West Wales carers explore wellbeing through creativity

Carers enjoying creative writing and craft activities at one of the wellbeing workshops

Carers enjoying creative writing and craft activities at one of the wellbeing workshops

15 October 2024

West Wales carers are being given the chance to explore wellbeing through crafting and creative writing, as part of an Aberystwyth University project.

Academics from the University’s Research Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing are working in partnership with The Fathom Trust, Credu and Carers Trust on a series of creative wellbeing days for carers.

Funded by the Shaw Foundation, the project aims to create a safe but active space for exploring and improving health and wellbeing; using craft and writing activities which offer a way of connecting people to their own wellbeing.

Dr Jacqueline Yallop, Director of the Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing, said:

"Through the Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing, we are exploring the multifaceted concept of wellbeing through creative practice. We have adopted a holistic and slightly alternative approach to addressing wellbeing, drawing on the experiences of makers, artists, filmmakers, and writers.

"This particular project seeks to support young and adult carers across west Wales, by using creative activities which prompt new ways of approaching, managing and articulating physical or mental health, and give participants the opportunity to address and/or express complex experience and emotions."

Cathy Boyle, Carers Support Services Manager at Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales said:

"Taking time out of caring and engaging in interests, hobbies and activities allows unpaid carers to maintain a sense of self, reduce stress, and return to their caring role with renewed energy and balance." 

At the first event in the series, a group of carers took part in creative writing activities and weaving. The session was led by Jo Lambert, a writer and English and Creative Writing postgraduate at Aberystwyth University, and Clare Clark, Occupational Therapist working with Fathom Trust.

After the workshop, one participant said:

"Whilst I was apprehensive before the session as it was very unfamiliar to anything I had previously experienced, I found that the camaraderie that we established by working through the activities left me feeling a deep sense of connection with other people and a sense of positivity towards coping with the usual challenges of life."

A workshop specifically aimed at LGBTQ+ carers was held at Carmarthen Library on 7 October.  Several other workshops are planned, including a workshop aimed at carers from ethnic minorities at Llanelli Library on 8 November; and a workshop aimed at male carers at Parc y Scarlets in Llanelli on 6 December.   

Any carers interested in participating in a workshop should e-mail: phj13@aber.ac.uk. No experience of any of the activities is needed, and all materials are provided.