About us

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics.

"Mathematics by the Sea" has been practised at Aberystwyth since the University first opened. In fact, Aberystwyth was the first university to teach Mathematics in Wales. Teaching methods have certainly changed since the first Professor of Mathematics, Horatio Nelson Grimley, welcomed students in 1872, but our aim is still to provide the highest quality education in a friendly and supportive environment.

We are a close-knit department of research-active staff who focus on our students’ learning, development and satisfaction during their time here in Aberystwyth. We teach using a mixture of lectures, small group tutorials and practicals with the aim to both explore the inherent richness of Mathematics and to translate Mathematics and Statistics into practical applications. Our staff are available to support students in their learning and provide a nurturing environment for the study of mathematics.

The department’s research unites the three disciplines of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Our lecturers have expertise in subjects such as braid theory and operator algebras, mathematical and numerical modelling of structures and fluids, and statistics applied to biological datasets.

Our single honours Mathematics courses are accredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), meaning that students will meet the educational requirements to be recognised as a Chartered Mathematician. These courses are built on a foundation of algebra and calculus, leading to a wide choice of final year options in subjects such as mathematical analysis, biological statistics, fluid and solid mechanics, and operator algebras. In addition to our single-honours courses, students can study joint courses with other departments in the university and specialise in areas such as mathematical physics and data science.

As a department, we have an excellent reputation for the quality of our research, teaching, and learning environment. For the subject of Mathematics, we consistently rank among the top in the UK for teaching quality and student experience, as recognised by The Times and Sunday Times' Good University Guide 2025, and for assessment and feedback, according to The Guardian University League Table.

Our students benefit from a vibrant student society – MathsSoc  – and have gone on to successful careers in finance, teaching, industry and many other areas, and we work with employers to promote employment opportunities, as well as the possibility of further study.

Within Wales, the Department has a leading role in the provision of mathematics in higher education through the medium of Welsh.

Take the time to browse through our webpages and find out more about what we can offer you. If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us. If you have never visited Aberystwyth, come along to one of our Open Days or Applicant Visiting Days to see why we’re rated one of the best Universities in the UK for student satisfaction, and meet some of the staff who contribute to our welcoming environment.

Dr Gwion Evans 

Head of Department