Prof Phillipp Schofield
BA (London) DPhil (Oxon)

Department of History & Welsh History
Contact Details
- Email:
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0278-0509
- Office: 3.03, International Politics Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622660
- Research Portal Profile
Phillipp Schofield studied for his first degree in ancient and medieval history at UCL in 1986 before completing his doctorate at the University of Oxford (Wadham) in 1992, where he was supervised by Miss Barbara Harvey. He also trained as a lawyer and worked (briefly) for a City law firm before returning to Oxford in 1993 where he held a research post at the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine; he moved to the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure in 1996 before taking up his post in Aberystwyth in 1998. He was Head of Department at Aberystwyth from 2002 until 2012. He held a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship from 2012 until 2016. He began his second stint as Head of Department in August 2018 and completed it in summer 2023. He is currently President of the Economic History Society (EHS).
Module Coordinator
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HY20120 - Making History
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HYM2120 - Latin for Postgraduate Study
- HYM2220 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: advanced Latin reading for postgraduate students
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HYM2020 - England in Context in the Long Thirteenth Century
Professor Schofield teaches on medieval social, economic and political history. He teaches modules on, for example, The Great Divergence, Famine in Medieval England, and the reign of Edward II. At MA level he also teaches on medieval English peasantry and, at research-degree level, he has supervised on such topics as medieval Welsh and Marcher society, the economy of late medieval rural England, pragmatic literacy. He is a specialist on the English medieval rural economy and society and is keen to supervise doctorates and M.Phil.s in this area.
Phillipp Schofield is presently undertaking a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship on the Great Famine in early fourteenth-century England.
As a historian of the medieval English economy, with particular reference to the medieval peasantry; his research focus is upon village society, economic exchange within it and, in particular, credit and debt. He is undertaking work related to a previous Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship on the Great Famine in early fourteenth-century England. He is also presently engaged in writing up AHRC-funded research on litigation on manorial courts (AHRC AH/D502713/1, co-I). He has recently completed volumes for Manchester University Press on Peasants and Historians: the historiography of the medieval English peasantry and, with Professor Wendy Childs (Leeds) on The Reign of Edward II. Phillipp Schofield was co-editor of the journal Continuity and Change from 1999 until 2011 and also co-editor of the Economic History Review from 2011 to 2017.
For further details, please see his Orchid Account at Phillipp R Schofield (0000-0003-0278-0509) - ORCID
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Thursday 14.00-15.00
- Friday 12.00-13.00