Dr Huw Lewis

BA Prifysgol Cymru MA Prifysgol Cymru PhD Prifysgol Aberystwyth

Dr Huw Lewis

Senior Lecturer in International Politics

Department of International Politics

Contact Details


Huw joined the Department of International Politics as a member of staff in September 2009. He previously studied at the department as an undergraduate and as a postgraduate. His doctoral research, which he completed in May 2009, focused on the normative dimension of efforts to revitalise minority languages.


Huw's research interests include: normative political theory; debates concerning multiculturalism and nationalism; language politics and Welsh politics.

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Tuesday 11.30-12.30
  • Friday 13:30-14:30


Lewis, H 2025, Looking beyond ARFOR: economic development strategies and the Welsh language. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University.
Lewis, H 2025, Tu hwnt i ARFOR: strategaethau datblygu economaidd a’r Gymraeg.
Royles, E, Jones, R & Lewis, H 2024, Adroddiad ar ddulliau asesu hyfywedd iaith | Methods of Assessing Linguistic Vitality Report. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University. 10.20391/605eb48c-05e5-44bc-96c5-83394bce046c
Lewis, H & Cunnington Wynn, L 2024, ARFOR, allfudo a’r Gymraeg: Gwersi o ymchwil cyfoes ym maes allfudo i gefnogi gwaith rhaglen ARFOR II. Prifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University. 10.20391/9f8e3077-b874-4772-a7b0-7721e0c55365
Lewis, H 2024, How Vaughan Gething’s short period as first minister fell apart – and what it means for Welsh Labour. The Conversation. <https://theconversation.com/how-vaughan-gethings-short-period-as-first-minister-fell-apart-and-what-it-means-for-welsh-labour-234861>
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