair Distributed Storage Systems Goh Chiew Pheng A Security Model for a Defence-Related Organisation 2004
Lynda Lok A Critical Survey of Software Packages for Use by Interior Designers Helen Thomas Analysis and Strategic Development of UWA's Debt Management Systems Raji Ravichandran Project Manager Nasan Natseri Aspects of the Requirements and Implementation of a Booking Service for Internet-Based Video-Conferencing Michael Askanis Concurrency and Visualisation Gerald Mo Developing a J2EE Application – Web Auction Madhavan Raghavan Web Information System for Unix Servers Danny Chan Ber Song The Integrated Control and Management System