The Robot Scientist in the Media Robot scientist makes discoveries without human help , NewScientist, 2/4/09
Robo-scientist's first findings , BBC News, 2/4/09
Robot scientist 'Adam' solves genetic problems , Times Online, 3/4/09
Robot scientists can think for themselves , Reuters UK, 2/4/09
Enter Adam, the Robot Scientist , Not Exactly Rocket Science, 2/4/09
Robo-scientist makes gene discovery--on its own , CNET, 2/4/09
Meet Adam and Eve: AI Lab-Bots That Can Take On Reams of Data , Scientific American, 2/4/09
Four-brained sci-bot Adam takes path of yeast resistance , Sydney Morning Herald, 3/4/09
Robot Makes Scientific Discovery All by Itself , Wired, 2/4/09
Robots act as scientists without assistants , USA Today, 2/4/09
Robot makes key AI step , Straits Times, 3/4/09
Robot Scientist offers more "intelligent" approach to drug discovery ,, 17/2/09
Data mining promises to dig up new drugs ICT Results, 2/2/09
One More Meaning of 'Computer Science' , The Future of Things, 27/6/08
The Other Meaning of 'Computer Science' , The Future of Things, 18/03/0