Module Information

Cod y Modiwl
Teitl y Modiwl
Astudio Cymru Gyfoes
Blwyddyn Academaidd
Cyd-gysylltydd y Modiwl
Semester 1
Rhestr Ddarllen

Manylion y cyrsiau


Dulliau Asesu

Math o Assessiad Manylion / Hyd Assessiad Cyfran
Asesiad Ailsefyll Essay  Essay addressing a key social scientific concept and its relationship with Wales 2500 Words  50%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Poster  Poster outlining a policy engagement with a key social scientific issue in Wales 750 Words  50%
Asesiad Semester Essay  Essay addressing a key social scientific concept and its relationship with Wales 2500 Words  50%
Asesiad Semester Poster  Poster outlining a policy engagement with a key social scientific issue in Wales 750 Words  50%

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Wedi cwblhau'r modiwl dylai'r myfyrwyr fedru:

Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in the social sciences and how they relate to academic work in Wales.

Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in the social sciences and how they relate to public policy in Wales.

Understand the relationship between Welsh academic and policy approaches to these concepts, and broader international debates and trends.

Develop effective ways of communicating policy issues to different audiences.

Disgrifiad cryno

This module provides students with a broad overview of key themes in the social sciences and the way in which they relate to Welsh society, politics and culture.

In particular, the module shows: 1) the attempts that have been made to develop Welsh understandings of key themes in the social sciences; 2) the way in which these themes have been approached in public policy in Wales, particularly since devolution; 3) how these themes have enabled Wales to be positioned within broader international and global debates around these themes.

The module possesses a strong emphasis on employability and should place students in a strong position to access jobs in various sectors of public policy in Wales.

The module will be taught through a combination of recorded lectures (including tasks) and face-to-face seminars.


This module provides students with a broad overview of key themes in the social sciences and the way in which they relate to Welsh society, politics and culture.


The topics covered in any particular year may vary slightly depending on staffing arrangements, but will normally be selected from the following themes:

- Education
- Social inequalities
- Religion, faith and secularity
- Community
- Language and protest
- Language planning
- Social class and welfare
- Well-being
- National identity
- Migration
- Gender
- Sexuality

Sgiliau Modiwl

Math o Sgiliau Manylion Sgiliau
Cydlynu ag erail Students will have ample opportunity for team work in the seminars but these skills will not be tested as such.
Cyfathrebu proffesiynol Written communication skills will be developed and tested through the essay and poster. The seminar discussions will feature discussions between staff and students, which will develop strong verbal communication, and ample opportunities for one-to-one and group discussions.
Datrys Problemau Creadigol The module is designed to develop an understanding among students of how Wales has approached various research and policy problems that span the social sciences. Students will be encouraged to use that learning in their policy poster.
Gallu digidol Students will be expected to use word processing technology, digital photographs and maps to complete their essay and poster. Students will be expected to use information technology to aid further reading.
Meddwl beirniadol a dadansoddol Students will be encouraged to critically analyse a wide variety of social scientific themes and concepts and how they relate to Wales. Research skills will be tested through the essay and poster.
Myfyrdod Students will be encouraged to develop flexibility and adaptability as they encounter a new concept and policy challenge from week to week.
Sgiliau Pwnc-benodol This module will develop a range of practical skills for social scientists. While they are not subject specific, they address the fundamental issue of how various academic and policy themes have been approached effectively in interdisciplinary ways.
Synnwyr byd go iawn The module possesses a strong emphasis on employability and should place students in a strong position to access jobs in various sectors of public policy in Wales.


Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cydymffurfio a FfCChC Lefel 5