Summer Resit Assessments

The Summer Resit Assessment period will run from:

Monday 12 August 2024 to Friday 23 August 2024

Students with an R, M, P, H, S, F, A and T resit indicator are eligible to resit in the Summer Resit Assessment period in August. There is a resit charge for all modules with an R, P, F U and A resit indicator. The resit charges are viewable on this page Resit Charges .

ALL Undergraduate students will be automatically registered (except FDA and FDSC students and students who entered Pt2 before September 2019) to resit the modules in which they are eligible to resit (up to a maximum of 80 credits) during the Summer Resit Assessments period in August.  Students who fail 20 credits or less and are not required, or do not wish to resit for progression requirements MUST decline the August resits by completing the Summer Resit Assessment task on their Student Record on the web.  The Summer Resit Assessment task will be available to students from the day the semester two results are published for two weeks only

NOTE: if you do not turn up for the examination, or hand in your written assessment for the module in which you are registered, will mean that your record will show that you resat and failed and you will still be liable to pay the resit charge. Note that the highest mark obtained in the module will still be counted towards your degree.   

FDA and FDSC students must register their intention to resit or not through the Summer Resit Assessment task via the Student Record on the web during late June early July, FDA and FDSC students are NOT automatically registered to resit.  The Summer Resit Assessment Registration task will be available to students from the day the semester two results are published for two weeks only.  See how to register.

Students who entered Part 2 before September 2019 MUST register for resits, they will not be automatically registered. Students must register their intention to resit or not through the Summer Resit Assessment task via the Student Record on the web during late June early July.  The Summer Resit Assessment Registration task will be available to students from the day the semester two results are published for two weeks only.  See how to register

The Rules for Progression and Resits are available online in the Examinations Conventions or in the Students' Examination Handbook (available as a link from the Undergraduate Issues web page, under the Examination and Assessments Information heading). Failure to register for a compulsory resit and satisfy the progression rules will mean that you will not be allowed to enter the next year of your course i.e. you will NOT be allowed to retake failed Part 1 modules while studying in Part 2.

For further information:

If you have any queries regarding your resit registration please contact the Student Administration Office, Academic Registry on or telephone 01970 628515 or 622787.

A timetable, together with details of hostel accommodation will be available online in the first week of August.

If you have any queries regarding the timetable, please contact the Timetable Office, Telephone 01970 628771, Email

Please ensure you check the Examination Timetable